The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 168 This Woman Is Possessed by a Monster!

Chapter 168 This Woman Is Possessed by a Monster! (5)
"Yunsu also knows the power of it, so he has never used this technique. It's just that after today, he will need to perform acupuncture for his father many times. Mother will help Yunsu hide it."

Concubine An is calm, this passage of Yunsu is also to save the prince.Besides, it wouldn't do her any good to spread the matter, so she wouldn't cause that trouble.

Watching Duan Yunsu stick the needle on the prince, Princess An unconsciously clenched the handkerchief tightly as she watched the skillful technique.She is not proficient in medical skills, it is precisely because she doesn't understand how to cure Gu, watching the silver needles in her hand fall one by one, she is very worried.

Is it like this, the prince will get better?

Seeing the sweat on Duan Yunsu's forehead and his extremely serious face, Princess An could only stand like this.Prince An's expression seemed to be a little painful. Thinking of Prince An's reaction when she soaked her feet, she couldn't help but become more worried. Will she have to make such a fuss today?
Seeing that Duan Yunsu finally stopped, Princess An hurriedly asked, "Yunsu, is this all right?"

Duan Yunsu nodded slightly, and was about to speak, when there was a weak "click" sound from the window, his heart tightened, and he suddenly turned his head to look.But seeing that the window was still closed tightly and there was no shadow outside the window, Duan Yunsu couldn't help frowning.

Princess An also seemed to have heard the sound, her heart sank, she walked directly to the window, stretched out her hand and looked out, but she didn't find anything unusual, and said, "But the wild cats came in again?"

Duan Yunsu's eyes darkened slightly, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.She directly pulled down the curtain on the bed to block the prince's body, and said: "Let the girl who is waiting outside come in and ask, but someone came over just now."

"The prince?" Princess An glanced worriedly.

"When it's time to stay, Yunsu will pull out the needle for the prince. Yunsu will be here to guard the prince, so I'll trouble my mother."

Seeing this, Princess An didn't say any more, and turned around to ask questions outside.

Duan Yunsu's premonition was correct, the more he wanted to hide it, the more he couldn't hide it, but within a day, rumors spread all over the capital.She knew that there must be an inner ghost in the Muqing Court.

I don't know who made such a big hand, or maybe the life of the people in the capital is too boring recently?This matter spread very quickly in the market, and the momentum could not be stopped.

Princess An in the room frowned. She didn't expect Yunsu to perform acupuncture for the prince for the first time, but she was caught by someone with a heart.This is a crime, how should things be dealt with now?
In the evening, suddenly a maid came forward to report that the Second Prince had come to the manor to see him.

Prince An's eyes sank, this matter finally spread to the palace.Because the palace and the crown prince are on good terms, the second prince's visit this time may not be a good thing, right?

Before the second prince came to the front hall, Princess An met him on the way out.But he saw that the second prince was not alone, with a group of guards behind him, and a person dressed as a Taoist priest.

She couldn't help but look down, and then said with a light smile: "It's really rare for the second prince to come here. I don't know what's the matter of visiting today?"

The second prince sneered, what is it that Princess An doesn't understand?He only heard him say: "Aunt Huang, you know that the palace is looking for someone who can practice needles, why did you know that you didn't report him?"

Seeing him talking like this, Princess An stopped greeting him: "Where did the second prince get the news? Even if Yunsu really knew it, it should have been a good thing. I don't know if you are dressed like a prisoner." what for?"

"It's a good thing to know acupuncture and moxibustion, but it's suspicious if it happens to this Yunsu. Aunt Huang, I hope you can bring Duan Yunsu out, so we can explain it carefully."

"Yunsu originally knew how to practice medicine. What's suspicious about this matter? I think the second prince is trying to find fault?" Princess An refused to give in. These people can tell at a glance that they are not good people. Suppress the palace.

"This prince is here at the order of his father, who dares to stop him? Let me in, and I will definitely invite someone out for this prince!" The second prince waved to the guards behind him, and the word of invitation was very special. clear.

"How dare you!" Princess An was also angry, this is Prince An's mansion, how could she break into it at will!
"Mother, don't get so angry." At this moment, Duan Yunsu walked over slowly, with a calm expression, and Zhao Hechen was by his side.

Seeing that Duan Yunsu came out, the second prince narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Duan Yunsu, you have to explain carefully, where did you learn this acupuncture technique?"

"Why do I have to explain, is it possible that the second prince also wants to learn a few tricks? Looking at your eyes, is it possible that you still want to invite my master out like this?" Duan Yunsu sneered.

"Second prince, don't believe this man's nonsense. This man has no master at all." It was the Taoist priest behind the second prince who spoke. He was wearing a Taoist robe and holding a Buddha dust in his hand. Duan Yunsu's eyes were dim.

"How could I learn without a master?" Duan Yunsu chuckled, although her teacher is not in this time and space, but without a master, could it be that she would not be able to do it naturally.

The Daoist shook his hands of Buddha dust, pointed directly at Duan Yunsu, and said sharply: "The three souls and six souls of this woman have long since disappeared, but now she is alive. This is possessed by a monster!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, even the second prince's eyes were slightly cold, and Princess An's expression darkened: "The Taoist priest can't talk nonsense!"

"How can a poor Taoist talk nonsense? This man is supposed to have reached the end of his lifespan at the age of fifteen, but now he is living well." The Taoist chief's eyes were a bit sharp: "Princess An, don't be fooled by this monster. Think about it, even if a boudoir lady who never goes out can learn medical skills, she can only learn a superficial way, but there are people in Beijing who say that the eldest lady of Prince An's Mansion is a miraculous doctor! This acupuncture technique has not been practiced for a few years After more than ten years of study, how can you learn it?"

"She is only sixteen years old now, how can she have such abilities!" The Taoist priest said in a serious and cold tone, and the eyes of everyone present looking at Duan Yunsu changed.

Princess An was speechless, but there was some truth in this long statement.

Duan Yunsu's heart sank, this priest is really capable.She looked at Princess An's slightly changed face, collected her thoughts, and said, "Yunsu is really wronged for saying that. Master Huihe of Xiangguo Temple also said that Yunsu is a noble person. How did you come to you?" It turned into a monster in your mouth?"

She had never met Master Huihe, but Nanny Li often mentioned that one day she happened to say the words of this noble man, and she just laughed it off at that time.

Princess An immediately thought of this, who is Master Huihe, and what he said could be false?If it was really an evildoer leaning over, how could he let himself betrothed to this family!Thinking of this, Princess An also gained confidence, and said with a sneer: "Where did the second prince find the Taoist, it's all nonsense, don't you even believe Master Huihe's words?"

(End of this chapter)

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