The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 164 This Woman Is Possessed by a Monster!

Chapter 164 This Woman Is Possessed by a Monster! (1)
Duan Yunsu pursed his lips when he saw these two people came in and then went out again. Could it be that the prince really only wanted to see the rabbit when he came here?He is not in good health, but don't be too tired.

Duan Yunsu's eyes followed those two people, and saw Zhao Hechen took over the position of the bodyguard, pushing Prince An's wheelchair with his own hands, and suddenly felt a surge of emotion in his heart.It's no wonder that Prince An likes Chenchen so much. Although Zhao Hechen is stupid, he is full of sincerity to his relatives.

"Tsk tsk." There was a sound behind him, and Duan Yunsu froze. He was still not used to the elusive presence of this mother-in-law.

I saw the old woman walking out from the screen, and laughed hoarsely. The wrinkles on one side of the face moved with the laughter, but the black scar on the other side was very stiff. Her voice was low and hoarse. : "I finally know why you want to read this Gu book, girl. It turns out that someone in this mansion has been infected by a Gu, and that is your father?"

Duan Yunsu's heart was shocked when he heard the words, so his guess was right?
"It's my father."

The old woman nodded almost invisible, and said: "There is also your husband, so..."

Duan Yunsu was startled, her husband?What happened to Chenchen?
"It turned out to be a fool?"

Duan Yunsu breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, he thought that this person was going to say that Zhao Hechen was also poisoned, but he frightened her: "I don't know if the old lady can do something?"

"The old man has a way." Looking at Duan Yunsu's eyes, the old woman knew what she was thinking: "It's just that you have to think about it, I'll teach you to unravel this Gu, and the technique of performing Gu can't be done." I will talk to you again. There are different ways to untangle Gu, and you can only untie one of them after learning it. The next time you encounter other Gu, it will still be the same."

Duan Yunsu pondered for a while, then said: "Grandmother, what kind of poison has my father caught? I don't know if this body can be cured?"

The old woman squinted her eyes and remained silent. Duan Yunsu's expression froze due to the occasional dim light in her eyes, why didn't she speak?But father is not well anymore?
But the old woman suddenly laughed, her voice was extremely strange: "Little girl, according to your father's appearance, I'm afraid it has been more than ten years since I was infected by the gu, and this person would have to leave in less than a year. But now It's really amazing to see him still come out."

More than ten years ago, wasn't that when my father fell ill?This person could tell something was wrong at a glance, it must be extremely powerful, Duan Yunsu's face became slightly restrained.

"This Gu is called Jinqian. Gu has been injected into the body since it was a larva to plunder the blood and nutrients in the body for growth. That's why your father became thinner and haggard day by day." The old woman continued to say: "Once a person is haggard, others will eat it." They thought it was a disease, so they took medicine to recuperate it. Unexpectedly, the medicinal materials for nourishing the body were their favorite, but all the tonics they took were fed by Gu insects, so the person who was infected by the Gu could not find the root cause of his illness. "

Duan Yunsu's face was serious when he heard this, is this why his father couldn't be cured in the end?For more than ten years, I have taken a lot of this tonic, but I didn't expect that the medicine's properties were taken away by it, and it even ruined the prince's body.

Seeing Duan Yunsu's pensive appearance, the old woman raised her slightly drooping eyelids, and said in a hoarse voice: "As soon as there is a tonic, the Gu will be more happy tossing. It seems that the medicine is broken, right? Look at that The Gu nature seems to have stabilized. The little girl can't understand the Gu, but she can still be pulled back, which is really a bit of a skill."

Duan Yunsu's thoughts before could not have been more simple. At the beginning, seeing Prince An's body was so weak, he thought that the medicinal properties of those tonics were not small, and after taking them for more than ten years, he was afraid that he would have already developed resistance to the medicinal properties. , I thought about taking the medicine off slowly, and replaced it with a body-regulating diet.

It's just that it didn't expect that this was suppressing the golden greed in the body, and it didn't like the mildness of the usual ingredients, so it slowly calmed down.

What is the difference between injecting this Gu and injecting chronic poison? It will polish your energy bit by bit, and give you the illusion of being weak, sick and dead.

"Then if father's dementia is removed, will he get better?" Duan Yunsu was still a little worried.

"He took it out before the Gu worm completely emptied his body. This person is still saved." The black hair scattered on both sides of the old woman covered half of her face, and her eyes were deep: "It's just that you must be proficient in acupuncture and moxibustion, you girl." Will it?"

"Grandma, can't you untie it yourself for father?" Duan Yunsu was slightly startled. According to the old woman's intentions, could it be that she wants to do it?Since she is proficient in this way, isn't it more convenient to do it by herself?
I saw the old woman slowly raised her right hand, her tone was a bit cold and gloomy: "Girl, you can see that this hand of the old man has been abolished, how can I still be able to hold the silver needle again."

The withered wrist hangs down at an unnatural angle, but someone has pulled out the tendons of the hand. Who is so vicious to destroy this hand for life!

Duan Yunsu remained silent. The hoarse voice of the mother-in-law, the damaged face, and the weak bones of the hands, must have gone through so many hardships to make them into what they are now.

"I'll tell you about the thing that caused this Gu. You should be prepared, and then you have the acupuncture technique..." The old woman was a little embarrassed, she looked at the person in front of her, thinking that she might have some talent.

After hearing this, Duan Yunsu paused for a while, then went back to the room and took out the silver needles custom-made for her by his grandfather's family, spread them out in front of the old woman, and said, "Look, mother-in-law, the acupuncture you mentioned is so reliable. thing?"

The old woman's eyes lit up: "Is this your thing?"

"Yunsu practiced medicine, and it's better to have some research on acupuncture and moxibustion." Duan Yunsu said lightly.

"Hahaha, this is God's will! Do you think he can sit back and relax if he wins this Gu technique? But there is someone who has the ability to restrain him!"

The old woman's smile was almost crazy, and Duan Yunsu looked startled, how wronged this mother-in-law must be, even though she was smiling, it made her feel the strong ridicule and resentment in this person's heart.

"Today you draw the picture of the meridians of the human body, and I will come to you later when I am old." The old woman looked at Duan Yunsu, with a trace of joy and ruthlessness in her eyes, she shook her body slightly and was about to turn around and leave, when she raised her footsteps lightly, but He paused again, and said: "Girl, let me say something more, the white rabbit is a sacred object in the northern country. The origin of the rabbits in your yard is no different from others. You should send them back wherever they come from."

Duan Yunsu was taken aback when he heard the words, sacred object?Isn't Ji Su the prince of the Northern Kingdom, no wonder this person treats that rabbit unusually.

In the past two days, while dealing with Zhao Hechen's harassment from time to time, Duan Yunsu focused on those Gu books.The old lady told her what she was going to prepare that day, but she disappeared somewhere.According to what she said, it is necessary to first try to see to what extent the Gu on the prince's body has developed, and then use acupuncture and moxibustion to recuperate his body, and finally draw the Gu worms out.

Duan Yunsu pushed away the head that was rubbing against his chest, but Zhao Hechen turned around and kissed her lips directly, stretching out his hand as if wanting to take off her clothes.Panting lightly, Duan Yunsu pushed the man away, straightened his clothes, and cast an angry look in his beautiful eyes: "Chenchen is not allowed to move, Susu has important things to do today."

(End of this chapter)

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