The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 197 Being Caught

Chapter 197 Being Caught (1)
At this time, Zhao Hechen came in, looked at Duan Yunsu's lightly frowned brows, ignored the others, and kissed her on the forehead, holding Duan Yunsu's head, his eyes were full of worry: "Su Su unhappy? Chen'er will pinch you."

After speaking, the man directly put his body in front of Duan Yunsu. Duan Yunsu looked at his appearance, laughed "puchi", and reached out to pinch his waist: "Why is Chenchen here?"

"Father is good or bad, and invited an old bearded man to come over and teach Chen'er." Zhao Hechen pouted dissatisfiedly and complained.

Since the prince's health gradually recovered, he finally had the energy to discipline his son again. Seeing Zhao Hechen spend his days idle in the mansion, he thought of giving him some homework.This person is in his twenties anyway, so he can't do nothing?So there was the idea of ​​asking Mr.

It's just that Zhao Hechen didn't seem to buy it. As soon as the husband came, he thought of a way to run away, and even drove the first two people away as a prank. It seems that except for Master Yu Ranzhou, these people have no feelings for the husband.

"Why doesn't Chenchen read books? Being a father like this makes you sad and angry." Duan Yunsu caressed his clear face and said softly.

"But Chen'er taught me everything, why does Chen'er still listen? Chen'er should stay with Susu." Zhao Hechen grabbed Duan Yunsu's upstretched hand, looked at Bai Shengsheng's plain finger, and put it on He bit his lips twice.

Duan Yunsu blushed and quickly withdrew his hand.Seeing Qian Momo concentrating on Princess Qing'er making the medicine, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How can Chen Chen know it? Have you talked to your father? Father can ask Mr. to talk about something else."

"Chen'er knew it when she was very young, those gentlemen are so stupid, they actually asked Chen'er to learn such a simple thing."

Duan Yunsu paused, remembering that this person was normal when he was a child, and he must have learned a lot when he was able to accompany the prince to school, but he still remembered: "Chenchen is so smart, so he will come to study for him in the future." Is it okay for the baby to listen? If the baby listens, it will become very smart and powerful in the future."

Duan Yunsu stroked his stomach lightly and remembered the prenatal education.

Zhao Hechen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

At this time, Princess Qing'er on the side spoke, and saw that she had poured all the medicinal materials into it at some point, fiddled with it a few times, and a pile of powder was mixed together, her eyes were full of excitement: "Sister Yunsu, then How much refined honey do you put in? Oh, don’t care, it’s just honey anyway, I can make whatever I want.”

The corner of Duan Yunsu's eyes twitched, Princess Qing'er is so casual, what she wants to do is poison?

Prince An finally got some news from the palace recently, and only heard from the palace that the assassin who hurt the emperor was actually from Yu Kingdom.The arrow that was used took it back and looked at it carefully, but it was different from my Xiguo.Looking at the accomplice who worked so hard to catch him, he also had a token of Yu Kingdom on him.

The imperial court was furious, Yu State broke the contract and invaded Xi State in a blink of an eye, that's all, several countries are in their own way, and a hundred years of prosperity is just their good idea.It's just that the Kingdom of Yu has sent someone to injure the leader of our country, it's simply rampant!
Duan Yunsu heard that he had other ideas in his mind, who dared to assassinate the head of a country, how could he leave his hands and feet so carelessly for you to grasp.It's true that Yu Kingdom's royal family has ambitions, but they won't do such mindless things. I'm afraid there's something else hidden in it?

It just so happened that on October [-]th, the second prince led a hundred officials to sacrifice, to reward the gods and water officials, and live with the people.Emperor Jing who happened to be in a coma woke up that day, and all the officials were amazed. It must be God's blessing to keep him, the Lord of Xi Kingdom, safe and sound.

Prince An supported Shang Shi to enter the palace. When he came back, his complexion was extremely bad. Seeing this, Princess An was also a little worried: "What news did your lord get, why is your complexion so ugly?"

"I didn't expect that I have been ill for so many years, and the affairs of the court have become more and more complicated. In the future, I must always pay close attention to it, and don't let others find loopholes in the palace."

Princess An was shocked when she heard the words, the prince must know what happened, but he didn't want to say it out, and he couldn't keep asking.

Seeing her worried expression, Prince An's heart warmed up, and he stretched out his hand to lightly hold Wang Hao's hand pushing the wheelchair, and his expression eased a bit: "Fu'er, don't worry, I have worked hard for you these years. Now that I can recover Get up, then there must be no reason for you to work any more. After so many years, you should take a good rest, I still have to take care of all this."

These soft words made Princess An's heart suddenly sour, and she nodded slightly, smiling with tears in her eyes: "As long as I can be with the prince, it's worth the hardship."

Duan Yunsu also felt that there was something unusual about the turbulent dark waves among the four kingdoms and the open and secret struggles in the court.Being in the prince's mansion, if something happened, he would definitely be implicated.It's just that she is pregnant now, her husband is still stupid, the prince has just started to restore many relationships and needs to plan again, and it is inconvenient for the princess to participate in it.

Looking at the crown prince being squeezed now, the General's Mansion probably also relied on the Second Emperor's Party, and she didn't want to get involved with the Song Mansion if she could.Duan Yunsu sighed lightly. From this point of view, if something really happened, the situation of Prince An's Mansion is really not good.

The current situation of Prince An's Mansion is really too weak.Duan Yunsu understood in his heart that the tense situation is now, and if he cannot become stronger, he will look for an opportunity to make a decisive move, and he is afraid that he will be crushed severely in the mud in the end.

Fortunately, the prince's poison has been detoxified, as long as he pays attention today, it is not difficult to find that there are more guards patrolling in the palace than in the past, it seems that the prince must have a plan.What she should do now is to cooperate with the princess to protect the peace in the backyard, so that the prince will not have any worries in front of him.If I don't do half of what I did in the past, I will definitely be deceived by others.Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to caress the child in his belly, his face was firm like never before.She must also become stronger, and then give them a counterattack.

"Sister Yunsu, what are you doing? But you still plan to make some pills?" Princess Qing'er watched Duan Yunsu reach out and grab a small handful of medicinal materials, weighed it twice and put it aside, curious in her heart.Sister Yunsu knows the weight after weighing it?It's amazing.

Duan Yunsu looked at Princess Qing'er's worry-free big eyes, and sighed in his heart, the less he knows, the happier he will live.I only heard her say: "This is the medicinal material for the prince to soak his feet."

It is also the key to heal the prince's legs and feet first, but this rehabilitation will take a long time, and I don't know how long it will take.I only hope that the prince can stand up as soon as possible, it will be much more convenient to do things.

When Princess Qing'er heard this, her interest was halved, and she said weakly: "Sister Yunsu, teach me how to make pills. Didn't Qing'er already make it last time? Qing'er is still very talented."

(End of this chapter)

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