The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 156 Susu, Chen'er is Hot

Chapter 156 Susu, Chen'er is Hot (2)
The lord's face froze slightly, he opened his eyes and looked at Duan Yunsu, panting slightly and said: "This lady is saying that my lord is pretending to be sick?"

The eyes of the surrounding cast over, Duan Yunsu said calmly: "My lord's illness is a real illness, but it can be relieved in an instant. You can deceive others with your appearance, but you can't deceive the doctor."

Seeing Duan Yunsu's confident smile, Emperor Jing let go of the worries in his heart. Duan Yunsu is now a doctor, so he can tell the truth that he can't.It seems that this four-nation feast is not easy to talk about.

"Every country has imperial physicians coming along with them. If the prince of Yu Kingdom doesn't believe our people from Xi Kingdom, can you trouble the doctors of Bei Kingdom and Tianxian Kingdom? This man is sick, so you can take a closer look." Emperor Jing squinted his eyes after saying that. He smiled, but thought about it in his heart.If he wanted to trouble Xi Guo, it would definitely not be as simple as pretending to be sick. A doctor would be able to tell if he was pretending to be sick. How could the methods of a dignified prince be so simple.

Looking at the slightly stalemate atmosphere, Duan Yunsu thought of the impatient Zhao Hechen, and said casually: "Your Majesty, Chenchen is not feeling well, can you go back first?"

Emperor Jing thought that the prince of Yu Kingdom had already set his mind on these two people just now, and his expression was not very good. Seeing what Duan Yunsu said, he waved and said, "If that's the case, you two go back. Eunuch Liu, send me off." Send off Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao."

Eunuch Liu should have come out, turned around and went out to prepare a soft sedan chair, and sent the two of them out of the palace gate.

On the sedan chair, Duan Yunsu looked at the scenery in the palace and heaved a sigh of relief.This place looked magnificent, but it was somewhat depressing.She is a little girl, so it is best to live a small life at home obediently.

The two walked towards the palace gate, and saw a person walking up and down at the palace gate from a distance, stretching out his head to look at the inside of the palace, as if he was anxiously grabbing his handkerchief from time to time.

As soon as he saw the two people walking out, the man hurried forward to meet them.

"Gu Qiu, why are you here?" Duan Yunsu looked at the beads of sweat on her forehead and her tanned face, wondering.

"Miss, I'm sorry, Miss San is gone!" Gu Qiu replied anxiously: "Today, according to Miss's wishes, I want to deliver the letter to Miss San by myself. Confused, I found a way to go in, but I didn't find the third lady. After the servant asked, I realized that the third lady had disappeared at some time, so the mansion sent someone out to look for it."

Duan Yunsu's eyes darkened, and he attacked Duan Yunrong. What was the purpose of this?But thinking about dealing with Third Aunt?

"Let's go and have a look first." Duan Yunsu suppressed the anxiety in his heart, got into the carriage and drove back.

Zhao Hechen looked at his wife's stern face, and said in a low voice: "Susu unhappy? Susu told Chen'er, oh, Chen'er is unhappy with Susu." A sad look.

Duan Yunsu was amused by his appearance, half of the haze in his heart dissipated, he pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Idiot!"

When Zhao Hechen saw Duan Yunsu finally smiled, he also grinned, reached out and hugged Duan Yunsu, buried his head in her chest and rubbed against her.

Duan Yunsu's face didn't know whether it was red from the heat or she was embarrassed by his action, she pushed the person in front of her: "Didn't Chenchen say that it was uncomfortably hot, then don't stick together, Look at Susu's body covered in sweat."

"My lady sweats well, too, lady, can we take a bath together later?" Zhao Hechen's eyes lit up, and he was pleasantly surprised by his own good idea.

It's so troublesome to take a bath separately every time, but it's just convenient to take a bath together.

Looking at the expectant big eyes, Duan Yunsu opened his mouth and was speechless for a while, who instilled these thoughts in this idiot.She can remember clearly, before this idiot was satisfied with holding her hand, but now his appetite is getting bigger and bigger!

The wheels were turning gurglingly, Zhao Hechen couldn't wait for Duan Yunsu's reply, and said to himself: "If Susu doesn't refuse, he agrees."

As Fang Fang said, if the lady does not speak, she will acquiesce.But what is the default?It almost means that Chen'er can do whatever he wants, right?

Zhao Hechen tilted his head, his dark eyes were shining like glass, should Chen'er change to a bigger bathtub?No, or Chen'er wants a bathtub like mother. Daddy's bathtub is big and beautiful, and Susu will definitely like it.

Well, that's it!Susu likes shiny stones, Chen'er, do you want to get some on them? Mother has a lot of stones hidden in the warehouse and said...

Duan Yunsu didn't know that this guy had already thought of going to the sky, let alone that this guy was thinking about Princess An's treasure again, and he was happy to see him calm down.

The carriage that had been driving along suddenly stopped, and Duan Yunsu's body tilted. Fortunately, Zhao Hechen reacted quickly and reached out to hug her, but his head was not spared, and hit the side of the carriage with a "bang".

Duan Yunsu felt distressed when he heard it, and stretched out his hand to caress it. Seeing Zhao Hechen's tears, he was immediately annoyed: "What's going on!"

Before the groom could answer, the car curtain was pulled open.I saw an old woman actually climbed up, her face was full of wrinkles, but her hair was black, messy.On the left side of his face was a black scar the size of a baby's palm, swollen and embarrassing, wearing a black robe covered in mud, he could vaguely see the blood on his body, looking extremely embarrassed.

Those brown eyes were staring at Duan Yunsu at the moment, and his voice was hoarse and stiff like a broken gong: "Miss, tell me to hide."

This is escape?After Duan Yunsu was initially shocked by her appearance, he quickly calmed down and said, "Why should I help you?"

This group, who knows if they will help out in trouble.

"I promise you a thousand taels of gold." The dark and hoarse voice sounded, somewhat eerie and frightening.

Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows: "My wife is not short of money."

The old woman giggled, the laughter was sharp, the wrinkles on her face were folded together, the black scar seemed to twitch, she was very terrified: "I will grant you another Gu technique from Yu Kingdom, okay?"

Duan Yunsu was shocked!
Footsteps could be heard vaguely from outside the carriage. Listening to the movement, there seemed to be quite a number of people.Duan Yunsu's eyes darkened, and he said softly to the groom outside: "Go ahead, don't waste time."

The old woman smiled silently when she heard the words, leaned against the wall of the carriage, closed her eyes slightly, and remained motionless.

The carriage only drove about ten zhang away, and saw a group of people blocking the road in front of the car, one of them said: "The nobleman inside is really disturbing, I am ordered to arrest the absconding sinner, I hope you can forgive me."

After finishing speaking, the man waved his hand, and after a "search", several people surrounded him, and one of them reached out to lift the car curtain.

Seeing this, Gu Qiu outside the carriage hastily stretched out his hand to stop him, with an anxious expression on his face: "You can't move, how could you startle my master!"

(End of this chapter)

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