The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 196 The Trip to Xiangguo Temple

Chapter 196 The Trip to Xiangguo Temple (4)
Nianqiu on the other side heard this, and went forward without saying a word, and tripped him to the ground as soon as he stretched out his legs.There was a muffled "flutter" on the ground, which showed that this person was really heavy.Before the man could react, Nian Qiu had already stepped on it, stretched out his hand and pulled out a long whip, and swung it over in two or three strokes.

Those little servants were startled, and they all rushed forward with the guy in their hands. With a cold face, Nian Qiu swung the long whip in his hand more and more vigorously, and directly swept away the man's weapon, with a light figure, and mercilessly taught him a lesson ruthless.

Princess Qing'er's eyes lit up when she saw the long whip that was blowing in the wind, and seeing those people fell to the ground in a short while, she hurried over and said, "It's really amazing, why don't you come and play for me?"

Nian Qiu looked at Princess Qing'er, then looked back at Duan Yunsu, put the whip in her hand expressionlessly, and then stood directly behind Duan Yunsu, as if she hadn't done anything .

"Nianqiu's whip technique is really powerful." Duan Yunsu praised.

But Nian Qiu said: "Madam, can I let the servants carry swords, this whip makes it easy to use without swords."

Duan Yunsu smiled when he heard the words, this is not in the palace, there are not so many taboos about everything.If this person is loyal, it is fine to carry a sword with him.

Holding the whip, Princess Qing'er stepped on the fat young man, raised her hand and whipped the whip, and said to relieve her hatred: "Dare Miss Ben's idea, let's see who teaches who!"

Duan Yunsu looked at it and didn't try to stop it, but Nanny Qian at the side finally came to her senses, yelled, and hurriedly said: "Don't look at the young lady, don't be frightened by those who fight and kill." The child in the belly."

After finishing speaking, he asked Duan Yunsu to turn his back on his back, so as not to let her look back.

Duan Yunsu stroked her stomach amusedly, she believed that her child must be a formidable one, so how could she be frightened by such a small thing.

Princess Qing'er over there seemed to lose her temper, and after a pause in her hands, a few young men hurriedly helped their young master up, and walked back in despair, not forgetting to turn around and shout a few words.

Princess Qing'er snorted: "You are the one who hit you, if you have the ability to find them, I will make you look good as well!"

If he is really capable of dealing with it, he will not be chased away just now.Duan Yunsu turned around with a smile, looked at her face that was slightly flushed from exertion, and said, "Where does the princess spend these days? The folks here are not as busy as those in the palace. Will the princess go back to the palace with Yunsu?"

Looking at her current appearance, it seems that her life is not very good. This princess really wanted to come out. During the banquet in the palace that day, she said that she didn't want to be the princess anymore, but she actually ran away. come out.

"Live with Sister Yunsu?" Princess Qing'er's eyes lit up, she ran over directly, tied the whip around her waist, and had no intention of returning it to Nianqiu: "I'm going with Sister Yunsu, but An Will the princess not like it?"

Unexpectedly, this person would actually care about other people's thoughts, Duan Yunsu said with a light smile: "I said you came to accompany me to relieve boredom, and the princess would not disagree."

It's just that the princess' escape is a big deal, and she doesn't know if the princess will send the news.How can the status of a princess of a country be thrown away so easily, sooner or later she will be taken back.

When the few people walked to the front hall, Princess An saw that the messy woman was actually Princess Qing'er, she was surprised but she didn't ask any questions, she just said, "Yunsu, why did Master ask you to go there?"

Duan Yunsu said with a smile: "The master just talked casually with Yunsu, saying that Yunsu is a blessed person."

Upon hearing this, Princess An smiled and said with narrowed eyes: "Of course Yunsu is a blessed one. It's getting late, so let's go back first. Slow down on the road, don't hurt yourself."

After some tossing, several people returned to the palace, and Prince An couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he heard that the emperor was not in danger of life.Princess An was busy finding a doctor for Duan Yunsu, and she was relieved when she saw that the fetus was fine.

Duan Yunsu understood Princess An's worries, probably because she was worried that the doctor would not be able to heal himself, so he wanted to find an experienced old doctor.She knew the condition of her body, how could she not care about the child in her womb.

Perhaps it was because of her pregnancy. In the past few days, Duan Yunsu always felt that her temper was getting worse.Zhao Hechen followed her all the time, Duan Yunsu played a little temper towards him, the guy still smiled and squinted his eyes, hugged her and let you beat and scold her, Duan Yunsu suddenly felt sorry.Although I don't understand many things about this idiot, but my heart is full of her.

Later, seeing a lot of medicinal materials stored in the storeroom of the mansion, after using them for a few times, his mood calmed down a bit, so he directly asked Gu Qiu to go to the pharmacy to pick up a lot of medicinal materials and bring them back.At that time, Princess An was frightened, thinking that something happened to her.

She carefully selected the herbs in her hand, selected a few flavors and directly mashed them into powder. Seeing the freshness, Princess Qing'er came over and said, "Sister Yunsu, what are you doing?"

"Make some pills, it's convenient to use in the future, I'm planning to make a cough suppressant in my hand, so I don't have to drink that bitter medicine in the future." Duan Yunsu continued to work, and replied casually without raising his head.

When Princess Qing'er heard the excitement, she stood up and hugged her arm and said coquettishly: "Sister Yunsu, you can teach me too, Qing'er is so bored now."

This medicine is not an easy task, if the dosage is not right accidentally, it will be fine if the properties of the medicine cannot be exerted, what if something goes wrong after taking it.

"Young Madam, you'd better listen to the persuasion from your servant." Qian Momo watched from the side, but finally couldn't help it: "If Young Madam encounters so many herbs every day, what should I do if it affects the fetus? ?”

"Mommy Qian, Yunsu is very clear about these things. If there is a problem, he dare not touch it casually."

Seeing that Duan Yunsu didn't listen to persuasion, Qian Momo became a little anxious: "Young Madam, since Princess Qing'er wants to learn, then you might as well teach from the sidelines, since you can see these things, and make Qing'er feel better." Isn't it just right for the princess to experience it?"

Duan Yunsu put down the things in his hands helplessly, he has been here for a long time today, and he really misses her a bit in his heart.If that guy sees her unhappy, he will definitely think of ways to make her happy. Although he is like a child, his heart is inexplicably stable.

"Mommy Qian, Yunsu also knows that you are doing it for my own good. I have listened to your words today, so don't frown." Duan Yunsu looked at Princess Qing'er beside him, and pointed at Chuanbei on the table. Mother, Nansha ginseng and other medicines, said: "You mash this thing, I have already picked up the portion, and I will add some refined honey later, and I will teach you how to make it into pills."

It's just that she has to watch carefully whether the pills made by Princess Qing'er can be eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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