The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 172 Resolving Gu

Chapter 172 Resolving Gu (1)
Hearing Zhu heard this, he hurriedly kowtowed to thank him.

Hearing Zhu's begging to go, reminded her of the maids who followed her.The biggest one is Gu Qiu, who is now twenty and one, and she is an old girl here, but she insists that she wants to follow her and doesn't want to leave.She has the deepest relationship with Gu Qiu, so how can she be willing to let her grow old alone? This is the one that worries her the most.

There are a few Tinghe people who are not young anymore, but she wants to pick some younger ones to take care of them, and when the time comes, there will be someone to take over?Thinking of Ting He and Zhao Fang that I saw that day, I didn't pay attention to it recently, I don't know how far it has gone.

But in a few days, there were rumors again in Beijing.I heard that the idiots in Prince An's Mansion are not easy to mess with, maybe they have become lunatics now, and even the guards who invited them into the palace were chopped off without saying a word, and they looked so ruthless.

This can be regarded as the most normal version, after all, it is still somewhat similar.The most outrageous one is that it was said that the young lady of Prince An's mansion was born of an evildoer, and she was discovered by a Taoist priest. , it was this person who harmed him with his actions, just to win the palace, gain money and power!Even the prince in the palace is helping her, it will really confuse people's hearts.

When Duan Yunsu heard it, he took a sip of tea and sprayed it out.This person's imagination is extremely rich, and it turns out that he has the ability to harm the country and the people.

"Gu Qiu, you have to pay attention to it. Anyone in this mansion likes to gossip, and write it all down for me." Thinking of the fact that I knew acupuncture and moxibustion, it was leaked within half a day, and there were so many stories about Prince An's mansion one after another. The rumors about it must have spread from the mansion.

Seeing that Gu Qiu hadn't gone out yet, Duan Yunsu was a little puzzled. He looked up at her and saw her face full of hesitation and entanglement. He couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with Gu Qiu? If you have anything to say, just speak up." Yes, isn't it uncomfortable to hold back like this?"

Gu Qiu struggled for a long time, and Duan Yunsu became entangled after seeing it, and finally heard her say: "Miss, don't be angry, the master is married today."


"The general's mansion is wearing red and hanging colors today, and there is a wedding going on. If it wasn't for the servants who went out today, I wouldn't know that the master is going to get married today." Gu Qiu looked at his young lady's face, and said cautiously.

Duan Yunsu was stunned, his father got married?Why didn't even a letter arrive.It's fine if he doesn't want to pay attention to her, but it's unreasonable to ignore Prince An's mansion?How about a father who only brought up the matter of marriage in July, and was already married in just over a month?
"Did the princess get any news?" Duan Yunsu frowned.

"I don't know about this maidservant. If she gets the news, the princess will tell the lady whether she is going or not." Gu Qiu also frowned. Not sending a letter for something as big as this is really unreasonable.

Duan Yunsu didn't care about whether or not he was sending letters to her, he just thought, why did this marriage get married in such a hurry, logically speaking, this marriage is a big deal, it is different from the marriage bestowed by the emperor, just doing it Those six rituals will take a long time.

"Today is the marriage ceremony?" Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly smiled: "Then tell the princess quickly, let's go and watch the excitement today, how can the daughter be so ignorant of the father's marriage?" Rules. Well, I don’t know what my stepmother looks like.”

Looking at Duan Yunsu's rolling eyes, Gu Qiu knew that the young lady must have made up some other plans, so excited, she went directly to the princess's yard.

The General's Mansion was filled with lanterns and festoons, full of guests. It was not a surprise that the adults remarried during this period, after all, the position of the head mother in the General's Mansion had been vacant for so many years.The people in the capital saw that Duan Chang had no intention of continuing in these years, and some people even spread that Mr. Duan must be a long-term lover, otherwise how could he guard a dead person for so many years.

The groom took the bride into the mansion, and was about to pay homage, when the groom's expression changed slightly.The guests looked out the door following that gaze, and it turned out that Miss Duan had returned, and Princess An was still by her side.Everyone looked at the groom's complicated face and was a little puzzled. Didn't the daughter come back, so it wouldn't be such a reaction, right?

"Father got married today, but he didn't tell Yunsu. Fortunately, Yunsu got the news, otherwise, he would have missed his father's wedding." Duan Yunsu walked in with a smile, and his eyes fell on the bride and said, "Why don't you visit the hall? Hurry up, don't miss the auspicious time."

Old Mrs. Duan, who was seated high, also had a dark face when she saw this person.She glanced at Princess An and saw that the latter was also smiling, and she couldn't guess what the two of them meant for a moment.

"I heard that my eldest sister is busy at home, why is my father bothering me at will." It was Duan Yunjin who spoke, and she was wearing a pink patterned dress. The charming and charming of the second aunt is exactly the same as that of the second aunt.

"No matter how busy Yunsu is, I still have to come and meet Yunsu's new mother." The mother's voice was spat out softly, and she narrowed her eyes again. She looked around and said, "Father, why didn't you see me?" What about my grandfather or uncle, could it be that you didn't even notify them?"

Duan Yunsu looked around at the guests present for a week, and saw that the second prince was actually among them, and even met Taichang Shiqing Lord Zhou, Guanglu Temple Shaoqing Lord Gao, and Yuan Chushang.What kind of trouble is this, aren't these all people who are on good terms with the Second Prince?
When the guests on the field heard Duan Yunsu's words, they couldn't help looking at Duan Changzai with more inquiring eyes.The bridegroom married to fill in the house, and he didn't even say anything to his father-in-law. Isn't this unreasonable?
"Although this wedding is a bit hasty, everything seems to be in order. The general's mansion is really fast enough." Princess An looked at Mrs. Duan who was sitting on the seat, with a dignified smile on her face, but No one could see the deep meaning in those eyes.The General's Mansion acted more and more impetuously, and even this invitation was not sent to the Wang Mansion.

Xi Niang saw that after the two came in, the high-ranking master seemed a little unhappy, so she changed the topic with a wink, smiled and said with a beaming look: "Oh, this auspicious time has come, the bride and groom Let’s hurry up and pay homage.”

Duan Yunsu also stopped making a sound, watching his father bow down and marry other women, he still felt a little uncomfortable.But so what, her mother has passed away, and her father is not close to her, so it's just a show, so why do you still feel worthless for her mother in your heart?
After the two performed their salutes, all the guests made noise and laughed, and the hall was full of joy, watching it was full of excitement.The couple was sent into the bridal chamber, and Duan Yunsu raised his foot to follow. Princess An just pursed her lips and smiled when she saw her appearance, took a seat on the mat and let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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