The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 182 The position of the son

Chapter 182 The position of the son (2)
Princess An's eyes turned red, this person treats her as dead, whose concubine would be so arrogant, she has had enough, even with the support of the Emperor, she will show this person a good look today!
"Mother Li, please become a monk! Today I will let people take a good look at what is right and what is side. After all these years of tolerance, you Wen Yuanyuan will treat me as transparent?!" Princess An put the teacup in her hand Throwing it directly on the person, hot water seeped into the clothes, only to hear Concubine Wen scream "Ah".

Nanny Li looked so happy, she felt so proud that she even stepped two points briskly, the princess must be planning to teach this person a lesson today.

The family law that was requested was a whip with a barb.

When Wen Yuanyuan saw it, her face changed a little: "You Yin Fu dare to touch me, so you are not afraid that this palace is beautiful?!"

Princess An snorted coldly: "The big deal is that this palace can't go on, don't worry, before I get better, I will definitely pull you, Wen Yuanyuan, as a backup!"

She stretched out her hand to pick up the whip, waved it in the air and let out a cry that pierced the air. Seeing that this man was really planning to make a move, Concubine Wen turned pale and scolded sharply: "Touch me today, and I will do it tomorrow." Give you back ten lashes... ah!"

Princess An narrowed her eyes slightly, listening to the screams, she felt that her heart had never been so comfortable.She endured all these years, but it was only for the safety of the palace, so that Chen'er could live in peace.

It's just that today you insult my son and slander my daughter-in-law, I will show you how much ruthlessness I have accumulated over the years!If I calm down today, I will really be a wimp!
The whip landed on her body, and there were streaks of blood immediately, and Concubine Wen did not forget to yell while dodging around: "You bastards, you see the master being beaten and don't come here to help!"

The maidservants who followed were already stunned, they had never seen Princess An like this before, her eyes that were red with anger seemed to tear people apart, it was really scary!
Nanny Li looked at Concubine Wen coldly, after today, the people over there will definitely not be kind.Zhao Hechen is the treasure in the heart of the princess, and the abuse and slander again and again will hit the bottom line of the princess sooner or later.The concubine's behavior today looks reckless and sudden, but in fact it is just the grievances accumulated to the extreme, and she wants to vent all the suffering of these years.There is always a time when the water is full, and the princess can endure it for such a long time, which is already beyond the imagination of others.

Pumping people is also a laborious task. Princess An panted and looked at the man in front of her in a mess. The man's bun was already in a mess, the clothes on his body were torn, and blood was staining. Look at that charming and arrogant face , is leaving a red scar.

Princess An only feels a rare relief in her heart. The days of arrogance will always come to an end. Today I will teach you a lesson and show you that she is not a clay puppet to be kneaded by others!

"Drag people out for me. From today on, Concubine Wen will stay in Xinlan Courtyard to recuperate. If she comes out at will without my order, I will let you see my concubine's ability again!"

Those servants hurriedly helped him up, turned around and brought him back.Bi Xiao then looked back at Princess An, a glint flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his head and smiled.

"Mother Li, do you blame me for being impulsive today?" After everyone left, Princess An took a while to calm down.

"The reason why the concubine is like this is not the person who asked for it. The slaves have long wanted to see that person is unlucky. Today, the concubine is like this, even the prince will not blame you. If that person came to rescue the soldiers To be fair, let's think of a way to deal with it."

The news that the princess angrily beat Concubine Wen had already spread in the mansion, and the people below were secretly startled. Is this palace going to change?The prince's illness was cured, and the concubine became hardened, but this concubine Wen didn't seem to be able to endure it to the end.

The mansion was silent for three days, but suddenly became busy again. The servant girl cleaned up the palace from the beginning to the end. Duan Yunsu looked at the busy people, and paused with the hands holding the medicinal materials, remembering that today the emperor will Come.

Isn't this what I was preparing for, but I forgot about it.When the emperor came over, the mansion must not be negligent.

When Prince An called Duan Yunsu to the courtyard, he saw that Emperor Jing was sitting on the first seat, and the prince was coming out to talk with him, looking very happy.

"Where is Chen'er?" Emperor Jing glanced at Duan Yunsu who came alone, and said calmly.

"Chen'er is playing in the woods behind. I have sent someone to look for it just now, so I should have arrived?" Princess An put down the teacup in her hand and looked outside twice.

Emperor Jing smiled indifferently when he heard the words: "It's okay, I just asked casually, and I know that Chen'er is restless, so I let him play for a while."

"Uncle Emperor, Uncle Emperor." As soon as Emperor Jing's voice fell, he saw Zhao Hechen rushing in, wiping his sweat, and shouted, "Chen'er is late, Uncle Emperor brought a What for Chen'er?"

Emperor Jing laughed a little: "Good boy, it seems that you are thinking about good things instead of the emperor's uncle."

Zhao Hechen rolled his eyes, squinted his eyes and smiled happily: "Chen'er has always remembered the emperor's uncle, but every time the emperor's uncle comes over, he has something good, and Chen'er wants to bring it to Susu."

Hearing this, Emperor Jing put his gaze on Duan Yunsu, and Duan Yunsu couldn't help but tense up with that sharp, scrutinizing gaze, and stood with his head bowed in an orderly manner.

"Yunsu is out of touch with me. Now that everything is ready, let's start." Emperor Jing set his eyes on Prince An and said, "Brother Jue, you have a good daughter-in-law. If this illness is cured Alright, let’s just wait and enjoy the blessings in the future.”

Zhao Jue is the name of Prince An. After so many years, only the emperor still calls him his younger brother, and he can't help but sigh in his heart: "I also thank the emperor for the marriage, otherwise how could my younger brother marry such a A good daughter-in-law comes in."

Emperor Jing smiled and said nothing, Duan Yunsu brought in all the prepared things when he saw this, it was not much different from last time, it was just that Emperor Jing was here today, which made her a little nervous.

When he saw Duan Yunsu walking the needle, Emperor Jing's eyes flickered.Duan Yunsu is proficient in this technique, it can be seen that she has been practicing for many years, and no one has discovered where she learned it as a boudoir.

Looking at Prince An's increasingly swollen calf, Duan Yunsu's expression froze: "Your Majesty, Yunsu is going to draw blood as a seduction."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Jing stepped forward, looked at the condition of Prince An's feet, narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what to think.He stretched out his left hand, Duan Yunsu stretched out the knife, and cut lightly.

The blood dripped on the potion, Duan Yunsu squinted his eyes and watched carefully, Emperor Jing looked at the wound that stopped bleeding after pressing on his finger for a while, and said with a chuckle: "Yunsu's technique is clever, the wound The bleeding stopped so quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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