The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 190 Chen wants to make money to support the family

Chapter 190 Chen wants to make money to support the family (2)
"How can I do that? Rabbits that eat grass are not good rabbits. Look at how smart I raised them with flowers."

clever?Duan Yunsu remembered that the female rabbit didn't even bother to move, so that's called cleverness?

"Young Master Ji, since this white rabbit is a sacred object, you are still a little casual in throwing it to Chenchen to play with." Duan Yunsu remembered what the old woman said, and laughed.

Ji Su didn't expect Duan Yunsu to know this level, he smiled flirtatiously, and his voice sounded elegant, but the words he said really damaged his image: "Holy shit, this thing is just a beast in my eyes. If I keep it until the day the young master doesn't eat it, I can consider roasting it."

As soon as the words were finished, I saw a rabbit in Ji Su's hand struggling a few times. Ji Su squinted at it, and the little guy seemed to sense something, his legs drooped, and he pretended to be dead.Ji Su hooked her lips and smiled charmingly, stretched out her hand and took it out alone, threw it into Duan Yunsu's arms, and said, "Leave this thing for you to keep."

Duan Yunsu accepted the white rabbit that had been thrown into his arms, and saw that the little guy had snow-white fur, but there was a little black hair on his small forehead, which was really eye-catching.Duan Yunsu remembered that this rabbit was the last one born by the female rabbit.In the current situation, Ji Su abandoned him because he expressed his inner dissatisfaction?
"Little lady, you must remember my master. When I come back, I will give you a big gift for the little guy in your belly." As soon as Ji Su finished speaking, the man flew up to the wall and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Duan Yunsu didn't even have time to ask, does Ji Su mean to leave?Is this going back to the Northland or what?

She shook her head helplessly, and looked down, only to see that the little rabbit in her arms was also shaking her head, and she was startled: "This little thing can still look like a human?"

Duan Yunsu looked at those shining little eyes, and felt fond of them. He stretched out his hands and stroked them twice, and said, "Ji Su means to keep the rabbit. I wonder if we should let Chenchen give this little thing a kiss." name?"

Gu Qiu remembered it when he saw it, looked at the rabbit strangely for a long time, hesitated before saying: "Miss, I always feel that this thing is weird and ruthless, I am afraid that Miss will not have to choose this name, this little guy himself But it has a name."

Duan Yunsu was even more curious when he heard this.

"Miss, you can call it Xiao Hei and you will know."

Duan Yunsu called out when he heard the words, and saw the little thing shaking his ears, reaching out to grab Duan Yunsu's hand, shaking his body and laying down energetically.

"How do you know?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"The maidservant and Ting He were teasing that day, and Ting He looked at the black hair and called Xiao Hei directly. I didn't expect that it really knew how to look back, and it didn't respond to calling other names indiscriminately."

Duan Yunsu thought of that strange female rabbit, and now he doesn't think it's surprising when he looks at the little rabbit again. Ji Su's things are really not something ordinary people can understand.It's just that such a cute rabbit, why is it called Xiao Hei? Originally, I thought about what kind of a tall name to match it.

"Since that's the case, you should tidy up the rabbit's nest. The rabbit Chenchen should be very happy."

Gu Qiu responded when he heard the words, Duan Yunsu looked at Nian Qiu who was standing beside him expressionlessly and silently, and asked, "Nian Qiu's kung fu has been practiced for many years, right?"

"Back to the eldest young lady, the servant was sold to a family since she was a child. The owner was afraid that his lady would be bullied when she went out, so she asked the servant to practice martial arts with the rest of the people. When she grew up, she was sent to the young lady's side."

Duan Yunsu listened to her talking about the past indifferently, his expression remained unmoved, and he asked again: "Your original master must also be a lady from a wealthy family, otherwise she wouldn't have entered the palace, but why were you sent to marry me?" Come out and stop serving her?"

Nian Qiu's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and then he said in a flat voice: "The master has fallen out of favor, the servant made a mistake and was demoted to the clothing bureau. I don't know why the emperor remembered the servant, so I let him out of the palace like this."

Can those who made mistakes still be released?Looking at this Nianqiu's eyes are clear, he doesn't look like a slut, he is the one who was sacrificed in the palace battle again: "Who was your previous master?"

The emperor can remember Nian Qiu, is he afraid that he has a great relationship with her former master?
"My lord is Harumi."

Haru beauty?Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly, it was such a coincidence that the names in the palace were naturally impossible to repeat.Is this Qingmei the one that my aunt said, the Qingmei that my second uncle can't let go of?

I heard that that person has been relegated to the cold palace, and now even the original maid has been sent out, what is the emperor's purpose?And why did he send this person by his side again? Is it because Nian Qiu's kung fu just happened to be suitable?

"Nian Qiu was sent to be with my wife, but I feel dissatisfied in my heart. After all, you have been by Qingmei's side all the time. Is this not shallow?" Duan Yunsu said casually.

Nian Qiu paused when she heard the words, but nothing could be seen on her face, and her voice was still cold: "I dare not."

Duan Yunsu also knew that he couldn't find anything to ask, so he stopped talking.

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, at least when Nian Qiu and Ji Su got together, it can be seen that no matter what Nian Qiu thinks in her heart, she still obeys the emperor's order, and it's okay to keep it by her side for now .

She waved Gu Qiu and Nian Qiu out, and walked to the desk by herself, only to see Zhao Hechen holding a brush and dyeing the ink, drawing on the rice paper intently.

Duan Yunsu looked at the scenery in the painting, and found that it was actually the scenery of Jiangzhou, and he was even more curious about his husband.How long has it been, why Zhao Hechen still remembers it so clearly, as if he took it out of his mind and painted it, thinking about the portraits he drew for her these days, each painting is from the past.This idiot's memory ability must be much better than ordinary people.

Watching Zhao Hechen put away his pen, Duan Yunsu asked softly, "What is Chenchen doing so many paintings these days?"

Zhao Hechen raised his head, his black eyes blinked, and his voice was so clear that there was no impurity: "Chen'er wants to paint a lot of paintings, and he can make money by selling them."

"What does Chenchen make money for?" Duan Yunsu frowned, since when is Prince An's mansion short of money?
"Make money to support Susu and raise a baby." Zhao Hechen frowned slightly, and thought about it carefully: "Fang Fang said that a man needs to earn money to support his family, so Susu just sits and spends flowers."

Duan Yunsu couldn't laugh or cry, this idiot, is he planning to sell paintings?
"There is a lot of money in the palace, and parents will not agree to Chenchen to do this." Duan Yunsu picked up the painting he had drawn and looked at it carefully, then put it aside to wait for it to dry, and then rolled up.

(End of this chapter)

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