The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 171: Swords and Swords Facing each other

Chapter 171: Swords and Swords Facing each other (3)
"Mother, go to Muqingyuan first, if there is anything, remember to tell mother."

Duan Yunsu nodded in response.

In the evening, Duan Yunsu was dragged by Gu Qiuqiang to have dinner, but when he came back, he saw Zhao Hechen sitting up in a daze, looking at Duan Yunsu who came in with his head tilted, and screaming Said: "Lady."

Seeing him staring blankly at him with those black eyes, Duan Yunsu felt relieved, the man finally woke up, still without warning.Before she could say a word while sitting beside him, she saw Zhao Hechen reaching out to hug herself, the strength was not small, and it hurt a little from strangling her.


"Well, is Chenchen hungry?" Duan Yunsu asked softly.



"Lady..." Just when Duan Yunsu thought this guy would keep screaming, Zhao Hechen finally spoke: "Is Chen'er very useless, Chen'er wants to protect Susu, but Chen'er can't do anything... ..."

Duan Yunsu looked up from his arms, only to see guilt in his eyes, and the sadness on his face made her feel uncomfortable: "Chenchen is already very powerful."

"Chen Chen wants to speak like the prince's elder brother, and no one dares not listen. Chen'er wants to have martial arts like little Ji Ji, then no one can bully Susu. Chen'er doesn't know anything, Chen'er is so sad... ..."

Water mist gradually rose in Taohua's eyes, and her tightly pursed lips revealed the uneasiness in her heart.It was the first time Duan Yunsu saw Zhao Hechen's frail appearance, and his heart ached.Not only him, but also she is not strong enough, if she is stronger, then she can also protect her family.

"Chen'er, don't be sad, Chen'er can definitely be very powerful." I will definitely cure him.

In the past few days, the maids and servants in the mansion have been a little uneasy. I don’t know if their young master, who was smiling all day long, has been stimulated by something. Madame, she is still reading a book now!When he was sullen, he really surprised them all.

Duan Yunsu was a little worried. According to Zhao Hechen's current disposition, he should have quickly forgotten his original uneasiness and sadness, but what happened before gave him too much stimulation?Everyone is different now.

Ji Su came in at this time, he saw that the person on the desk was actually Zhao Hechen, raised his eyebrows: "I've only been away for a few days, what's the matter? Why does Xiao Chen'er look different from the past? "

Duan Yunsu sighed lightly: "What do you mean Mr. Ji came here?"

"Master, I'm here to take a look at my fat rabbit. I plan to take it away today." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Zhao Hechen, and it was even more strange to see that the man didn't respond properly.Didn't Zhao Hechen fight with him for the rabbit in the first place? Why doesn't he even raise his head now?
Duan Yunsu recalled that the old woman had mentioned the white rabbit. Since the white rabbit is a sacred object of the Northern Kingdom, she has nothing to argue about, not to mention that it was originally someone else's property: "Since that's the case, Mr. Ji will take it back with you." Come on, that cub has already given one to the prince, do you want to take the rest together?"

Ji Su looked at the two of them suspiciously, what's wrong with them, but her Fat Rabbit charm has declined, so easy to talk to today?

"Since that's the case, I'll take the fat rabbit away first, so I won't disturb your intimacy."

When did she and Zhao Hechen make out, Duan Yunsu looked away calmly.

Ji Su took two steps outside, but unexpectedly someone followed behind her.Looking back, it's strange, isn't it Zhao Hechen who just kept silent!
Seeing that he didn't speak, Ji Su acted as if she didn't see him, and continued to walk forward, and the people behind him also raised their heels to follow.As soon as Ji Su stopped, so did the man. It seemed that he planned to follow to the end?

"Xiao Chen'er, what are you doing with me, but suddenly you realize that I am naturally beautiful, so you can't bear to part with me?" Ji Su stood still and teased.

"Little Jiji is amazing, isn't she?"

Ji Su really had no love in his heart for the title of Little Jiji. He raised his brows and put his arms around his chest in a leisurely way: "I'm so powerful, Xiao Chen'er, I just found out today?"

"The little Ji Ji taught Chen'er how to become powerful. Chen'er has a lot of money, so I can give it all to you." Zhao Hechen fixed his eyes on Ji Su, and his dark eyes showed some firmness under the sun.

"Hey, isn't Xiao Chen'er's money going to be saved to deal with me in the future? I remember someone once said that I don't feel good about looking at my master." Ji Su smiled, Zhao Hechen today is worse than before. Be fun.

"Chen'er has become stronger, and he can deal with you without money."

"Hehe, the ambition is really not small." Ji Su didn't expect Zhao Hechen to say such a thing. This is not an attitude of asking for advice. Others think they are here to find fault: "If you can catch up Me, young master, I will think about it."

After saying that, the man's body flashed, and he was already ten feet away.

Watching Zhao Hechen go out, Duan Yunsu didn't think much about it, thinking that Zhao Hechen just wanted to take a look at the white rabbit, so he picked up the needle and thread from the embroidery basket, intending to get the fabric to cut an inner coat for Zhao Hechen.

Gu Qiu came in at this time and said, "Miss, listen to Zhu and ask to see you."

"Oh? Is Tingzhu's injury healed? Hurry up and let her in." Duan Yunsu put down his things.

Not long after, Ting Zhu came in, followed by Ting He, Duan Yunsu saw that the wound on her forehead had healed up, and she was not afraid of leaving a scar in the future, so she said, "What's the matter here today?"

Ting Zhu knelt down on the ground with a "plop": "Miss, this servant wants to ask for a favor, can Miss let this servant out of the house, this servant has money to redeem her body."

"Why do you want to go out?" Duan Yunsu said lightly, in fact, there was nothing she didn't understand in her heart, maybe it was because of Zhao Heqi's matter?

"Miss, this servant's innocence has been ruined, and now people are quietly talking about it in the mansion. The second young master even came to find this servant and let this servant follow him. This servant really has no choice but to go out and find a quiet place." , live a good life." Listening to Zhu's eyes filled with tears as he spoke, looking at her pitiful and beautiful appearance, it's no wonder that Zhao Heqi had dirty thoughts.

"Is there anyone in your family?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"The slave girl's hometown is in Chongzhou. In order to get money for my brother to marry, my family sold me when I was young. Now I came to the capital after going around a few times." Hearing what happened to him, he was so calm that he wanted to be in the capital. Tell someone else's past.

Duan Yunsu nodded when he heard the words: "Then what are your plans after leaving the mansion, and where will you live? If you are single, it will be very inconvenient?"

"The servant once met my aunt in the capital."

"Since you've made up your mind, it's pointless for me to force you to keep it. You're not too young, and it's only a matter of time before you let it out. Since that's the case..." Duan Yunsu looked sideways at Gu Qiu, and said, "You go The princess told me to go to the tent to pay more money to Tingzhu, it is also considered as the fulfillment of the friendship between our master and servant."

(End of this chapter)

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