The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 202 This Is Just a Small Beginning

Chapter 202 This Is Just a Small Beginning (3)
Only Prince An said in a low voice: "Yunsu doesn't need to pay attention, you sit down first, don't get tired."

Duan Yunsu raised eyebrows provocatively at Concubine Wen after hearing the words, and Shi Shiran sat down.

Concubine Wen gritted her silver teeth, and seeing Bi Xiao on the ground, she immediately found a way to vent her anger: "Sister Wangfei brought my maid here and didn't ask me what I mean?"

"Concubine Wen, if you know what this lowly servant girl has done, I don't know if you will still protect her." Princess An also found a place to sit down, and sneered: "This Bixiao is pregnant. Zhao Heqi's child, do you think I should bring him here?"

"What!" Concubine Wen widened her eyes suddenly, looking at the kneeling Bi Xiao with a look of scrutiny.This person won his heart the most, how could he do such a shameless thing!She took a step forward, grabbed Bi Xiao's hair, and said in a cold tone, "Is what the princess said true?"

Bi Xiao looked at Concubine Wen's hideous expression, and her heart sank severely.Up to now, only Zhao Heqi can protect her in the end.Since all this matter has been exposed, I will fight to the death!
"This servant is pregnant with the second young master's child. The child is innocent. I beg the prince and concubine to find a way to survive."

With a crisp sound of "pa", half of Bi Xiao's face was flushed from the slap, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot: "What are you, wanting to give birth to my Qi'er's child? It's just a dream!" Concubine Wen Looking at Bi Xiao's stomach, a flash of ruthlessness passed in his eyes.This child must not be kept, Qi'er is going to get married soon, how can this lowly maid disrupt the plan, this marriage can't go wrong!
Na Bi Xiao raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled desolately.Here is the master she has served for so many years. They are just the most lowly things, and they will be abandoned as soon as something happens!She looked up at Juyue beside Princess An, and suddenly felt a little envious in her heart.What's wrong with her planning for herself, who doesn't want to climb to the top!
Concubine Wen looked at Bi Xiao's gloomy gaze, and snorted coldly: "Sister Wangfei needs to find out, this lowly maidservant is just a flirtatious person, and the child in this belly really belongs to me, Qi'er?"

She glanced at Duan Yunsu at the side, and said with a mocking smile: "There are more than one man in the mansion, and she, Duan Yunsu, is also pregnant. This woman's mind is the most unpredictable. Who knows if someone wants to use your Remove all threats by hand."

Duan Yunsu's forehead twitched, and he looked at Concubine Wen with a gloomy light in his eyes.It seems that ruining your face is still easy for you, so how about some more medicines for you?She curled her lips and smiled ironically: "Concubine Wen wants to provoke my relationship with my mother? My husband-in-law, I know it well, it's not your turn to judge."

Ever since Concubine Wen came in, Prince An's face had changed. Hearing what she said now, he was immediately annoyed. He grabbed the teacup beside him and threw it at that person: "Chen'er is not something you can do." If you insult me ​​casually, don’t think that if I can’t sleep with you, it’s because I’m patient with you! If you speak rudely again, this king will directly lock you up in the firewood room. If you don’t eat or drink, I don’t believe that you can survive!”

"Come here, pull this person away!" Anqin Dynasty yelled at the guard outside the door, and seeing the two people coming in, he stretched out his hand to drag him out.

"You dare to touch me!" Wen Fang broke away from the guard's hand, pointed at Prince An's nose and yelled, "With you people here, you think it's rare for me to stay here! How dare you treat me like this today, my father I will definitely come up to seek justice!"

Prince An was threatened, so how could he not be annoyed.If it wasn't for the inconvenience of his legs and feet, he would have stepped forward and slapped him twice!
"Father, what are you doing? The side concubine provoked you?" The two guards came in to pull people away, and Zhao Heqi walked in smoothly. Looking at the situation in front of him, he narrowed his eyes, showing a bit of viciousness. Meaning: "The reason why the father called the child over is to let the child see how the father bullied the side concubine?"

"You bastard! Don't bother with other things, look at your good deeds!" Seeing Zhao Heqi, Prince An scolded directly.

It was only then that Zhao Heqi discovered that there was Bi Xiao on the ground, his eyes flickered slightly, he glanced at it lightly and then turned his gaze back.Seeing Zhao Heqi approaching, Bi Xiao felt as if she had found support in her heart. She grabbed his hem and cried, "Second Young Master, tell them that this is your child, let Bi Xiao give birth to this child... Bi Xiao Please, please..."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Heqi's eyes darkened, and he raised his foot to break away from her hand: "When did this young master have anything to do with you, don't talk nonsense here!"

Bi Xiao was shocked, and looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.Just now, they were still making out on the edge of the rockery, but now they don't recognize anyone in the blink of an eye!

"Master, how can you talk like that!" Bi Xiao's voice trembled, her face full of disbelief.

Seeing this, Concubine Wen smiled triumphantly: "But I have seen it all, but I, Qi'er, said no."

"I beg the concubine to be the master of the slaves, the young lady... the young lady saw it! Don't try to deny it, the second young master... the second young master, you clearly said that you would give Bi Xiao an explanation, how can you say such a thing now Come on!" Bi Xiao's words were almost incoherent, and there was almost despair in his eyes.

"Zhao Heqi, you should be responsible for being a human being. You don't even admit what you have done. What kind of man are you!" Prince An was furious.

"Why do you teach me, you don't care about it all these years, you don't have the qualifications at all!" When Zhao Heqi heard Prince An's preaching, a burst of resentment rose from the bottom of his heart, his eyes turned red, and he roared: " You just take care of your Zhao Hechen, what does my Zhao Heqi look like, what have I got to do with you!"

"You!" Prince An was so annoyed by his contradictory words that he gasped for breath.

Zhao Heqi turned his head and glanced at Duan Yunsu who was sitting on the chair. Seeing her appearance in the theater, he felt hesitant.

It's just that Bi Xiao kept tearing at the hem of his clothes and crying, which really made him irritated.He stretched out his foot, kicked her mercilessly, and cursed: "You bastard, don't pester me anymore, my majestic young master of Prince An's mansion will miss you as a slave!"

Those cold eyes and those ruthless words made Bi Xiao's heart ache like a knife. Is this the support she was looking for?How pathetic!

That kick was hard enough, and Bi Xiao fell to the ground, a sharp pain in her stomach made her panic.She clutched her stomach and looked at the blood stains on the skirt of her lower body, she was stunned.

Princess An knew that something was wrong with Bi Xiao when she saw it, but she didn't expect that Zhao Heqi was so cruel that he would attack her own child!
Duan Yunsu smelled the blood, and his stomach was surging, and he covered his mouth and wanted to vomit it out.When Princess An saw it, she hurried over, supported her and patted her back.Yunsu didn't have morning sickness before, so he must have been stimulated today, and he should send him back.

(End of this chapter)

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