Chapter 187 Pregnant (3)
Duan Yunsu asked, but heard the servant girl reply: "Young Madam, the maidservant's name is Nianqiu, she is just an ordinary maid in the palace, she once served the young master of the harem. The emperor ordered the maidservant to come and follow the young lady. There must be no accidents with Madam."

How could the emperor still be interested in her? Could it be because of Zhao Hechen?Duan Yunsu looked at the man's expressionless face, which was a bit fresh.This Nianqiu looks like an upper-middle-class person, and anyone who can enter the palace is a beauty. This is the first time I have seen this cold beauty: "Nianqiu's name is after Gu Qiu who is beside me. Since the emperor told me to Those who follow me, then you can stay in this room, if you don’t know anything on weekdays, just go to Gu Qiu.”

"Yes, ma'am." Nian Qiu respectfully saluted.

Duan Yunsu's eyes darkened. Princess An probably knew about this, otherwise she would not have sent him here directly.It's just that what is the emperor's mind, I still have to go to Princess An to find out.

After Duan Yunsu waved a few people out, Gu Qiu leaned over and asked curiously: "Miss, you smell it so carefully, do you have any plans, can you tell Gu Qiu to hear it?"

"How do you know if I have plans?" Duan Yunsu asked amusedly.

"As soon as the slave girl sees Miss's eyeballs, she knows that Miss is going to plan again. Miss is pregnant now, if you can't be careless, you should plan more." Gu Qiu said seriously.

Duan Yunsu smiled lightly, and said: "It's not really a plan, I just came up with a few ideas. Now I'm not alone, and I can't be controlled by the people over there forever. Jinyuan tied it into an iron bucket, and I want to thank you for paying attention to the actions there, so you can't be passive all the time."

Gu Qiu's eyes lit up when he heard the words. The so-called mother is strong. The young lady was too indifferent before, and didn't care about many things. Now if she can directly slap the other side, it will be even happier: "What good idea does the young lady have?" ?” Gu Qiu asked curiously, poking his head.

Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand and gave her a shudder: "Miss Ben has a plan in her mind, just watch."

"One more thing is..." Duan Yunsu walked to the desk and picked up an invitation card, which was exactly the one that Zhao Heqi sent over that day: "Give this to the princess, now I am People with twin bodies will naturally not participate in these frustrating things, let the princess arrange it all."

The date written in this invitation is October [-]th, which is the Xiayuan Festival.Originally, this day was the day when the people thanked the god of grains. On that day, the people worshiped the Yuanshui official, praying for relief from disasters, and thanks to the blessings of the gods, the weather will be smooth and the grains will be plentiful.The second prince didn't know where his thoughts came from, and set up a grand ceremony to sacrifice with the people. He invited all officials and ministers to go together to sacrifice the grace of heaven.

After reading it, Duan Yunsu realized that it was not an invitation for her at all, but for the man in the mansion.During the sacrificial ceremony, women seldom participated in the sacrificial ceremony, and Zhao Heqi just used this as an excuse to find himself in the Chaojin Courtyard.

Looking at the rice paper on the corner of the desk, Duan Yunsu casually flipped through it twice, and handed it to Gu Qiu together, saying: "You ask Tingyue to go over this thing and hand it over to the owner of Huichuntang."

Gu Qiu took it, and saw that the paintings on it were just some medicinal herb atlases, which were similar to those that were handed over to Mr. Situ to bring back to the palace in the past. They should be drawn slowly by the young lady today.It's just that the young master of Huichuntang is also Situ Mo, who has been here to seek medical knowledge with the young lady before, why not give it all up, and still make such trouble?

In the blink of an eye, it was night, and Duan Yunsu sat lightly in front of the vanity mirror, put down the high bun, and combed it carefully one by one.When Zhao Hechen came out of the shower, he saw his wife was calm, and the corner of her smiling mouth inexplicably caught his heart.He walked behind her and hugged her into his arms, his black jade-like eyes reflected the candlelight, flickering slightly, and his voice was soft and childish: "Miss, let's go, Chen'er sleeps with the baby."

"Chenchen only has babies in his heart?" Duan Yunsu was dissatisfied when he heard this.

"Chen'er likes Susu the most." Seeing that Duan Yunsu's face seemed unhappy, Zhao Hechen said hastily.

"I like Susu, what about the baby?" Duan Yunsu stared beautifully.

When had Zhao Hechen seen such a difficult Duan Yunsu, but he had never seen his wife grabbing him.He looked down and saw mist rising from the eyes of the lady. He panicked and scratched his head in a panic. He clumsily coaxed him, then lowered his head and kissed her face carelessly: "Chen I like it all, Susu don't cry Susu don't cry."

Huh—Chen'er didn't do anything, why is Susu crying...

Duan Yunsu didn't know what he was doing, but felt that something was going on in his heart for no reason. Seeing Zhao Hechen's panic-stricken appearance, he suddenly laughed again.

Zhao Hechen looked at Duan Yunsu with pursed lips, and his small resentful eyes fell directly on her.Is Susu trying to scare Chen'er, but the way Susu just wanted to cry is also pretty.

"Susu, let's go to sleep." Zhao Hechen happily hugged her and rubbed her.

"Cough..." There was a clear cough from inside the room, only to see Nanny Qian walking in, accompanied by Nanny Li and Gu Qiu Tingyue.

I saw Li Mama said: "The eldest young lady is pregnant, according to the rules, she has to sleep in a separate bed. The princess asked the servants to wait for the young master to prepare the room, and the eldest young master went there to sleep for a while."

A few maids came forward to make the bed, and Duan Yunsu finally remembered this. It seems that there is such an unwritten rule. When pregnant, they are afraid that the child will be hurt if they have sex in the same room. People sleep on separate beds.

It's just that she still has some understanding of being a doctor, and when she was about to speak, Zhao Hechen was already in a hurry, so why not let him and Susu?How can that work!Chen'er couldn't sleep without Susu.

"Chen'er won't go out, Chen'er will accompany the lady." Zhao Hechen sat directly on the bed, looking at the people in front of him in a bad mood.

"Master, don't be self-willed, how about we sleep together after the eldest lady gives birth to a child?" Li Nanny tried to persuade her.

"Mother Li, Chen'er sleeps very soundly, and he won't move around and hurt the child. Why don't you stay?" Duan Yunsu still remembered that this man climbed onto her bed time and time again when he was in Jiangzhou. bed.If you stop it like this today, can you really stop it?In her opinion, don't bother, this guy is quite capable of sneaking in.

"Young Madam's words are wrong. I'm afraid of anything. If something goes wrong, it will be a disaster." Li Nanny heard that Duan Yunsu didn't want to leave Zhao Hechen, and she was a little anxious.She knows that the young master is the most attached to the young lady. This is a hot-blooded young age, if the two of them can't help it, what should they do?
"My lady will not be able to sleep well after leaving Chen'er. If she can't sleep well, she won't be able to eat well. If she doesn't eat well, the baby won't be good either. Mammy wants Su Su to sleep well. Mammy, you are bad." Zhao Hechen glanced at Li Nanny , One after another, it also carried the meaning of accusation.

(End of this chapter)

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