The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 200 This Is Just a Small Beginning

Chapter 200 This Is Just a Small Beginning (1)
Just as she was about to step up and leave quietly, she heard Bi Xiao's eager voice: "Second Young Master, no, what if you hurt the child?"

Duan Yunsu's footsteps paused, and then he took back the steps he had taken. Even Nian Qiu beside him widened his eyes in surprise.

I only heard Zhao Heqi's forbearing voice: "Be good, baby, I will be careful, young master, don't worry."

"Second young master, the child is still young, servant..." Bi Xiao was a little anxious, and pushed the person in front of him away with her hand.This is her bargaining chip. If she is injured, she will never recover.

Zhao Heqi looked at her with an unhappy expression, and his face was so dark that he calmed down after a while and hugged her tightly, and said, "Why is this young master willing to hurt you? Mother has told you what to do again?"

"The side concubine is worrying about the second young master's marriage, and asked me to send the letter to Wen's residence today." I saw that Bi Xiao was a little sad as she spoke, with a bit of complaint in her voice: "Second young master, this child has already passed away. It's been three months, when will you give Bi Xiao an identity?" Bi Xiao was anxious in his heart, the child is getting bigger and bigger, and it will be difficult to hide it after a while.If it falls into the hands of Concubine Wen and ruins her plan, then she will never end well.

three months?Nian Qiu was startled, these two people are really powerful, they have kept it from them for so long.She looked up at Duan Yunsu, her face was as calm as water, and she couldn't see what she was thinking.

"Just wait a little longer, this young master will definitely not wrong his own child." Zhao Heqi said, reaching out to pinch Bi Xiao a few more times.

"But the second young lady is about to enter the door, so what should I do with my servant?" Bi Xiao said, she will not forget the most important thing, if there is no second young master's guarantee, then the bride will definitely be the one after entering the door. Then she'll do the surgery.Bi Xiao's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, he wanted to keep the child in his stomach no matter what.

"Baby, what are you in a hurry for? Where is the letter? Let me see, young master first." Zhao Heqi said indifferently, and reached out his hand to dig a few times on her chest, but he still couldn't find what he wanted.

But seeing Bi Xiao take out something from his sleeve and hand it over, Zhao Heqi let go of him directly, opened it without saying a word, and then stuffed it back after reading it a few times, saying: "My young master knows, You copied out the words on this envelope, and sent it out in another one."

Before Bi Xiao could answer, he heard the sound of footsteps gradually walking away, and then heard the rustling of clothes, and stopped after a while.

At this time, Bi Xiao behind the rockery looked at no one around, straightened her slightly messy hair and came out.

Unexpectedly, just as he took a step, he saw two people suddenly appearing in front of him. Looking up, it was Duan Yunsu.

Bi Xiao's face turned pale.

"I didn't expect that the second young master was actually Bi Xiao's favorite." Duan Yunsu chuckled and said, "I don't know if Concubine Wen knows about you two?"

Bi Xiao took a step back in fright, how could the eldest young lady be here, she obviously didn't see anyone when she came!
He also heard Duan Yunsu say: "I don't know if you think about it, otherwise, if you don't want to keep the baby in your stomach, then you are really hanging."

Before entering the main room, the person in this room is pregnant with a child.This is a major event, at least it will ruin Zhao Heqi's reputation, and at the worst it will even affect his future career, so no matter how Concubine Wen wants to deal with her, she will not make such a thing happen.Besides, this Bi Xiao is now having an affair with Zhao Heqi, who is nameless and has no role, so he can't be regarded as a member of the house.If Concubine Wen found out, it would not be impossible to directly execute her and throw her to a mass grave, after all, that person's heart was cruel enough.

The flush on Bi Xiao's face from the joy just now had faded away, she stretched out her hand to caress the baby in her belly, remembering Concubine Wen's method, her body trembled, and sweat began to flow unconsciously on her forehead.

"Zhao Heqi just wanted to play tricks on you. He was comfortable and got news from you. If he really cared about you, how could he let you have a child and not even give you a concubine? You said wait for the bride to enter The door, he has a place of affection again, but he will still control your life and death."

Just one thing made Duan Yunsu curious. Could it be that Zhao Heqi and Concubine Wen are not as good as she thought?It's really strange that this son should secretly inquire about Concubine Wen's affairs.

Every time Duan Yunsu said a word, Bi Xiao's face turned pale.She had thought about all these, but now that things have come to this point, there is no way to turn back.

But Duan Yunsu smiled slightly: "I am also pregnant, so I understand your reluctance for the baby in your heart, and you must also want to let him come out well, and get a visible identity again." , live openly."

She took a step forward, Bi Xiao stepped back vigilantly, Duan Yunsu stopped moving when she saw this, she winked at Nian Qiu, and said: "Zhao Heqi is with you, I just want to know The news in your hand, I don't know what is written in this letter, so that he is so interested?"

Before Bi Xiao could react, Nian Qiu came to her in a flash, reached out and grabbed Bi Xiao's hand, took out the letter just now, turned around and handed it to Duan Yunsu.

Bi Xiao was shocked when she saw it, and wanted to snatch it back, but Nian Qiu stood in front of her and restrained her with her hand.

Duan Yunsu opened the letter, and saw that the things written on it couldn't be simpler. It was just a list of gifts and a few careful instructions, saying that he would take a good look at the marriage and not lose her face.

It's that simple?Duan Yunsu frowned slightly, Concubine Wen has been very quiet recently, could it be that she is really worried about Zhao Heqi's marriage as Ming Yue said?

Duan Yunsu put the letter back into Bixiao's arms, and said in a low voice: "The princess said that without her order, people from Xinlan Courtyard can't go out easily. You've violated the boundaries. If there's any other matter just now , since I let my wife see it, then come with me, I wonder what the princess will think when she finds out about this?"

"Young Madam, please spare me!" Bi Xiao knelt down when she heard the words, grabbed the corner of Duan Yunsu's skirt and cried, "This servant is just fascinated by ghosts for a while, please don't speak out, Eldest Madam, otherwise this servant will have no way out .”

"A way to survive?" Duan Yunsu snorted coldly, pinched her chin, and said in a slightly cold voice, "She did everything she could to save us a way to survive? The only one to blame is you, Wen." Side concubine, do you think this madam will let you go back like this?"

Bi Xiao looked at the cold and sharp eyes that were like ice blades, and her heart trembled. Originally, seeing that the eldest young lady hadn't moved since entering the mansion, she thought it was easy to handle, but she didn't expect that this person could not be more ruthless in her heart!

She stretched out her hand to caress the child in her belly, gritted her teeth and remained silent.

When Duan Yunsu saw Bi Xiao who was kneeling on the ground, he didn't feel any pity. This person had been following Concubine Wen all along, and he didn't know how many tricks he had done with that person.Her Zhao Hechen didn't know how much bullying she had suffered.

(End of this chapter)

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