The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 165 This Woman Is Possessed by a Monster!

Chapter 165 This Woman Is Possessed by a Monster! (2)
"Mother said that no matter is as big as Susu and Chenchen's intimacy." Zhao Hechen saw that Duan Yunsu covered the scenery on his chest, and lightly stroked his lips, as if reminiscing about the feeling just now.

"How do you know that?" Duan Yunsu looked at this man suspiciously.

Zhao Hechen scratched his head, and laughed aloud: "Chen'er overheard what mother said." But Chen'er didn't do it on purpose, Chen'er originally wanted to ask mother for the shiny stone, but he said I want to build a beautiful bath for Susu.

Duan Yunsu blushed a little, this idiot really didn't speak seriously.

"Miss, Mrs. Yang and Miss Yang are here. The princess wants you to come over and entertain me." Gu Qiu walked in, looked at Duan Yunsu's slightly red face, and saw that his uncle was holding Miss's little hand, his eyes were bulging. Brighten up, pretending to be nonchalant and looking away.

Alas, my young lady is thin-skinned, and they should be more winking when they are girls.

Duan Yunsu immediately got up and straightened his clothes after hearing the words.

When she came to the front hall, she only saw Yang Yuqi alone. It was a bit strange. Where are the concubine and Mrs. Yang?

Seeing Duan Yunsu come in, Yang Yuqi hurriedly got up and bowed, and called Sister Yunsu sweetly.

This Yang Yuqi is now much more relaxed than when he came here before, with a slight dimple on his left cheek, he looks very cute, Duan Yunsu stepped forward and said, "It's been a while since I saw Sister Yuqi, Didn't Yunsu ask younger sister Yuqi to come for a follow-up visit in ten days' time?"

Then Yang Yuqi smiled embarrassedly and said: "Yuqi didn't forget, it's just that something happened, so it was too late."

Seeing this, Duan Yunsu didn't say any more, she sat beside Yang Yuqi, and took her pulse directly. After a long while, she frowned and said, "Sister Yuqi, what's wrong, but I didn't prescribe it to you." Fang Zi takes medicine well?"

Seeing that the pulse condition is still the same, it is obvious that he has not received any treatment.

Yang Yuqi was very ashamed when she heard the words, and said softly: "Sister Yunsu, you don't know. Didn't the court want to find a minister's daughter to marry her a few days ago? My father heard some news vaguely, saying that there seemed to be someone from above who wanted Yu Qi went to say."

Duan Yunsu was startled, and guessed half a point: "So you stopped the medicine? How did it turn out? Does the higher-ups still have that idea?"

"Yuqi didn't want to go, so my father told the emperor that Yuqi was infertile, so he escaped a catastrophe." Yang Yuqi felt terrified when she thought about it. If she was really chosen, she would have to leave her hometown for the rest of her life. I don't know how bleak the days ahead will be.

Duan Yunsu frowned when he heard this: "I heard that the visiting Three Kingdoms have already left Beijing, but they finally chose someone?"

"Sister Yunsu has been busy lately? Many people know about this. The prince of Yu Kingdom has chosen the lady of the Minister of Rites, and he is going to set off to get married in a few days."

The lady of the Ministry of Rites?Duan Yunsu frowned, remembering what Gu Qiu said to her before, this Ms. Chen seemed to be quite compatible with her predecessor, but after being replaced by herself, she gradually faded away.She didn't have much impression of this person in her mind, but the person in front of her made her a little worried: "You have found such an excuse, and now the people in the capital may think that you are infertile? Then you Isn't life sad?"

Yang Yuqi pursed her lips and smiled slightly when she heard the words. Looking at Duan Yunsu's concerned eyes, she felt warm in her heart, and said with a smile: "Yuqi is not afraid of these things. Isn't there still sister Yunsu? Yuqi will definitely be able to cure her." Yuqi doesn't bother to pay attention to those who dislike Yuqi."

Seeing her bright smile, Duan Yunsu smiled too, stopped thinking about it, and then re-prescribed her without saying anything.

The grand meeting of the Four Kingdoms is over, and the Three Kingdoms are returning one after another. Duan Yunsu thought of the old lady, who didn't know that she was busy with these things in the past few days.After all the people from Yu Kingdom left, there would be no one to hunt and arrest them in Beijing, so the mother-in-law was going to leave?
Thinking of Prince An's condition, Duan Yunsu frowned again in embarrassment.

The old lady said that today she would let the prince have a closer look at her, so that she could tell her what to do next, but this person disappeared.

After Mrs. Yang and Yang Yuqi left the mansion, Yunsu summoned Gu Qiu and said, "Take the things I prepared together, put them in wooden barrels and send them to Muqingyuan."

Gu Qiu hurriedly responded, thinking of the things that Miss had prepared these days, it was a bit strange.I don't know any of those flowers and plants, but the new herb that the lady found?
The people in the kitchen are all surprised, the young lady wants to cook so many medicines, what is this for?Isn't this medicine, and you won't have to drink a bucket of medicine if you drink it?

Princess An was also puzzled when she heard this, but when she thought of Duan Yunsu's greetings to her these days, she stayed in the courtyard with Zhao Hechen and heard the maid said that she was messing with something.

Seeing Duan Yunsu coming this way, Princess An went up to meet her and said, "What is Yunsu planning to do?"

Duan Yunsu smiled and said, "Yunsu came to show his father today, Yunsu probably found some way to his father's body."

Princess An was overjoyed when she heard the words.

After the medicine was ready, a family of slaves brought the medicine juice in.Prince An was pushed out. At this time, his face was full of tiredness. He saw Duan Yunsu forced a smile and said, "Yunsu has prepared so many medicines, but you want father to drink them all?"

Duan Yunsu chuckled lightly and said, "How could Yunsu embarrass father like this? This is for soaking his feet."

Soak your feet?The few people were a little surprised, but what good idea did Duan Yunsu think of?

The house slave put the concoction in front of Prince An, and another maid heard what Duan Yunsu said, and stepped forward to take off the prince's shoes and socks with a wink.

"Father, can you lift your trousers up to your knees?"

Prince An was taken aback, after all, he was influenced by the etiquette of this man and woman who disregarded all manners, so he was a little embarrassed for a while.Looking at Duan Yunsu's focused eyes, he thought that she should regard himself as the most ordinary patient, so he followed her.

The trousers were lifted up slightly, Duan Yunsu looked at the skinny calf, his heart was a little shaken, it made people feel a little more sad than before.It's also fortunate that I met the old woman, otherwise when I figured out all this, I'm afraid my father would have been gone long ago?

Duan Yunsu concentrated on looking at the legs in the potion, the pale skin looked thinner and thinner in the brown soup.A quarter of an hour and a quarter of an hour passed, and there still seemed to be no response. Princess An was a little puzzled: "Yunsu, what is this concoction for?"

"Mother, don't worry, you will know in a while."

Seeing Duan Yunsu's tightly pursed lips, and his brow wrinkled into a Sichuan character, Princess An stopped talking.I don't know anything about these things, but I still believe that Yunsu is, and I only hope that this time it can also surprise her.

(End of this chapter)

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