The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 155 Susu, Chen'er is Hot

Chapter 155 Susu, Chen'er is Hot (1)
"Chen'er doesn't understand, but Chen'er will never let go of anyone who has Susu's idea." Zhao Hechen gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were more stern than usual, which made Duan Yunsu a little startled.

This idiot, I'm afraid he really has it all in mind.

The two leaned against the porch pillar, Duan Yunsu watched Zhao Hechen calm down, and wondered if it was time to go back.She pulled him and turned around, only to see Princess Qing'er who had just run out standing behind them at some point, her eyes were a little red and swollen, presumably she had cried, and she looked at Zhao Hechen with complicated eyes.

" he a fool?" Princess Qing'er was a little surprised by her discovery, her eyes widened in disbelief.But just now I heard these two people talking, obviously not normal.

The expressions of the two people on the opposite side changed after the sound of a fool, Princess Qing'er realized belatedly, and hastily waved her hand to explain: "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant, I'm just curious..."

Duan Yunsu's face softened a little after saying sorry, the princess of this country still remembers how to say "sorry", this princess Qing'er is not too bad, I'm afraid it's because her thoughts are too direct.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Princess Qing'er also understood.Thinking of what happened in the palace just now, I was a little embarrassed for a moment, and I stumbled to explain: "I was in the palace just now, I didn't mean it, can't take it to heart?"

She looked up at Duan Yunsu, kicked the ground lightly with her toes, and said, "I really don't have that kind of thought, but my father is forcing me. I don't think your husband even looks at me, thinking that if you point him , if he disagrees, then I don't have to marry... It's just that I didn't expect that evildoer to be so annoying, always laughing at me, I couldn't hold back..."

Duan Yunsu chuckled, Princess Qing'er's idea is really too simple, since the emperor of Tianxian Kingdom has this idea, how could she not marry, it's not Zhao Hechen, it must be someone else: "In the future, the words You can’t just talk nonsense, if I hadn’t stopped you, my husband would have gone up and taught you a lesson.”

Princess Qing'er opened her eyes wide and seemed a little disbelieving. Looking at Duan Yunsu's smile, she was puzzled.This man is obviously an idiot, and this woman is so good-looking, why are you willing to marry him?She saw it just now, the two seem to be very intimate.

She was about to ask a question, but she saw a eunuch running up in a hurry, almost hitting her.Princess Qing'er got angry and scolded: "How did you walk, didn't you see this princess standing here?"

"Princess, calm down." The eunuch wiped the sweat from his brow, bowed and bowed: "Madam Zhao, can you go in with the servant, someone has fallen inside."

Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly, why are there so many things today?
"Down? Isn't there an imperial doctor in the palace? Why are you looking for this sister!" Princess Qing'er snorted.

The eunuch secretly called aunt, the imperial doctor had already been invited, but the person who fell down was from the visiting country, so he couldn't be careless.The emperor is very optimistic about Mrs. Zhao's medical skills, so he thought about inviting her in.Unexpectedly, Mrs. Zhao didn't say a word, and Princess Qing'er got stuck with him.

Duan Yunsu also understands the key to this matter. Although something unpleasant happened just now, it will be ignored, for fear that it will cause conflicts among the four countries, and it will become more involved by then.

"If that's the case, I'll go in with you." Duan Yunsu was about to walk, but Princess Qing'er grabbed her arm with such force that it hurt a bit.

I saw her face was a little anxious, she glanced at the hall not far away, and said with a hard heart: "Sister, you can't go, the people there are deliberately causing trouble, even if you cure it, they will definitely make other troubles again." Come on!"

Duan Yunsu was startled, what did Princess Qing'er mean by that.

Princess Qing'er saw Duan Yunsu's disbelieving look, and she became anxious: "Those people have no intention of continuing the agreement made a hundred years ago, this time they came here to find trouble! Sister, if you go, I'm afraid you will cause trouble! "

"Princess, how did you know this?" Duan Yunsu didn't understand. It stands to reason that Princess Qing'er is also a visitor from another country, so why did she tell this?

"Those people were discussing in the station at that time, and I accidentally overheard it." Princess Qing'er snorted: "I saw one person is the prince of the Yu Kingdom, and this person is the most vicious. Looking at me deeply, it is really a shabby person."

"Princess Xie Qinger reminds me, Yunsu will pay attention."

"Hey, don't go!" Princess Qing'er looked at Duan Yunsu's back and hurriedly called out.I obviously said so, why do I still want to go in.

Duan Yunsu stepped into the hall and saw several imperial doctors surrounding a man.The man was about forty years old, and he was sitting on the chair at the moment, his face was pale, cold sweat was breaking out on his forehead, and he was holding his chest and panting, as if he was very uncomfortable.

"But you can see what's going on?" The prince of Yu Kingdom snapped: "Could it be that the imperial doctor of Xi Kingdom is so capable, and he hasn't given me an answer after watching for a long time!"

"Prince of Yu Kingdom, this lord has suffered from heart palpitations." An imperial doctor said.

"What palpitations, how can you have palpitations when you are so good! Master You suddenly became like this because he drank that wine. Don't you think you want to shirk responsibility by just thinking about it?!"

The prince of Yu Kingdom was not willing to let go, Emperor Jing's face sank when he saw it, everyone drank the wine like this, it was clearly a problem with Master You's own body, but now he is looking for someone from Xi Kingdom, isn't he?
He looked at Duan Yunsu who came in, and he was overjoyed, and said, "Yunsu, quickly show this lord whether this is what the imperial doctor said."

Duan Yunsu took a step forward, picked up Mr. You's wine glass, looked at it carefully and sniffed it lightly, then put down the glass, and walked to the man's side to check his pulse.

When the prince of Yu Kingdom saw it, his eyes flickered slightly: "This woman can also be medical? Could it be that she wants to fool the people of Yu Kingdom?"

"Little girl is not talented, she just happens to know something." Duan Yunsu ignored Prince Yu's ugly face, and put his hand on the lord's wrist. He felt that his hand was slightly cold and his pulse was slow, and he was scrutinizing his face. The tongue coating has the answer in my heart.

"This prince, my doctor from Xiguo is right. What this lord suffers from is heart palpitations. Tiredness, overeating, emotional agitation, etc. can cause the attack, not the alcohol you mentioned." Duan Yunsu Withdrew his hand lightly.

"Since it's heart palpitations, it stands to reason that it will pass soon. Why does this lord still look so uncomfortable?" someone from Tianxian Kingdom asked.

Duan Yunsu chuckled, recalling Princess Qing'er's words, and said, "I have to ask this lord, what's the point of lying on the chair like this?"

The palpitations lasted for a short time, but only one to five minutes.It took her some time from coming in to feeling her pulse, not to mention that there was already an imperial doctor watching her before she came.

(End of this chapter)

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