The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 167 This Woman Is Possessed by a Monster!

Chapter 167 This Woman Is Possessed by a Monster! (4)
But at this moment, a hoarse and broken laughter came from beside his ears. Duan Yunsu, who was originally immersed in the intimacy between the two, froze, and pushed Zhao Hechen aside with a blushing face. Her shoulders were exposed, she hurriedly tidied up her messy hair, and called embarrassingly, "Mother-in-law is here?"

Duan Yunsu's face turned red, and after Zhao Hechen made such a fuss, he actually forgot that his mother-in-law said that he would come to her, and being seen by others, he was really flustered.

It was the old woman who came, and she was standing outside the window, her black robe seemed to hide her in the night, and her slightly downcast eyes could not see her emotions.She stretched out her withered hand, took out a rolled up thing in her bosom, and said, "I understand what you said, so you should follow the above instructions carefully, and your father's Gu will be cured sooner or later." open."

The vicissitudes of life sounded somewhat permeating in the night, and Zhao Hechen circled Duan Yunsu again, staring at the sudden appearance with his eyes motionless, making a defensive gesture.

The veteran focused his eyes on Zhao Hechen, frowned for a while, and then walked out without a sound, disappearing into the night.

Zhao Hechen said softly: "Who is Susu, why is she looking at Chen'er?" That look is so strange, and why does that person also look so strange, running in when Chen'er is kissing, so disgusting.

Duan Yunsu opened the thing and glanced at it, then got out of bed and looked for a place to put it away carefully, looking at the open window, he was a little speechless.In the future, you must remember to close the window when you rest.

"Isn't that the person Chenchen and Yunsu rescued together? Chenchen forgot?"

Zhao Hechen tilted his head and thought for a while, then said "oh", and didn't know if he really remembered it.He glanced outside, then at Duan Yunsu, jumped off the bed, reached out to grab Duan Yunsu, and hugged Duan Yunsu directly.

Duan Yunsu was startled, he yelled "Yeah", and put his arms around Zhao Hechen's neck.This idiot, such a sudden movement, really shocked her!
The body was gently placed on the bed, and Duan Yunsu was suppressed before he could make any movements. Zhao Hechen's bright black eyes were shining with a faint light, and he stretched out his hand to untie her clothes.

Duan Yunsu's eyes were shy. Although this was not the first time he had encountered this, he still felt a little ashamed.

After a night of happy love, soft moans and panting sounds could be heard from the bed from time to time, and entangled figures could be vaguely seen behind the light gauze bed curtain.

Night, is strong.

When he woke up the next day, Duan Yunsu looked at the marks on his body, and gave the person on the bed a somewhat annoyed look.But seeing a lot of red scratches on the man's chest, recalling the madness of last night, his little face blushed, and he stretched out his hand in embarrassment to pinch his fair face.The man was so harassed that he woke up after humming twice. Taohua's eyes were misty, and the people who watched it felt itchy and wanted to stretch out his hand and directly ravage him.

"Morning, Su Su." Zhao Hechen rolled twice on the bed, Duan Yunsu looked at his naked body, stared at his beautiful eyes, reached out and grabbed the brocade quilt to wrap him, and got up directly to find the clothes.

The man struggled for a while but couldn't get out, so he yelled "Ai Ai" twice: "Su Subai, Chen'er is going to get up too."

Duan Yunsu turned around and came back, put his clothes aside, and watched him tossing back and forth amusedly.

After washing, the two went to greet the princess, and stayed in the Muqing courtyard for breakfast before returning to the courtyard.Duan Yunsu couldn't wait to take out the things that the old lady sent last night, looked at them carefully, and put them down again after a while.What is written in the volume is exactly the method of acupuncture and moxibustion, which is actually not much different from the method of practicing medicine. In addition, according to the mother-in-law's intention, the prince needs to be treated with acupuncture for a period of time, so can she give it a try?
She flipped through the paper a few times, and sure enough, she saw the meridian map drawn by herself at the back, on which several major acupoints had been lightly tapped with cinnabar, and some small characters were written on it.

Duan Yunsu thought for a while, then said: "Chenchen, Susu will go to Muqingyuan again, do you want to go?"

Unable to hear the man's answer, Duan Yunsu looked up at the desk.I saw Zhao Hechen holding a brush in his hand and drawing engrossedly. I'm afraid he won't go to other places until the painting is finished.

Thinking of this, Duan Yunsu called Gu Qiu to take care of him seriously, and then called Tingyue, then turned around and walked to Muqing courtyard.

Princess An saw Duan Yunsu approaching again, and asked in confusion: "Didn't I tell you to go back and rest, why did you come here, but what's the matter?"

She pretended to glance at the red mark on Duan Yunsu's neck casually, and she was already happy in her heart.Although Yunsu put a few strands of hair down to cover it up, it was still exposed during this movement.This trace of love can make her excited, so it's right, work hard, give birth to a baby as soon as possible for her to hug, that's serious!

"Today I'm here to show my father." Duan Yunsu said what was in his mind. Without the support of Princess An, it would have been difficult to complete: "Is father in there? Is it convenient for Yunsu to go in? "

Princess An would not stop her, who cares about such a special situation, she led Duan Yunsu into the back room.

She stood in front of the bed, but saw that Duan Yunsu didn't make any movements, just kept looking at Prince An, and just about to speak, she heard her say: "Mother, can you let all the maids in the house go out?"

Princess An didn't know why Duan Yunsu was doing this. Seeing her serious face, she waved her hand and let all the maids go down.

Seeing this, Duan Yunsu no longer hesitated, and reached out to take out something.I saw that the thing was opened, and there was a row full of silver needles, with the tips of the needles glowing slightly with a dark light.

"Mother, you roll up father's clothes, and Yunsu will help father do the acupuncture." After Duan Yunsu finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out a long and thin silver needle.

Princess An's expression was very strange, she stared at the silver needle, looked at Duan Yunsu in surprise, and said with a trembling voice, "Yunsu, do you know this acupuncture technique?"

Duan Yunsu saw that it was hard to hide anything at this point, and recalled his grandfather's reaction when he knew that he knew acupuncture, and said, "Yunsu didn't intend to hide mother on purpose, it's just that this matter is unusual, and my father is in critical condition now. , Yunsu can't delay his father's illness for himself."

Princess An's heart was still trembling. She originally thought that Duan Yunsu's medical skills were superior to others, but this thing has long been lost, so how did she know it?Now is not the time to pursue this issue, Princess An looked back at the room, and finally understood why she sent all the maids out.

She walked to the window, closed the window directly, and said: "If others know about this, it will be troublesome."

There's no guarantee that the jealous person will do something radical to Yunsu.Also, in the palace, if the emperor knew about it, what would he think.

(End of this chapter)

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