The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 192 Chen wants to make money to support the family

Chapter 192 Chen wants to make money to support the family (4)
Princess An put down the things in her hands a long time ago, and she was looking at this side expectantly.Seeing Yunsu's slightly changed expression, his heart sank a little.

Duan Yunsu carefully inspected several places without giving up, and then knocked on the ligament under the knee. Seeing the knee bouncing slightly, he was overjoyed: "Father's legs and feet can be cured. Yunsu will make preparations when he returns. It's ready."

Princess An was overjoyed, and tears overflowed from her eyes.Originally, I thought it was a blessing for the prince to get rid of the Gu, so don't force him if you can't stand up now.In the palace, her ancestors must have accumulated great merit, so that she heard these good news again and again.

On the other hand, Prince An didn't seem to be surprised. He sighed and said, "Yunsu is capable. If you are a man, you must have a bright future. It's just that you are talented now, but you are trapped in this small town. The small palace cannot be used, Yunsu, have you ever complained?"

Duan Yunsu was taken aback for a moment, this is what he thought of when he didn't want to hit the prince.

"Yunsu has this ability because he loves this medical skill very much. Otherwise, he would not have studied it so thoroughly. Father can count the number of times you perform medical skills with one hand. I don't feel impatient Is it?"

Duan Yunsu laughed when he heard the words, and there was no reluctance in his eyes: "Father can care about Yunsu so much, Yunsu is really flattered. It's just that Yunsu doesn't have any ambitions. If this medical skill can protect the health of his family, then he will It is the greatest relief. Yunsu doesn't feel aggrieved, nor does he think about breaking out in the world, let alone being admired by others. If his father feels it is a pity, Yunsu will pass this ability on to the next generation, Father, what do you say?"

Prince An smiled, maybe he was thinking too much, Duan Yunsu should be indifferent: "There is a medicine shop in the south of the city that is run by the palace, if Yunsu feels bored, he can go to that shop often. If there is anything you want on weekdays, just tell your father directly."

Duan Yunsu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, the prince allowed her to be free, right?She is well aware of the rules of life here, if she thinks that relying on her own ability, she can change her fate against the sky and live happily ever after, that is simply nonsense.Prince An's willingness to say this is already a big concession.

Coming out of Muqing Courtyard, Duan Yunsu was in a very good mood, and couldn't help walking a bit more briskly, and Qian Momo behind her hurriedly said: "Oh, young lady, you have to slow down and pay attention to the road ahead. "

Duan Yunsu turned around and smiled at her, his pupils like water: "Nurse Qian, don't worry, Yunsu will save you."

After walking a few feet further, I saw two people from the Hanging Flower Gate coming together.Seeing the familiar figure, Duan Yunsu paused.How did this piece of brocade come to Prince An's mansion?

"Huh? Isn't this the big sister? What a coincidence." Seeing that Duan Yunsu wanted to pretend not to see her, Duan Yunjin hurriedly called out: "My younger sister is going to see the big sister."

Duan Yunsu had no choice but to stop, waiting for the two to come over, and said: "The fourth sister came to the palace to look for the eldest sister, what is the matter?"

"Can't you come and see Eldest Sister if you have nothing to do?" Duan Yunjin had a smile on his face, but Duan Yunsu could tell the depth of the smile in his eyes at a glance.She only heard her say: "Grandmother asked Yun Jin to bring a congratulatory gift, congratulations to Eldest Sister on her pregnancy."

Duan Yunsu looked behind her, and saw two maids from the general's mansion also came along, holding many gift boxes in their hands.Since others came here according to the rules, I have no reason to refuse, so I glanced at the woman next to Duan Yunjin and asked: "Who is this girl, my wife is unfamiliar to me. "

The woman was about fifteen or sixteen years old, she was wearing a green smoked gauze loose floral dress, her face was like a lotus, her face was plump and graceful, she was very good-looking, but the slightly raised corners of her eyes ruined her beauty a bit.She took a step forward, saluted and said, "I've seen my cousin."

Duan Yunsu frowned: "I don't remember my husband having a cousin."

Concubine An's natal family is a taboo in the palace, and she also vaguely heard that the Yin family of the concubine's natal family was in trouble more than ten years ago. All the men in the mansion were sent to the frontier for exile, but the women became official prostitutes. The concubine had already married into the palace back then, so she escaped unharmed.It's just that no one in the mansion can tell what the specific reason was.This is why Duan Yunsu has never seen the princess talk about her natal family.The concubine never mentioned it, Duan Yunsu naturally couldn't pick up his scars.

But today, why did a cousin appear?

On the other hand, Nanny Qian, who was beside her, came to her senses and whispered in Duan Yunsu's ear, "Young Madam, this person is from Concubine Wen's natal family, and Second Young Master is his serious cousin."

There are quite a few sisters in Concubine Wen's natal family, but this one has a daughter who looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. She seems to be Concubine Wen's second sister, Wen Yuanzhi, who married Liu Cheng, governor of Lianzhou, and gave birth to a daughter, Liu Feixue.

It turns out that this person is really familiar, and he directly regards Zhao Hechen as his cousin?It's a pity that your status is so short of qualifications.

Duan Yunsu said: "It turned out to be Miss Liu. Why did I come out of the princess's room just now, and I never heard the princess mentioning that you are coming. Could it be that you didn't report to the princess when you came?"

Liu Feixue choked when she heard the words. She originally came into Prince An's Mansion more than once, and Concubine Wen did not bring her in any of the times, but this time, for some reason, the doorman said that he didn't ask for invitations. Don't let her in.She was annoyed on the spot, so she happened to meet Duan Yunjin who came over, and followed her in.

"Since you've all come in, let's go and accuse the princess. The fourth sister is the same. She should go to see the princess first. Where are you going?" Duan Yunsu smiled softly, this way is not going to Muqing In the courtyard, does this person not even understand the rules?
The two blushed when they were told, Duan Yunjin looked at the smiling person in front of him, a burst of hatred suddenly rose in his heart, if it wasn't for her, her aunt wouldn't have been locked up, and she didn't have to work so hard to get there. Please that old hag!But... Duan Yunjin suddenly remembered the marriage that his grandmother told her, and he felt proud: "Big sister, why didn't you see brother-in-law? Big sister hasn't been back to the general's mansion for a long time, but I still don't know. There are some things I still need to tell you Sister, grandma is interested in letting my sister marry me to the second prince."

"So?" Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure you want to marry and not marry?"

Duan Yunjin's status as a concubine, how could she marry the second prince, at most she was carried in through the side door.Besides, this piece of Yun Jin nonchalantly said this to her, could it be possible that this news can still stimulate her?

Duan Yunjin's face turned pale, and she was very annoyed at Duan Yunsu's words that only picked on her pain.She endured it, and when the second prince's event is over, she didn't believe that her status would be inferior to this piece of Yunsu's!When the time comes, I will definitely push her over her head, and see if she can still smile!

(End of this chapter)

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