The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 189 Chen wants to make money to support the family

Chapter 189 Chen wants to make money to support the family (1)
Song Ping heard the words and said: "My father said that Yunsu has not lived many comfortable days these years. Since Yunsu is living happily here, my father is very relieved. If the prince needs anything in the future, he might as well talk to the Song family. One sound."

Prince An was shocked when he heard the words, which means that the Song family is also willing to help the prince?
"Another thing is, this King Cheng has been acting secretly recently, and he has been close to the second prince at times. According to the prince's understanding of King Cheng, this person will also help him when the time comes?" Song Ping frowned.

The reason for King Cheng's entry into the capital is unknown to Prince Shang'an at this level.The relationship between North Korea and China is ever-changing. I have been bedridden for many years, and I don't know much about it.I only heard Prince An say: "Talk to your father, this king will definitely take care of everything. Since the Song Mansion is a clean stream, let's continue like this. When it really comes to that chaotic day, at least there will be someone who can Safe place."

Song Ping understood what he meant, if the Song family could stay out of the matter, if something really happened, there would be someone who could help in the end.

"Song Ping understands what the lord means. Before the matter reaches that point, the lord should take care of his body first." Song Ping looked at the slightly tired Prince An and said, "It's good news for the whole palace when the lord is well. Ping really disturbed the prince's rest today, so let's leave first."

Upon hearing this, Prince An was polite and followed him.Looking at the sky covered by the edge of the house, Prince An let out a long sigh and closed his eyes to rest.

Duan Yunsu is pregnant, some people are happy and some are worried about this matter, the most worrying thing is Concubine Wen in Xinlan Courtyard.

At this moment, Concubine Wen was sitting in front of the mirror, looking at the penetrating whip wound on the left face of the person in the mirror, her eyes turned red and she smashed the hairpin in her hand onto the bronze mirror.

With a crisp sound, the hairpin bounced to the ground again and broke in two.

Bi Xiao carefully looked at Concubine Wen's face, squatted down and put away the broken hairpin, and said, "Miss Concubine, the second young master is coming, why don't you get dressed first?"

Concubine Wen's body is covered with whips, and now she only wears her middle clothes to support her body.When she applied the medicine, she could see clearly that the scars on her body were intertwined. Princess An wanted to beat Concubine Wen to death at that time.How can Concubine Wen, who is so arrogant and arrogant, endure such humiliation.

Ever since Concubine Wen came back from there, she hasn't given them a good look. They are servants who are cautious, for fear of causing this person to vent their anger on themselves.

After Bi Xiao stepped forward to help her get dressed, Zhao Heqi had already come over. When Concubine Wen saw her, she waved Bi Xiao back.

"I don't know what to explain to the mother to find the child?"

"Where have you been all day?" Concubine Wen frowned a little dissatisfied.

"Boy'er and Brother Yuan went to Juxian Building, met the second prince and King Cheng, and chatted for a few more words."

After hearing this explanation, Concubine Wen's face softened a little, and she said: "Tomorrow you will go back to Wen Mansion, your grandfather may have something to explain, but you have to listen carefully."

Zhao Heqi was a little puzzled when he heard the words: "Why didn't mother go back?"

"Look at how I can go back like this!" Concubine Wen stroked her face, with hatred in her eyes: "You think I'm not going out because I really listened to her Yin Fu's order and stayed here in Xinfu?" Lan Yuan? If she didn't make me look like this, I would just sit here blankly!"

A woman's appearance is the most important thing, Yin Fu dares to hurt her, and when she recovers, she will definitely pay back ten times!
Concubine Wen's eyes were full of gloomy chills, and her tone was bitter: "Originally, my father has already gone to the palace to ask for an order. With Zhao Hechen's appearance, as long as my father puts more pressure on the emperor, the position of the son will be lost sooner or later." It was able to fall. I just didn't expect that Yunsu's stomach was really competitive during this period. She didn't get pregnant early and didn't get pregnant later. She was conceived at this time. When the emperor heard the news, he had a reason to refuse, fearing that his father would be pregnant this time. It's a waste of time."

"It doesn't matter if I don't become a prince, I, Zhao Heqi, am also not someone he can just step on under the mud." Zhao Heqi raised his chin slightly, and said with a sneer: "It will be ten months before Duan Yunsu is born. I don’t even know what the situation is like now, and it will take many years for a baby to grow up.”

Concubine Wen saw that what Zhao Heqi said was reasonable, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Your grandfather has already found a family with you, and you have calmed down these days, so don't go to those romantic places again." , now it is your marriage that is the most important thing."

Zhao Heqi looked unhappy when he heard the words, but he must not have the right to speak about his own marriage, so he could only follow their wishes, so he said: "I am afraid that the people over there will not agree with the person chosen by my grandfather." right?"

"Don't worry about this. Your grandfather has his own ideas. After getting married, it will be easier to do things with the help of her natal family."

Zhao Heqi stopped speaking after hearing the words.

It was October in the lunar calendar, the weather had begun to cool slightly, and occasionally the branches and leaves in the Chaojin Courtyard were slightly yellow.Duan Yunsu was sitting in the courtyard, watching a fallen leaf whirl to the ground, carried by the wind to the heel of the tree, slightly dazed.

Duan Yunsu still remembered that Zhao Hechen was so hot that he pestered her to take a bath all day long, and there were constant ice trays in the room, as if it was only a blink of an eye. The General's Mansion promised Gu Qiu to use the lotus to make a feast, but now there are only a few ruined lotus leaves in the pond.

"Miss, let's go back, the stone chair is too cold, be careful." Gu Qiu said.

Hearing this, Duan Yunsu got up and walked back and forth into the house, but as soon as he stepped into the door, he saw two people fighting. He took a closer look and found that Ji Su and Nian Qiu had already started fighting at some time.

Seeing Duan Yunsu's figure, Ji Su turned around and stopped her moves, stretched out her hand and pushed Nian Qiu aside, raised her eyebrows at Duan Yunsu: "Little lady is very capable, where did you find the girl who is so skilled?" Not shallow."

Duan Yunsu smiled and didn't answer, but asked: "Master Ji, why is he so leisurely today? I don't know but my maid caught me right after climbing over the wall?"

"The wall of the little lady's house is really short. I found it convenient, so I found a shortcut to come in." Ji Su turned lightly, and the hem of the red clothes drew a seductive arc, and he teased Duan Yunsu With a smile: "The little lady is finally pregnant, and I don't care about my humble teaching to Xiao Chen'er. I'm sorry that I'm still alone, I'd better go find some fun by myself."

After finishing speaking, the man went directly to the place where the rabbits were raised, looked at the three remaining white rabbits, and grabbed them: "Little lady, I have to take this thing away. My fat rabbit sees you!" The baby who doesn’t care for it doesn’t even eat flowers now, but I’m so worried.”

Duan Yunsu's eyes twitched: "Master Ji, maybe your white rabbit has changed its taste? How about trying to make it eat grass?"

(End of this chapter)

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