The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 183 The position of the son

Chapter 183 The position of the son (3)
That is, Duan Yunsu complained in his heart.This is the emperor's hand, how can I be careless? If someone like Zhao Heqi, she would be so careful, then it would be hell.

Before Duan Yunsu could reply, he saw that Anqin seemed to be in extreme pain, her body trembled violently, she groaned, and sweat broke out on her forehead.This kind of reaction was even stronger than the previous one. Duan Yunsu watched the situation of the medicine nervously, afraid that it would fail again this time, so what else could she do?
I saw thin blood streaks slowly flowing out from those feet, the blood color was actually black, thick and slowly mixed into the potion, coagulated into lumps and would not disperse.

Duan Yunsu was overjoyed, this is the same as what her mother-in-law said, is this Gu solved?
A stench came over, and Duan Yunsu felt sick, covered his mouth and almost vomited it out.Zhao Hechen who was beside him was terrified when he saw it, and hastily stretched out his arms to hug him: "What's wrong with Susu? Susu isn't feeling well?"

Duan Yunsu slowed down slightly, shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

Princess An looked at the prince's appearance, and saw that Duan Yunsu's eyes were red with tears and seemed to be in pain, so she reached out and patted her on the back, her eyes were on the potion, and she couldn't help frowning.

Duan Yunsu calmed down, endured the discomfort and looked over, only to see that the clotted blood in the potion occasionally glowed with a long white light, which seemed a bit oozing.

Emperor Jing frowned when he saw it: "Yunsu, is this the Gu? Why are there so many, and how long will it take?"

Duan Yunsu recalled what her mother-in-law said, and explained: "This golden greedy Gu is different from other Gu, its body is extremely small, and it grows in groups. Father has been infected with Gu for more than ten years, and the Gu worms in his body have grown little by little, and it has become like this. "

Emperor Jing felt a little horrified when he heard the words, is this the Gu of Yu Kingdom?But it is really infiltrating, no wonder it is considered a secret technique.If everyone learns it, there will be chaos.

After about half a stick of incense, bright red blood gradually flowed out of the small wound, Duan Yunsu was overjoyed, knowing that the Gu might have been healed.Prince An's face turned pale, his whole body was sweating, and his breath was extremely weak.

Duan Yunsu took a step forward and wanted to remove the potion, but he felt uncomfortable when he got close to it. Seeing this, the princess hurriedly waved her hand to let the maid deal with it: "Yunsu, this Gu has been cured? But what else do you need to do?"

Duan Yunsu shook his head, and said: "First apply the prepared ointment to father's wound, and then father is very weak now, so he needs to rest well and don't disturb him."

When Princess An heard the words, tears suddenly overflowed from her eyes, but she had a smile on her face, and her voice was a little choked up: "That's good, that's good..."

She looked at Emperor Jing who was frowning at the side, and leaned over to salute: "Thank you, Your Majesty, who is willing to donate blood today, if not, my lord, she..."

"Brother Jue is my own younger brother, so it should be done like this." Emperor Jing turned his head and glanced at Zhao Hechen, and said, "Chen'er is the one who is most worried now, if you need anything, feel free to bring a message to the palace. "

"Uncle Emperor, Chen'er wants to see the elder brother of the crown prince, why can't Chen'er see him?" Zhao Hechen tilted his head, holding Duan Yunsu, but still didn't want to let go.

It was because she was unwell just now, but now it's nothing, Duan Yunsu saw so many people, it's not reasonable to hug them like this, so he stretched out his hand and pushed them.But seeing Zhao Hechen's eyes widen unexpectedly, his cheeks bulged and he was unwilling to let go.

Susu is not allowed to move, she is not allowed to move if she is not feeling well!
Duan Yunsu looked at him and paused, this guy, why is he so domineering!

Emperor Jing looked at the small movements between the two, and actually smiled softly: "What is Chen'er seeing the prince, the prince is staying in the palace to study his homework now, he can't come out at will."

Zhao Hechen blinked, looked at Princess An again, and said in a clear voice, "Chen'er didn't want to do anything, but heard mother sigh when she mentioned the prince, Chen'er wanted to bring the prince here to make mother happy."

As soon as these words came out, Princess An's face changed slightly.Chen'er cared about her, and she was very relieved in her heart, but this matter should not be talked about casually, let alone in front of the emperor.She saw that Emperor Jing's smile had subsided just now, and her heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the emperor's view of the prince has not changed?

Now that the words have come to this point, Princess An pondered for a while, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the prince is broad-minded, ambitious and insightful, so why would he do such a foolish thing?"

Now that the crown prince's power has been taken away, is it probably the means of the people in the court?

"Princess An wants to intercede for the prince?" Emperor Jing's face became more and more uneasy. He was the one who took back the order of the prince to assist the government. Does Princess An think that he is confused?
"My wife dare not, but the prince is frank, so I'm afraid there will be something wrong with this matter. The prince has been in charge of the Southwest Army's rations and weapons for a long time, how could he be so negligent."

"I think he has been in charge for too long, and his heart is too big!" Emperor Jing snorted coldly, without any sign of softening.

Concubine An's heart is anxious, the emperor is becoming more and more stubborn now, if there is no evidence to frame him about the prince's matter, the emperor may always have this attitude?
It's just helpless that he is a little woman, how can she argue with the emperor about this matter in the court.Thinking of the prince who has been de-gutted, Princess An's eyes lighten up, if the prince recovers, it will be much more convenient to speak and act.

As for the prince, being in that position should also be regarded as some experience.

When he came over the next day, Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to feel the pulse of the prince, looking at the still pale face of the prince, he thought carefully in his heart.Although the Gu on the prince's body has been resolved, this tonic should not be used too hastily, it is better to use some mild medicine carefully, coupled with dietary adjustments, and let this weak body be slowly raised.

"Miss, all the shopkeepers you were looking for are here." Gu Qiu whispered in Duan Yunsu's ear.

Duan Yunsu saw that Princess An was taking good care of the prince, so he bowed to him and stepped back, then went out of the courtyard and said, "But they're all here?"

"The shopkeeper Wang from the clothing store didn't come, I heard he's returned home." Gu Qiu replied.

In the front hall, the four shopkeepers were sitting together, chatting a few words from time to time, seeing Duan Yunsu coming in, they got up and saluted.

Duan Yunsu waved his hand and said directly: "I think you know what it means to call you here today."

Shopkeeper Chen got up and replied: "Young Madam, this shop has been losing money for several years, and it was all relying on the money allocated by the General's Mansion to turn around at that time. The small one also tried to save this shop, but the effect is really good. It's not good."

Duan Yunsu raised his eyes to look at the middle-aged man with mustache, and saw his mung bean eyes gleaming, he really didn't give her much favor: "Then according to Shopkeeper Chen, what should we do with this shop?"

(End of this chapter)

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