The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 163 A Good Thing Comes

Chapter 163 A Good Thing Comes (5)
Duan Yunsu couldn't calm down anymore, remembering that he ate two extra bowls for dinner one time, unexpectedly, Princess An remembered it.

"Yunsu, where did Concubine Wen send someone to take you out that day?" Princess An didn't forget this. The daughter-in-law puts medicine on her body, even if she can't cure her by herself, she must get rid of the person who worked for her.

"At that time, a person named Qingyue tried to lure me away, but I put him down to the side of the hidden rockery."

Nanny Li was a little startled when she heard Duan Yunsu's indifferent words, isn't Qingyue the one who hangs out with the second young master?Since it was put down, why did it get together again?
"The maid who brought you the fruit wine must have something to do with it, as well as that Bi Xiao." Princess An's eyes darkened. People are suppressed, look at that side concubine Wen is still so rampant without an arm!
"Princess, do you want to tell the prince about this?" Nanny Li asked softly, now that the prince is in good health, if you think about it, you can cure this side concubine Wen?

"It's better not to bother the prince's recovery. We don't have any evidence for this matter. Do you think that side will admit it? Besides, it's not easy to lose money by stealing chickens over there. Others see that those who suffer are all from that side. I If this directly punishes her, it will be said that she doesn't want to see a concubine."

Nanny Li stopped speaking after hearing the words. Everyone knew about it, but it was not enough to pull Concubine Wen down.Thinking of the time when the prince wanted to issue a letter of divorce, he did not expect that someone came to the palace, who did not know what to say, and forced the prince's idea back.

After so many years, it was the prince who could cure Concubine Wen the most, but the prince fell ill, and it was even more frustrating over there.

Duan Yunsu didn't know about these past events, so hearing Wang Hao say that meant following her wishes.

These days, Duan Yunsu has new worries. Zhao Hechen has experienced human affairs for the first time, and when he sees Duan Yunsu again, his eyes light up and he wants to entangle him.Duan Yunsu felt that his body was still not in good shape during the previous toss.

Looking at those glowing eyes, Duan Yunsu felt that this was definitely a hungry wolf, looking at her with faint light, always looking like he wanted to throw her down.

Duan Yunsu patted the book in his hand on him: "What are you looking at!"

"Susu, Chen'er didn't mean to hurt Susu." Zhao Hechen rubbed off his boots and climbed onto the couch, stretched out his claws and pulled Susu into his arms.

Duan Yunsu blushed when he heard the words, no one felt uncomfortable for the first time, and he couldn't take his temper out on him: "Susu wants to read, so you can rest when you are sleepy."

Zhao Hechen leaned his head and looked over, and saw some messy bugs were being drawn on the book, his mouth was slightly deflated, and he hummed twice: "The bugs drawn by Chen'er are much more beautiful than the ones above, Susu went to see Chen'er's paintings All right."

How could this be the same, Duan Yunsu thought of the crickets, grasshoppers and butterflies written by Zhao Hechen, they were indeed lifelike, but what was mentioned in this book were Gu, not ordinary insects.

"Chen'er, how about drawing some pictures for that stupid rabbit? Susu wants it." Duan Yunsu suddenly remembered that Ji Su would take it away in a few days.

When Zhao Hechen heard that Duan Yunsu asked him for a painting, he nodded without saying a word and agreed.Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhao Hechen's figure disappeared, another person slipped in from the door, which made Duan Yunsu's heart skip a beat.

After seeing who came, Duan Yunsu was even more surprised: "Mother-in-law, why did you come out today? Why do you still feel unwell?"

The old woman was still dressed in black. She squinted her brown eyes and looked at Duan Yunsu for a few times, then suddenly laughed silently, her voice was still harsh and sharp: "Girl, this is a happy event, but with that Older people look different."

Duan Yunsu was ashamed, this person was talking about the matter between her and Zhao Hechen, how did he figure it out?She put down the book in her hand, got up and said, "What is the mother-in-law looking for with Yunsu today?" I don't know if anyone outside saw her coming in. When she came just now, there was no footsteps, but it was really scary.

"Girl was willing to save Laoshen at the beginning, didn't she fancy the Gu technique I promised? Today Laoshen came to exchange my promise." The old woman walked slowly to the bed, looking at the few books on the bed. Book, he sneered and laughed, his voice was a little weird.

"At that time, I hesitated, but I was afraid that if I saved my mother-in-law, I would cause trouble. Yunsu was naturally curious about the technique of performing Gu, but the book said that this technique of performing Gu has become a secret technique. Wouldn't Yunsu cause trouble if he learned it? "

"Little girl can see it openly." The old woman's eyes were dark, and the corners of her dry lips were slightly curled, and she said, "Do you know who I am? I missed today's opportunity, and I will learn it later, but it will be useless." It's possible."

"Mother-in-law must be a powerful person, otherwise the guards of Yu Kingdom would not have made such a big fuss." She had sent people out to investigate a few days ago, and now those people really found a reason to go door-to-door. It's on.

"Those people won't let go. The royal family of Yu Kingdom wants to take this Gu technique as their own. How can I let their plan go as they wish!" A ruthless light flashed in the old woman's eyes, against the black clothes Black hair, a bit creepy.

"Look at the meaning of the mother-in-law, is the mother-in-law planning to leave?"

The old woman said: "After returning your favor, the old man may leave at any time."

"Wife, lady!" Zhao Hechen's voice suddenly came from outside the door, Duan Yunsu looked towards the door, and vaguely saw Zhao Hechen running in, and when he turned his head, he found that the old woman had long since disappeared.

Duan Yunsu suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and said to Zhao Hechen, "Why did Chen'er come back so soon?"

"Daddy is here, and I will accompany Daddy."

I saw a guard outside the door pushing a wheelchair in. Prince An was sitting on the chair, his face was a little tired, but he still had a smile in his eyes, and said, "I haven't been to Chaojin Courtyard for many years. Father rushed over without saying hello?"

Duan Yunsu saw that he no longer had the breathlessness he had at the beginning when he spoke, and he was overjoyed, and said, "Yunsu is very happy that father can come, and mother, didn't you come together?" After finishing speaking, he raised his eyes and forgot outside.Princess An often stays by the prince's side, but this time the prince came out by himself, which is really strange.

"Mother is making soup, and mother said to cook soup for my wife, and she will be fat and white." Zhao Hechen's eyes are as bright as the stars, thinking of the soft feeling of his wife in his arms, his red lips shine brightly. A few small white teeth came out.

Duan Yunsu, a medical student, could taste what was in that soup, and he felt a little embarrassed immediately.Seeing the appearance of the two, Prince An said, "Yunsu is reading? Could it be that his father came in to disturb him? I heard that Chenchen has raised several rabbits. I just want to go and have a look."

When Zhao Hechen heard it, he remembered that Susu asked him to draw, and he almost forgot.How can this work? How can Chen'er, who Susu wants, forget!

(End of this chapter)

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