The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 199 Being Caught

Chapter 199 Being Caught (4)
Duan Yunsu returned to the yard with a smile, only to see that Princess Qing'er had teased the little white rabbit at some point. The rabbit seemed to dislike Princess Qing'er's harassment very much. Princess Er followed and chased around, having a great time.

Duan Yunsu looked at the bouncing rabbit, and sighed that this little guy is not like his mother, but he is so lively. Then he suddenly remembered something, and asked Ting He, who took care of the rabbit these days, and said: " What does this rabbit usually eat?"

"Xiao Hei always eats some carrots."

Duan Yunsu felt relieved, and was about to sigh, it was normal after all, but he didn't expect Ting He to say: "But Xiao Hei's favorite food is the straw mushroom that just came out."

Duan Yunsu instantly retracted the words that came to his lips.

"Xiao Hei loves fluttering on the leaves that fall from the tree. Presumably he thinks they are butterflies?" Ting He glanced at the yellowing leaves and asked doubtfully.

Fluttering butterflies... Isn't this a funny thing that cats like to do?
"Xiao Hei also likes to dig out the worms in the soil and play with them." Ting He clapped his hands, looking like he just remembered.

Catching bugs... Isn't that what the chicken did?
"However, Xiao Hei has grown up recently, so he should know the master. When he sees the young lady passing by a few times, he stretches out his paws and waving. If the tail is not too short, the servant will shake it a few times when he sees it?" He tilted his head and continued to report.

"..." Duan Yunsu was completely speechless, this thing should be sent for research.

When Duan Yunsu returned to the house, he remembered the book he got this morning, reached out and took it out, opened it carefully and looked at it.

Perhaps because they are orphan copies, these books are very well preserved, except for the slightly yellowed pages, there is not much damage.These books should have been hidden from the beginning?If it is not going around, it is impossible to have half a corner.

Duan Yunsu flipped through a few books casually, but the contents recorded in them were varied, and even some extinct Gu species were written. Duan Yunsu looked at it fresh, and suddenly he was fascinated.

Gu Qiu came in quietly, served a cup of hot water and stood aside to serve her. She lowered her head and peeked at the content of the book, curious: "Miss, the prince's Gu has been cured, why don't you read this book to make it?" Worse. But there are ways to plant Gu or cure Gu, are you so engrossed?"

Hearing this, Duan Yunsu put the book in his hand aside lightly, and said, "But what's the matter, the tone of your speech is different from the past."

Hearing this, Gu Qiu sighed softly, bowed his head and said next to Duan Yunsu's ear: "Miss, this servant has heard the news about the young master in the general's mansion, I'm afraid it will die soon."

"No way?"

"That's right, the servants in the general's mansion are all whispering, the young master is now in a daze like a demon, crazy all day long, and even hurt himself, his body is very thin. The old lady took advantage of the young master's sleep At that time, I asked the doctor to give me the pulse, saying that the energy was exhausted, and I was powerless to recover."

Duan Yunsu's eyes narrowed slightly, Mrs. Duan didn't believe what she said, could it be that Yu Qing has been treated by the so-called Xiaoyao Xian all this time?Drug addicts have a short lifespan, and when drug addiction kicks in, they are more likely to have hallucinations and hurt themselves.It would be fine if he quit early, but if he took drugs for too long, and tied him up for compulsory detoxification as she said, it would also cause a lot of damage to his body.

If not, there will be no special drug rehabilitation center in future generations, it is necessary to use alternative drugs to alleviate drug addiction, and then slowly give up this drug.

Duan Yuqing's current state, can it be said that he deserved it?
"Then what can grandma do?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"I heard that the old lady has added two more concubines to the master. The second concubine has been locked up all the time, and now she doesn't make trouble. Could it be possible to see it?" Gu Qiu said.

Concubine?Duan Yunsu sneered, the general's mansion is going to be a mess now, the new mistress has only entered the door for a long time, and now she has taken in another concubine.Didn't you mean to rely on the help of Qin Zhen's natal family? Why do you still act like this?
And then there is the second aunt, if she really stopped her jumping thoughts, it would be really strange.

Duan Yunsu thought about it, walked to the desk, wrote a few words, got up and went to a cabinet in the room, reached out and took out a blue medicine bottle, handed it to Gu Qiu, and said: "You take this thing Find a way to give it to the second brother, he will understand after seeing it."

Gu Qiu took it over and weighed it, and found that there should be a bottle full of medicine, but she didn't know the function of this thing.

Duan Yufang is now the only healthy junior in the mansion, so it is certain that he will be remembered.In addition, in the eyes of the general's mansion, the third aunt's first room is close to Duan Yunsu, which means she is close to the prince's mansion. Looking at it this way, how can he support the second prince, so how can Duan Yufang live comfortably.

The day suddenly became quiet, and Duan Yunsu even felt a little weird.On this day, he was leaving the yard when he happened to see a figure flashing past the path outside the yard, walking cautiously outside.

Duan Yunsu's eyes narrowed slightly, isn't that person exactly Bi Xiao next to Concubine Wen?

Nian Qiu raised her eyes and saw that figure, seeing Duan Yunsu stopped and looked at her, and as soon as she lifted her footsteps, she wanted to catch her.Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to stop it, and said, "Let's follow along first."

The two followed behind quietly, Bi Xiao seemed a little anxious, and walked very fast, and in a blink of an eye they arrived at the garden behind the palace.

Duan Yunsu hid behind the rockery, and saw that Bixiao stopped not far away, looking for this hidden place to wait quietly, clutching the handkerchief, lowering his head, unable to see the expression on his face.

After a while, I saw another figure approaching, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Zhao Heqi.I saw him walking over, lifting Bi Xiao's slightly pointed chin, looking at her flushed face, chuckled directly, and led her towards the rockery.

When Nian Qiu saw it, he hurriedly moved himself and Duan Yunsu back.After the two people came to the rockery, the raised stone happened to block the outside view. The two looked around and found no one, so they stood still.

He only heard that Bi Xiao called out to the second young master softly, but Duan Yunsu didn't make a sound. Hearing this, Duan Yunsu was surprised, and secretly looked into the gap, and saw that the two were embracing and kissing.

Duan Yunsu was surprised, when did these two get together?It's not a small amount of courage to blatantly steal love in broad daylight!
He could only hear a low panting sound coming from his ear, Zhao Heqi seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and after kissing a few times, he pressed Bi Xiao on the rockery, his movements were a bit rough, thinking that he couldn't hold back anymore.In the rockery, the two of them rubbed their ears and temples together, and after a while, they heard small and ambiguous sounds.

The two of them were fighting fiercely in messy clothes. When Duan Yunsu saw it, he wondered if it was time to leave. He was not interested in watching the two of them live here.Unexpectedly, this Zhao Heqi is not an ordinary flirtatious person, there are already several common rooms in the room, and he also got the people around Concubine Wen, and now he is doing flirtatious affairs without any scruples, it really makes him People are ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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