The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 184 The position of the son

Chapter 184 The position of the son (4)
"Young madam might as well allocate some more money. This silk shop is considered a time-honored shop here. It would be a pity to abandon it."

Duan Yunsu let out a cold snort in her heart, and she winked at Gu Qiu, who quickly reported in a stack of ledgers.Duan Yunsu casually picked up the account book of the silk and satin shop, threw it directly on shopkeeper Chen, and said softly: "The shopkeeper Chen has a lot of skills, and there is no mistake in this account book, it is really careful. "

She found another account among those books and said, "Which one is shopkeeper Zhu?" Seeing the tall and thin man coming out, she also threw the things into his hands: "Manager Zhu, this addition, subtraction, and subtraction You will get the algorithm wrong? I don’t know if it’s intentional or not, but I think Mrs. Ben is illiterate, so I don’t know how to do this?”

The two people who did not roll their names panicked, opened the ledger and flipped through two pages.I saw a lot of scratches on it with cinnabar, and I looked at the place carefully, and I couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"The two shopkeepers are capable people. My wife has also seen the answer to how this shop is losing money. If you change the two, you can come back to this shop if you want to come to this shop?" Duan Yunsu smiled coldly. Duan Yuqing from the General's Mansion was in charge of these shops. Did he miss the tricks in the ledger, or was he directly involved?

There is also the General's Mansion, which actually gave her such a shop as a dowry, but is she afraid that she is living too well?

She looked at the remaining two shopkeepers, and said: "The remaining two shops are really because of the poor storefronts. My wife will try to figure out a way to do it another day. Seeing that you are still honest, I will continue to be the shopkeepers. As for The two shopkeepers, Zhu and Chen..."

Duan Yunsu's voice paused, and the two of them raised their hearts: "If you want to keep the real account, you have to think it over carefully, hand it over, and then make up for the gap. My wife will let it go for now. You guys for a while, or I'll send you directly to the government." What will happen after she stays, then she still has the final say.

The two storekeepers who were fine saw that their jobs were still there, and they were slightly happy in their hearts.The remaining two, Zhu and Chen, were sweating profusely on their foreheads.My own hands and feet have become too big, how can I make up for that much money.

The two of them were thinking about how to get things back together. As soon as the words reached their throats, they were interrupted by a maid who came in: "Young lady, the prince seems to be in a bad mood. The princess asked the servant to come and invite you go there."

"What's wrong, my lord?" Duan Yunsu stood up all of a sudden.

"Master Wen is here, and he is arguing with the prince in the Muqing Court." The maid replied.

Sir Wen?Duan Yunsu's eyes sank, could it be Concubine Wen's father, coming here at this time, maybe he wanted to find a place for Concubine Wen?
"Shopkeepers, I'm really sorry, Yunsu is inconvenient today, you go back and wait for the news." After Duan Yunsu finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving the few people looking at each other.

In the Muqing Courtyard, Duan Yunsu didn't hear the voice of the voice, just felt strange, when he stepped in, he saw that the people in the room were in a stalemate, Prince An was panting, and his face was a little pale.

The prince's body has managed to recuperate a bit, but he didn't expect to be pissed off again today.Duan Yunsu felt anxious, and walked up to Prince An's side: "Father, what's wrong?"

"Father is fine." Prince An's voice was a little weak.

"Master Wen, the prince's body is just right, but I can't stand your torment." Princess An's voice was somewhat dissatisfied, her tone was slightly cold, and she didn't have much affection for Mr. Wen.

Duan Yunsu raised his eyes to look at the man standing in front of him, and saw that he was in his sixtieth year, his goatee was dyed white with frost, his eyes would unconsciously take on a bit of fierceness, and the slightly raised corners of his eyes seemed A bit arrogant, it is Wen Hong, the father of Concubine Wen.

Wen Hong listened to Princess An's words, snorted and said: "I'm tossing about, if you didn't hurt my daughter, I would rarely come to this place!"

"Master Wen taught a good daughter who bullied the wife without a plan. Is it normal for me, as the head of the house, to teach her a lesson?" This person has not seen for such a long time, I did not expect this temperament to remain the same is so.This person was entrusted by the former emperor, and I heard that this person became more and more ostentatious in his affairs, but they are really two fathers and daughters, and their temperaments are exactly the same: "The so-called married daughter splashed water, Mr. Wen came to the palace time and time again. No, don't you think it's a bit too much?"

"If the old man doesn't come, my daughter and grandson will be bullied to death without knowing it! Zhao Heqi's severed finger, do you think the old man doesn't know? If you don't give me an explanation today, the old man must have told the emperor to show him the palace." Brothers in each other kill each other."

"You can go to the performance, but I will see what the emperor says! Even if I smash down my Prince An's mansion today, I will not obey your wishes!" After finishing speaking, Prince An couldn't help but After coughing a few more times, Duan Yunsu hastily breathed for him.

What did the father's words mean, and what did these people say before she came?Follow Mr. Wen's meaning?What exactly do you mean?
Mrs. Wen said in a cold tone: "I didn't expect Prince An's illness to be cured, and his waist is stiffer than before. Don't forget who gave his life to save him back then, and don't forget who caused my daughter to be so cold-eyed. You My lord, you are able to have today, in the final analysis, I still had the help of my Wen family."

"Bang Dang", Prince An swept the things off the table, pointed at the person in front of him tremblingly, "Don't talk about those things in the past! I, Zhao Jue, is a member of the royal family, and I don't care about you!" Someone surnamed Wen came to help? So what if I divorce Wen Yuanyuan today, if you have something to do, just come to the king and talk about my wife and children, what kind of man is he!"

Unexpectedly, Wen Hong snorted coldly: "I don't care if it's rare or not. If you want to divorce my daughter, fine, make Zhao Heqi your son, and I will immediately take Wen Yuanyuan back to the mansion!"

"Do you think you have been procrastinating and using up energy? The emperor has witnessed this matter. Besides, the emperor doesn't know what Zhao Hechen looks like? If he can become the prince, why wait until this time!" Wen Hong sneered .

Seeing the expressions of Prince An and Concubine An, Duan Yunsu's heart sank. This matter seemed to be getting more and more complicated. Why was Wen Yuanyuan involved in the matter of Xiu and Li Shizi?It stands to reason that this is the most important place, there shouldn't be such a saying.Could it be that the emperor has given Mr. Wen some kind of guarantee, so that this person can be so arrogant in this matter?
But seeing that the emperor seemed to care for Zhao Hechen very much, how could he lose his position as the heir?

"Lord Wen, if you don't want to be an eldest son, Zhao Heqi is not even the eldest son, how can you become the heir of the royal family?" Duan Yunsu looked at the arrogant eyes of that man, feeling extremely displeased in his heart.

A dignified courtier can speak like this to a prince. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes today, she would not believe that in this place where etiquette and law are the most important, there are still people who can be so arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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