The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 174 Resolving Gu

Chapter 174 Resolving Gu (3)
In the early morning of the next day, the rewards from the palace came down. In Prince An's mansion, Duan Yunsu looked at the rare treasures, but he couldn't get excited.Eunuch Liu also came over together and said, "Madam Zhao, the emperor heard that you have a lot of experience in medical skills, and thought of sending an imperial doctor to study medicine with you. I wonder what Madam Zhao thinks?"

It just so happened that Zhao Hechen came in from the outside at this time, the crescent moon white robe was stained with mud, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his hair was messy. Hearing what Eunuch Liu said, he stared straight at him and shouted: "That's not good! , the imperial physicians are all men!"

Eunuch Liu choked. Before he came, he never thought that it would be Zhao Hechen who refused.Zhao Hechen's childlike character, it's hard to change what you decide. The emperor has already chosen this person. If he can't handle this job well, his old bones will suffer: "Madam Zhao, do you think?"

"Isn't there a medical girl in the palace, wouldn't it be more convenient to have a medical girl come over?" Duan Yunsu replied casually, stretched out his hand and pulled Zhao Hechen over, took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and complained: "This Where did you go early in the morning, the clothes are all dirty."

"Chen'er went to look for little Jiji, and Chen'er is going to be very, very good."

Eunuch Liu watched the two people being intimate as if no one else was around, wiped his sweat and said: "Mrs. Zhao, the emperor asked him to come with you, look..."

They all followed and asked her what she meant.Duan Yunsu straightened Zhao Hechen's hair hanging from his temples, and said, "Since I'm here, why haven't I seen it? I wonder which imperial doctor it is?"

At this time, a person walked by the door, wearing the court uniform of an imperial doctor, with a handsome and elegant face, it was Situ Mo.

I just heard him say: "I didn't expect Mrs. Zhao to be so unwelcome, what should I do?"

Seeing this, Eunuch Liu thought that this man had finished all the rewards, whether Mrs. Zhao would accept it or not was none of his business, so he bowed and retreated and went back to the palace.

"So it's Mr. Situ, but it's just that the relationship between this man and woman is inconvenient." Duan Yunsu said lightly.The emperor made it clear that he wanted her to teach others the medical skills she knew.Forget it, anyway, this practice of medicine depends entirely on personal cultivation.I think it's okay to talk about all the pharmacology and medicinal properties, and it's not very useful to keep it for myself. On the contrary, because the medicinal materials have never been discovered, it is not convenient to go to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine.

Situ Mo looked at Zhao Hechen, who was looking at him with a vigilant face, and said with a smile: "If Mrs. Zhao thinks it's inappropriate, you might as well let Young Master Zhao stay with you. The gate of this courtyard is wide open, so I'm not afraid of being accused." gossip."

"Mr. Situ said so, Yunsu can think about it. It's just that Mr. Situ came too suddenly today, and Yunsu didn't have any preparations. Why don't we talk about it another day?" Since the emperor sent Situ Mo over, this person must be It's powerful, and besides, I know this person a little bit, so I don't worry about too much conflict when we talk and do things together in the future.

As soon as Situ Mo heard it, he knew that Duan Yunsu had agreed, and he was overjoyed.I was very curious about the few moves that Yunsu had shown during this period, and it would be a great honor if I could learn a thing or two.He saluted and said: "Since that's the case, then let me go back first, and come back tomorrow."

Seeing that person disappeared, Zhao Hechen still seemed dissatisfied. He hummed twice, stretched out his arms to hug Duan Yunsu, buried his head and bit her neck lightly twice: "Susu, Chen'er is not happy."

"Then what does Chenchen want? If Yunsu drives him away, what will the emperor do if another bad guy comes over?" Duan Yunsu pushed his head away amusedly.

"Susu helped Chen'er take a bath, and Chen'er was happy." Zhao Hechen's eyes sparkled, looking at Duan Yunsu as if he was watching a prey, his whole body was excited.In fact, if Susu and Chen'er wash together, Chen'er will be happier.

It's not suitable to take a bath while sweating all over, but thinking that it will take some time to prepare the bath water, and the clothes should be changed, Duan Yunsu nodded in agreement.Since I don't want others to serve my husband, I should work harder.

After a while, the water was poured out.Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to untie the man's belt, and took off his outer shirt.Seeing that the inner coat he was wearing was sewn by himself, he secretly sweetened his heart, pursed his lips and smiled lightly, and took it off for him.

Seeing that Duan Yunsu stopped, Zhao Hechen yelled: "Susu Susu, and pants."

Duan Yunsu cast a coquettish look at him, turned around and picked up the bath towel: "Take it off by yourself, go into the tub."

Zhao Hechen hugged her from behind, grabbed her slender hand, put his head on her neck, and said in a low voice, "Su Su is with Chen'er."

Duan Yunsu only felt waves of hot air coming from the chest against her back, and the warm breath gently blowing from her ears made her body tremble slightly.She tried to break away from the person behind her, and said: "Susu is not hot, Chen'er, wash it yourself."

This idiot, what was he thinking so early in the morning!

Hearing this, Zhao Hechen's eyes lit up, as long as Su Su gets hot, can he take a bath with Chen'er?That's easy!Zhao Hechen stretched out his hand and pulled Duan Yunsu's body back, bowed his head and kissed him.

Duan Yunsu didn't notice for a while, and was kissed by stealth.She stretched out her hand to push the fiery chest in front of her, but found that this guy was not so strong, as if she was stuck to herself, she couldn't move at all.

The two touched their lips and teeth, Zhao Hechen secretly reached out and reached for Duan Yunsu's belt, only to see that her beautiful eyes were slightly closed, as if she didn't notice her movements, she was overjoyed, stretched out her hand and untied it.As soon as the restraints on his body were loosened, Duan Yunsu came back to his senses, blushed, and stretched out his hand to protect the clothes on his chest: "You..."

How could Zhao Hechen be willing to give her a chance to speak, he was reluctant to let go of the lady's fragrance and sweetness.Seeing Duan Yunsu's petite appearance with his hands folded around his chest and beautiful eyes dyed with shame, Zhao Hechen's heart felt hot, and he directly pressed the man against the screen, and the screen tilted under the force, and almost fell to the ground.

Duan Yunsu was extremely embarrassed, if it really fell down, the maid who came in to clean up would not know how to laugh.She hastily put her arms around Zhao Hechen's waist, pushed him and said, "Chenchen, this place can't be knocked down."

The man hummed when he saw this, and stretched out his hand to touch Duan Yunsu's body. His big fiery palm was like igniting fire. Duan Yunsu's body trembled, but the man said in a muffled voice, "Is your lady hot?"

Duan Yunsu was ashamed and annoyed for a while, this idiot really wanted to abduct her onto the bathtub!
She pinched his waist angrily, ignored his slightly stiff body, and said, "Susu will accompany you."

The messy clothes were untied at once, and Duan Yunsu, who was wearing an undershirt, went in under Zhao Hechen's dissatisfied gaze. Looking at Zhao Hechen who was staying here, he stared beautifully: "Why are you standing there?" Well, come here quickly, but I have to go to my mother's side later."

Zhao Hechen tilted his head and smiled, looking at Duan Yunsu's long straight legs in the water, the light in his eyes was shining, and he was already happy.Although Susu didn't take off her clothes, she was still willing to accompany Chen'er, Susu was the best.

(End of this chapter)

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