The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 191 Chen wants to make money to support the family

Chapter 191 Chen wants to make money to support the family (3)
Unexpectedly, when Zhao Hechen heard this, he still didn't stop thinking about it. He was pursing his lips, his eyes were firmer than ever before, and the glint of black pupils was strangely charming: "No, Chen Er knows that grandfather didn't want Su Su to marry Chen'er because Chen'er didn't know anything. But now that Chen'er can raise Susu, grandfather won't have any objections to Chen'er."

Duan Yunsu never expected that this idiot would think of these things, but his grandfather refused to agree to it at the beginning, so how could it be for such a reason.Zhao Hechen seems to have grown up when he talks and does things now, and now he thinks too much: "Chen'er, don't worry, Su Su likes Chenchen, and there is Chenchen's child, grandfather will not have any objections to Chenchen, Chenchen Don't think too much about it."

However, the idea of ​​earning money to support the family is worthy of recognition, Duan Yunsu smiled lightly and stepped forward, placing a kiss on his lips.

Warm and fragrant, Zhao Hechen's itching was unbearable, and he stretched out his hand to grab the person into his arms, only to see Duan Yunsu's pretty face flushed slightly, with a smile in his eyes, wrapping his waist around his waist softly, leaning on his body , Li Shou smiled coquettishly.Zhao Hechen grinned, bowed his head and kissed her back.

Those soft lips are very attractive, Zhao Hechen didn't want to leave after tasting it, he took a small bite and sucked it slowly, Duan Yunsu's beautiful eyes were slightly closed, and his mouth opened slightly to respond to the person in front of him. He moved, and felt a warm object tentatively breaking in and entangled with it...

"Cough..." A clear cough interrupted the lingering two people, and the person who came in was Qian Momo: "Young Madam, the princess called you over, I want to pick some cloth to make some children's clothes .”

Duan Yunsu pushed Zhao Hechen away in embarrassment, and tidied up the messy clothes. Looking at the hair falling down from his shoulders, he went to the mirror to tidy it up carefully.Looking at Zhao Hechen's expression of desire and dissatisfaction, he was a little distressed and a little funny, and seeing that Qian Momo didn't pay attention, she thought about her toes and gave him a comforting kiss on the face.

Unexpectedly, this action made Zhao Hechen even more uncomfortable. He grabbed Duan Yunsu and put him in his arms, unwilling to let go, and glared fiercely at Qian Momo who was at the side.I was resentful in my heart, being interrupted by kissing or something, I hate it the most!

Duan Yunsu knew that Nanny Qian understood everything, so he didn't want to waste any more time here, so he could only calm down Zhao Hechen's temper, and said, "Chenchen wants to go together? If not, Chenchen will take the place of parents Draw a few pictures, okay?"

Seeing Zhao Hechen nod his head, Duan Yunsu followed Qian Momo and walked out.When Nian Qiu, who was waiting outside, saw it, he hurriedly followed her up.

In the Muqing courtyard, Princess An looked at the pile of materials on the table, turned left and right, and was a little uncertain for a while. She raised her eyes and saw Duan Yunsu coming in, and said, "Yunsu, come and see Look, do you think this material can be made into a small coat?"

Duan Yunsu heard the words and took a look, the red material was extremely soft and smooth to the touch, breathable enough, and the color was also festive, so he said: "Mother, you look good, Yunsu hasn't done it yet. As for the little clothes, I don’t understand many things.”

As soon as Princess An heard this, she wanted to teach her a lesson, but she pulled Duan Yunsu to sit down, and when she raised her eyes, she inadvertently saw the red mark on Duan Yunsu's neck, paused slightly, and looked at Madam Qian Mammy glanced at it, then pretended not to see it, and said with a smile: "These materials are all old clothes that my mother found carefully, and it took a lot of effort to deal with them. The baby who just came out has a very delicate body. It must be such a soft cloth so that it won't hurt."

Duan Yunsu looked at the smile on Princess An's face, and knew that she was enjoying it. Thinking of that little guy wearing the clothes he made by himself, Duan Yunsu felt warm in his heart.

She looked at the pair of red tiger-toed shoes on the table, was slightly taken aback, and reached out to take them over for a closer look.

When Princess An saw it, she smiled and said: "Mother made this, do you think it's okay? Children just need to wear something auspicious, so that they will grow strong later on."

The folks say that children wearing tiger-head shoes can drive away ghosts and evil spirits, and protect the children from illness and disaster.Duan Yunsu pursed his lips and smiled lightly, he didn't expect the princess to be so anxious, the child just saw it not long ago, and even made the tiger shoes, it must have taken a lot of thought.Originally, she thought that the royal family and nobles in the palace did not care about those folk things.

"Mother, is father in there? I haven't seen Yunsu for a day, why don't I go to my father to check his pulse?"

"Don't worry, your father is much more energetic than before, and his body is just a bit better, so he went to the study. Mother couldn't stop him, so she followed him." Princess An picked up the Yi cloth made two gestures and said casually.

"But who is speaking ill of this king?" Only a slightly low voice came from outside the door. Prince An was sitting in a wheelchair, and the guard behind him pushed him in.

"Father is here." Duan Yunsu got up and was about to move forward, but he saw Prince An waved his hand casually, and said, "Yunsu just sits, but now she is pregnant with a child, so don't bother."

Duan Yunsu responded with a smile. Seeing that Prince An's face was a little more bloody than before, he knew that his body was slowly getting better, but...

She set her sights on Prince An's legs, the voodoo is gone, but if the prince sits in a wheelchair all his life, I'm afraid he will still feel a little sad.She only heard her say: "Have father's legs ever been injured? Yunsu thought that if father's legs could also be cured, then it would be fine."

Unexpectedly, Prince An smiled loudly: "Father has received Yunsu's wish, but father is very satisfied if he can undo the Gu, and he can't ask for anything extravagantly. Besides, father's right leg was injured by an arrow for so many years. No, it can still be cured. Now that Yunsu is pregnant with a child, don't be tired anymore. "

Duan Yunsu was unwilling to give up just like that. Prince An had been ill for too long, which was very detrimental to the movement of his legs and feet. If he could stand up, then he would speak and act much more smoothly in the future.

She whispered in Nian Qiu's ear twice, and Nian Qiu responded in a low voice.

When she came back again, she already had a small wooden hammer in her hand. Duan Yunsu squatted down, and Prince An was shocked when he saw it: "What is Yunsu doing squatting, don't hurt yourself."

Duan Yunsu shook his head: "Father, don't worry, Yunsu will know if he feels unwell, and he will never ignore his body. Today Yunsu wants to look at it for you, but father still has a way to stand up. It's just Yunsu You have to lift up your father's trousers, and don't blame him for forgetting your father."

Prince An saw that he couldn't stop her, so he let her go.I saw that the exposed calf was much thinner than ordinary people, and the skin color was abnormally white.Duan Yunsu reached out to take the small wooden hammer from Nianqiu's hand, and lightly tapped Prince An's knee twice.

It's just that the calf didn't seem to respond, and Duan Yunsu's heart sank. Could it be that the nerves have shrunk and died?If so, that would be bad.

(End of this chapter)

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