Chapter 186 Pregnant (2)
Duan Yunsu leaned on the beauty's couch, thinking of the doctor from Huichun Hall who was invited at that time, he was really a little embarrassed.Unexpectedly, the person who came here was Situ Mo, who looked at her and teased her at that time.Situ Mo was in a happy mood at the time, he never thought that Duan Yunsu, who is good at medicine, would ask for a doctor on this matter.

Zhao Hechen, who came back from the outside, saw his wife lying lazily, then walked in quietly, his eyes fixed on Duan Yunsu's belly, as if he was stunned.Duan Yunsu turned his head to the side, just in time to see Zhao Hechen's stupefied look, so he called out: "Chenchen."

Unexpectedly, the fellow was startled suddenly, jumped up with a "ho", patted his chest with a frightened look, and met his eyes resentfully: "Susu, don't scare Chen'er."

Duan Yunsu smiled angrily: "When did I scare you? Isn't this talking nicely? Why are you in a daze?"

"Chen'er is playing with the baby." Zhao Hechen reached out and touched Duan Yunsu's stomach.

Duan Yunsu grabbed that hand, it's only been over a month, and he can touch nothing.He even said he was playing, can this little fetus that has just started to take shape know how to stare at you?

"Does Susu want to sleep, Chen'er will accompany you." After Zhao Hechen finished speaking, he also squeezed up, and gently put his arms around Duan Yunsu, with a cautious look on his face, for fear of shocking the baby in his stomach.

Duan Yunsu buried his head in his arms, smelling the aura that only belonged to Zhao Hechen, feeling inexplicably at ease in his heart.She finally had the feeling that she also belonged to this time and space.Here is her lover and her child. The previous life was more like a noisy and prosperous dream, but now this is her real destination.

She put her arms around that person's waist, she was lucky, if it wasn't for this person, she would not be able to experience the taste of home after all.

In a daze, she felt that someone was patting her on the back, and there was a soft hum in her ear. Duan Yunsu felt drowsy, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

When he woke up again, he looked at Zhao Hechen who was still asleep beside him, lowered his head and kissed him lightly, got up and walked out.Tingyue Tinghe was quietly packing up the things in the house, and Nanny Li was pointing a few times.

Duan Yunsu was confused for a moment: "Nurse, what is this for?"

Nanny Li smiled and replied with squinted eyes: "Young Madam, this old servant has changed all the things that would get in your hands and feet. There are also all these sharp edges and corners. The Young Madam is now Double body, you have to be careful in everything." She glanced at the two people who were busy, and then said: "The number of people serving here is still a little less, the old slave looks at it and tells the princess, and then dials more. Some people come over."

Li Nanny's action was extremely fast, and the concubine was also extremely caring. The next day, this person dialed down, and Li Nanny led three maids, two servants, and a nanny to come in.

After a few people saluted, Li Momo said: "Young Madam, these people have been carefully selected. What the princess means is that the maids of the Young Madam are familiar with it, so let them come in to serve you. , these people just do some chores. Madam Qian is an experienced person, and she will serve by the young lady's side in the future, and she will be reminded of everything."

Duan Yunsu nodded, looking at the three new maids, two of them were twelve or thirteen years old, and one was about the same age as Ting He, who was standing with lowered brows, looking at She also closed her eyes: "Let mother worry about it, Yunsu will arrange it properly."

After Nanny Li changed the subject and left, Duan Yunsu leaned on the carved chair, reached out to take the teacup Gu Qiu handed over, frowned slightly, handed it back and said: "In the future, we'd better serve this tea less, it's thick Tea is definitely not acceptable."

Gu Qiu took it, and Duan Yunsu asked again: "Where did you come from, Madam Qian, I don't seem to have seen you in the mansion."

"Back to the Young Madam, the old slave was originally a female official in the palace, and she came out when she was old. Princess An invited the servants to come out, and asked the servants to thank you for taking care of the Young Madam's body." Qian Momo said that she was about 40 years old. , the bun is neatly combed, the clothes are neat, and the rules are very strict when speaking.

Those who can retreat safely in the palace are not very capable. It seems that Princess An's thinking is far-reaching.This experienced nanny can not only remind her of her daily life and diet, but she can also have someone to remind her of those crooked thoughts. She must not be careless in this few months of pregnancy.

"Since that's the case, it's a laborious mother. Yunsu is young and doesn't know many things. I hope mother can thank you for your advice." Duan Yunsu smiled lightly.

Qian Momo looked at the woman in front of her, with ink-painted eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth, and looked at her calm posture, she looked pretty good, no wonder Princess An insisted on begging her back regardless of the gossip.I only heard Qian Mamo say: "Young Madam is too modest, Young Madam is a medical student, and she must be better than Mammy in many things."

Duan Yunsu pursed his lips and smiled, and his eyes fell on the three maids. Looking at the face of one of them, it was almost exactly the same as the Mingyue sent by the princess last time, and asked curiously: "What's your name? Mingyue is you who?"

When the girl heard Mingyue's name, she quietly raised her head to take a look, only to see that the eldest young lady was looking at her with some interest, and hurriedly replied: "My maidservant Mingxin, Mingyue is my maidservant's older sister." I didn't see my sister when I came in, so I thought my sister was useless, but I didn't expect that the young lady still remembered her sister's name.

"Are you two twins? My wife just found out now."

"The slaves are not good at speech, so they mostly stay in the embroidery room and never go out. Presumably that's why the young lady has never seen the slaves." Ming Xin replied carefully, for fear that Duan Yunsu would be dissatisfied with her.My too silent temperament does not please the master, so I have said so many things today, it is already considered surprising.

Duan Yunsu's eyes flashed when he heard the words, an idea came to his mind, and he said to Gu Qiu who was beside him: "You will call Mingyue here later, my wife has something to say."

Upon hearing this, Gu Qiu responded, looked at the remaining two maids and said, "Miss, the taller one is Tan Xiang, a maid who came out of the big kitchen, and I heard that she is good at cooking. Princess An said she wanted Chao Jin There is a small kitchen in the yard, I think it was sent here to help."

"What about the other one?" Duan Yunsu gently stroked the growing nail, a little absent-minded.In these good days, I have never picked up medicinal materials to treat others, and my nails grew long without knowing it.Thinking of his good medical skills, it seemed that he had left it aside these days, and suddenly felt a little bored in his heart.

"Miss, the other one was chosen and sent by the emperor himself. I heard that it is capable of martial arts."

"Oh?" Duan Yunsu suddenly regained his spirits. The emperor sent it. What does it mean? Whether it was found by a maid in the palace or by the people, it has to be clarified.

(End of this chapter)

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