Chapter 188 Pregnant (4)
Nanny Li was a little dazed by the bad and the bad, when did the young master know how to talk like this, and what he said was really impressive.It's just that the concubine confessed that she is here, so she should try to persuade her.

"Sister Li, I think it should be like this." Qian Momo on the side said: "The servants will sleep directly in the outer room, so that if the young lady needs anything, it will be convenient for the old lady to take care of her."

Duan Yunsu was embarrassed when he heard the words, was he planning to come out and stop them as soon as he found out that they had crossed the line?
"This can be considered. Since it's late today and the young master doesn't want to come, let's do it first. Let's see if it suits you tomorrow." Madam Li thought for a while, Then nodded.

The next day, Princess An took a closer look at the faces of the two people, and still sighed helplessly, and talked to Duan Yunsu in private, Duan Yunsu nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

"My lord, the Song residence has someone here, and they have been invited to the front hall, do you want to go?" Juyue opened the curtain and said.

Duan Yunsu's eyes lit up, and Princess An smiled lightly when she saw her like this: "Yunsu hurry over, I must have come to see you, you two talk about yourselves first, and mother will come after she tidies up."

In the front hall, Song Ping was sitting next to Fang Yujian, carefully tested the temperature of the tea, and just passed the cup over. There was a bit of gentleness on that tough face, and Fang Yujian was very caring.

When Duan Yunsu came in, what he saw was the two looking at each other affectionately.Ever since the eldest aunt became pregnant, the relationship between the two seemed to have taken another level, making others envious.

"You're here, Yunsu." Fang Yu stood up with his stomach straight, and Song Ping hurried forward to help him.

"My aunt is pregnant and came here, so I'm not afraid of being tired." Although Duan Yunsu's tone was somewhat complaining, he couldn't help being happy in his heart.

"The doctor said, it's good for my aunt to come out for a walk often this month. Besides, Prince An's Mansion is not far from the Song Mansion, so it's convenient to come here."

Duan Yunsu walked forward, looking at her obviously protruding belly, he couldn't help thinking of the appearance of the child in her belly.My aunt is also more than five months pregnant. Seeing her ruddy complexion, she must be well-raised: "Auntie, Yunsu will take your pulse."

Of course, Fang Yu would not refuse. She watched Duan Yunsu's pulse for a while, but then she pursed her lips and smiled softly, curious in her heart: "What's wrong with Yunsu, I'm secretly having fun, Not to mention listening to my aunt."

Duan Yunsu thought about it for a while, and felt that there should be nothing wrong with saying this, so he smiled and said: "Auntie, there is a boy in your belly, so my grandfather will be very happy now."

Fang Yu's face beamed with joy: "Can Yunsu see the pulse? Those doctors before couldn't tell for sure."

"My aunt's child is not young anymore, so I can see it. The doctor is afraid that he will make a mistake and cause trouble, so he just doesn't say it. There are things like this."

Song Ping's face was full of joy, whether it was a boy or a girl, he would love him very much, but if it was a boy, it happened to be a successor to the Song family, and it was a great blessing news.

"Seeing that girl Yunsu is doing well, uncle, I feel relieved. When I come here today, I have to pay a visit to Prince An first. You two will chat first, and uncle will come when he turns around." Song Ping turned to the maid who accompanied him. After a few detailed instructions, it was nothing more than words of careful service.

Duan Yunsu looked at the figure of his uncle leaving and smiled: "My uncle cares about my aunt so much, my aunt is really lucky."

Fang Yuyan smiled a little embarrassedly, thought of the people around Duan Yunsu, and said a little downcastly: "Now you are also pregnant, your husband-in-law is still so ignorant, I will have to work hard for you in the future."

"Aunt has overthought, Chenchen is very kind to Yunsu, this is enough."

"You, we girls always have to rely on someone. My aunt is just worried that you will be more troublesome in the future. Fortunately, the prince is getting better now, and he can be regarded as someone who can do things." Fang Yu said earnestly. said.

The prince is still recuperating in the Muqing Courtyard, he has been recuperating carefully recently, his body has improved a lot, although his face is pale, but his spirit is good.

When Song Ping came in with the boy who led the way, what he saw was Prince An holding a scroll in his hand and looking fascinated.Song Ping couldn't help but said: "My lord is in good health, but reading is too depressing."

When Prince An saw Song Ping coming in, he put down the scroll in his hand, smiled weakly and said, "I haven't read a book for a long time, I really don't want to put it down when I pick it up today."

"My lord is in good health. From now on, I can do whatever I want. When my grandson comes out, I still need you to teach me."

Prince An laughed when he heard this, it was the first time in these days that he laughed so heartily.Thinking of the little fellow who would follow him and call his grandfather in the future, he couldn't help but feel joy in his heart: "Master Song is coming here, I think it's not just as simple as talking, what can your father say?"

Hearing the words, Song Ping cupped his hands and saluted and said with a smile: "My father asked Song Ping to tell the prince that there have been many changes in the affairs of the court recently. If the prince is well, he should pay more attention."

Prince An also became serious when he heard the words. He has been sick in bed for more than ten years, and he has long since left the strife between the courts. He really hasn't fully understood what the situation in the court has changed: "I heard that the crown prince said three times. Being reprimanded four times, did the emperor move his mind?"

Prince An made a gesture of covering his hands. Song Ping saw his eyes sinking and said: "The emperor has a lot of opinions on the prince these past few months. Compared with the previous attitude, it is far from the previous attitude. He even talked about the war in the southwest of the prince, and the matter of the poppy, but the prince was still unwilling to compromise. The current situation is not good, if the prince makes another mistake, he is afraid of the prince's position..."

The emperor is getting older and more suspicious, and if the prince doesn't seize the opportunity to stand up for a day, he will always be squeezed by others.If someone breaks it again, it is not impossible for the prince to be deposed.

Thinking of the open and secret fights, swords and shadows among the princes after the former emperor passed away, Prince An sighed.Fortunately, he stood in the right position back then, and has been helping his mother and compatriot's elder brother, who is now the Holy One, if it weren't for this, he might end up dying in a foreign land, right?Back then, there were only three people who survived, one was the current Holy One, the other was him, and the other was the King Cheng who had asked for a fief earlier.

"The prince's residence has always supported the crown prince. If the prince falls, I'm afraid my palace will suffer trouble. Your Song residence is originally a clean stream, so I'm afraid you will be dragged down by my palace." Prince An said in a deep voice.

The Song Mansion didn't get involved in these things originally, but Song Ping was the crown prince and grand tutor, so he was more or less paid attention to.In addition, Duan Yunsu married into the palace, which added a lot of suspicion.The Song Mansion is just an ancestral home, so it shouldn't have much influence in the first place.But no one in the capital knew that the relationship between the General's Mansion and Duan Yunsu was not close, but the Song Mansion was always taking care of him, and anyone who cared would see the clue.

(End of this chapter)

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