The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 175 Resolving Gu

Chapter 175 Resolving Gu (4)
The weight of the two people caused the water in the tub to overflow a lot. Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to wipe Zhao Hechen's back, and then turned the man's body to the other side. Looking at his firm chest, his face was slightly red, and he stretched out his hand Wipe him twice.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Hechen laughed and dodged, grabbed Duan Yunsu's mischievous little hand, and said, "Chen'er itches, Susu is not allowed to move."

Duan Yunsu glared at him angrily, and asked her to come in and help him take a bath if he wouldn't let her touch him!She directly tried to pull her hand back, but unexpectedly, the man's grip was too tight, her body in the water became unstable, and fell into his arms instead.

Zhao Hechen snorted, Susu was really hurt when he bumped into it, but Susu was so slippery and soft, Chen'er really liked it.

He stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the person in his arms, looking at her wet clothes, he could clearly see the exquisite curves of her body, his heart felt hot, and he stretched out his hands to reach out.

Seeing his movements, Duan Yunsu blushed, thinking about refusing?If the time is delayed, the princess may have some objections, she doesn't want to do this.As a son, he doesn't have to be so scruples; as a daughter-in-law, she naturally needs to pay more attention.

How could Zhao Hechen know what was going on in her heart? Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him at this moment, the images of joy from the previous times filled his mind, and now his whole body feels hotter than before.Follow the desire in your heart to ask for it.

Duan Yunsu's heart trembled, and he was also happy about Zhao Hechen's intimacy.She whispered softly, her hands unconsciously hugged him, and chased after him affectionately.

I saw the water in the bathtub swaying gently, and there was a faint sound of water splashing on the ground in the room, and then I looked inside the screen, the two were lingering, and the room was full of spring.

It took a full hour to take a bath, and the serving maid stood quietly by the door. When she heard a sound coming from the room, she asked tentatively: "Madam, do you want your servant to come in to serve you?"

A soft and feeble answer came from the room, with a bit of flattery and laziness in the voice.Those maids came in and carried the water out, looking serious and ignorant.

Duan Yunsu's face turned red to the neck, everyone knows what's going on with the situation on the ground, you idiot!He clearly said it was a bath, how could he wash like this, and he will definitely not be able to follow his wishes in the future!It's such an hour now, do I still want to go to Wangfei's side?
"Miss, the princess said that the lady and the young master have a good rest. The princess is busy now, so I don't have to make this trip again." Gu Qiu looked at the wet bed sheet, his face was slightly red, and he gave it to him in twos and twos. Changed it down.

Seeing what Gu Qiu said, Duan Yunsu felt embarrassed, what does it mean to take a good rest, could it be that even the princess knows what he has done, it is really embarrassing!

The days that followed were so peaceful that it made people feel weird. Concubine Wen suddenly kept a low profile and made no other moves, so that Princess An had no chance to find a reason to cut off her left and right arms.Duan Yunsu, however, looked sadly at his body that still didn't lose weight. The soup and tonics that the princess gave from time to time were really powerful, and his body grew a lot.

She lowered her head to look at her breasts, and comforted herself, well, in fact, the places that should grow have already grown, so she should not worry about it.

In fact, Duan Yunsu's body is so exquisite that he can't be considered fat at all.In the eyes of the princess, that is still not enough. Look at this little arm and calf, how can he have the strength to give birth to a baby if he doesn't take care of it?It's a sense of accomplishment to fatten up Prince An, and it's serious to make up for this young couple.

Situ Mo, who was sent by the palace to study medicine, was not difficult to get along with. Duan Yunsu showed him the blueprints he had drawn in his spare time, and explained what he didn't understand, but it was not a troublesome thing.It's just that Zhao Hechen was dissatisfied. Whenever he saw Situ Mo, he would stare at him every time, feeling sour in his heart. At night, he dragged Duan Yunsu to pester him, which made Duan Yunsu yawn again and again the next day. .

The blueprints of the medicinal herbs were passed on to the palace. Those imperial doctors were a little skeptical at first, but later these never-before-seen medicinal materials were not only found, but after trial, the effect was really as written by Duan Yunsu; The medicinal materials that have medicinal properties are also more comprehensive and detailed, and everyone is shocked.Some people even bound these hundreds of pages into a book, and carefully placed them for easy reading.

"Mrs. Zhao, I wonder when I will be able to observe this acupuncture technique?" Situ Mo admired the woman in front of him and adored him endlessly.During these two months, Duan Yunsu's insights into medical skills amazed him.

Duan Yunsu raised his eyes from the medical book, and said with a light smile, "This acupuncture is not easy. If Mr. Situ really wants to learn it, he will memorize this map of the meridians of the human body."

Situ Mo's eyes lit up when he heard this, Duan Yunsu meant that she was willing to teach herself?This is a lost secret method, if he refuses, he won't have any idea.

Zhao Hechen had been watching from the sidelines, seeing the man's bright eyes, he hummed in his heart, reached out to grab a book on the table, and threw it directly at Situ Mo.Situ Mo dodged sideways, and the book fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Situ Mo secretly smiled, this Zhao Hechen is definitely domineering, thinking that when he first came, he just gave Duan Yunsu a second look, and was smashed by this guy without saying a word.Now that two months have passed, his hiding skills are very proficient.

Storms are always brewing in the calm of the sea. Xi Country, which was originally quiet, suddenly received an urgent report that the southwestern border of Yu Country was attacking with fierce force, and it was about to capture the border town of Xi Country in a blink of an eye!
Emperor Jing was furious, this country Yu came to Xi country amicably two months earlier, and even got married, unexpectedly, this would change so quickly!
Two days later, news came that a city in Xiguo had been breached and all soldiers were killed in battle, shocking everyone in the court.Country Xi's combat power and defense are not weak, so why did that little country of Yu occupy the city so easily!

The emperor was furious and sent [-] troops, vowing to take this place back.After he carefully investigated the reason, he found that the soldiers' food and grass were mixed with soil, and the weapon was even more fragile and could break if it was folded!This incident shocked the government and the public. Some people dare to play tricks in the army. They are not ordinary courageous!
When Duan Yunsu heard the news, he knew it was not good.From what Princess An said, it seems that the matter of food and grass for the southwest army is under the crown prince's control.Sure enough, soon after, news came that the crown prince had been deprived of power and was trapped in the East Palace and could no longer participate in government affairs. Now he still had the title of crown prince, but he had nothing left.

Duan Yunsu's heart sank. Is this really the prince's fault, or is someone acting as a hindrance to pull the prince down?This is unknown.

What she was concerned about at the moment was another matter. The old lady's sudden appearance yesterday brought good news to her.

(End of this chapter)

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