The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 203 This Is Just a Small Beginning

Chapter 203 This Is Just a Small Beginning (4)
"You rebellious son!" Seeing what he did, Prince An was so angry that his body trembled, he wanted to stand up but fell down violently.He was only annoyed that he didn't have the ability to walk over now, and gave this person a good lesson: "I didn't expect such a cold-blooded and ruthless person like you to come out of my palace! Come, shut this person back to the courtyard, without this king No one is allowed to come out!"

Then Zhao Heqi sneered, and didn't feel that what he did was wrong at all.Everything that gets in your way should be cleaned up!

It's just how satisfied is Duan Yunsu with this result, this person has been thinking about himself over and over again, and he doesn't pay attention to her people in Chaojinyuan at all.What does Zhao Heqi care about the most? She will destroy him in the future!
Duan Yunsu relieved the discomfort in his stomach, and when he stopped the urge to vomit, Fang said: "Father, with brother Qi's temperament, if he takes the imperial examination again, he may not be able to think about the people after he passes the exam." , don’t want to harm the common people.”

Prince An narrowed his eyes when he heard the words: "Tomorrow I will play the emperor's role, and please ask the emperor to disqualify him from the imperial examination! Zhao Heqi, you don't want to take any imperial examinations, so you should learn how to be a good person in this mansion!"

Zhao Heqi's eyes were dark, and his gaze towards Duan Yunsu was a little more vicious.Now it is time for him to be appreciated by the second prince, and he cannot enter the government without the imperial examination. If this matter gets out, it will definitely be detrimental to his official career.He is not like that idiot, how could these people hold his lofty aspirations in his hands!
With a flick of his sleeves, he left Concubine Wen and Bi Xiao alone, and went straight out the door.I didn't expect Prince An to be so troublesome after waking up. I really shouldn't have underestimated this Yunsu!

"What are you still doing in a daze! Didn't you hear what the prince said? Take Concubine Wen to the firewood room!" Princess An smiled coldly at Wen Yuanyuan: "So what if I can't help you, my princess has many ways It makes you uncomfortable! Don't worry about your Qi Er's marriage, this princess will arrange it regularly and it will be wonderful."

The two guards stepped forward when they heard the words, Concubine Wen's eyes widened in disbelief, and she shouted to be dragged away: "You wait for me! I will definitely not let you go!"

Only Bi Xiao with a painful face was left on the ground, Duan Yunsu felt desolate when he saw that bleeding profusely.Qiao thought something that shouldn't be there, but it ended up like this in the end.

"Young my child..." Bi Xiao's eyes were filled with tears.

Xu Shitong was pregnant and a doctor. Duan Yunsu raised his foot and wanted to go up. Princess An pulled him back when she saw her, and sighed softly: "This child can't be kept, you can't keep it today. If you save it, someone will kill it again tomorrow, and I only blame this child for being cast in the wrong womb. Mother will find a doctor for her, so don't go there, be careful of collision."

"Nianqiu, why are you still standing here? You brought the young lady back." Princess An winked at Nianqiu, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Although the Young Madam is a doctor, no matter what happens to Bi Xiao, Princess An doesn't want her to watch anymore, right?Nian Qiu understood what Princess An meant, and dragged Duan Yunsu away with half support and half lead. Duan Yunsu looked back at the people on the ground, lowered his eyes and did not make a sound.

After walking outside in silence for a while, I heard Duan Yunsu's voice: "Nianqiu, follow me to the place where Concubine Wen is locked up."

Nian Qiu was taken aback when he heard the words, but he also went there with her.

The woodshed where Concubine Wen stayed was narrow and remote, when Duan Yunsu arrived, he still saw Concubine Wen cursing inside.Seeing Duan Yunsu approaching, Concubine Wen went straight to the small window and spat at her.

Seeing this, Duan Yunsu laughed lightly: "Is Concubine Wen still used to it? You must have never thought about it, one day you will be locked up in such an aggrieved room."

"Bah, my side concubine will go out of course, do you think you can win me over like this?" Wen side concubine looked at Duan Yunsu's exquisite face, and suddenly had the urge to tear it apart.

"I understand that Concubine Wen's tricks are amazing, and now the prince is fine, this is just a small warning. Sooner or later, the good days of Concubine Wen will come to an end, this is just a small beginning, let's see Who laughed at the end." Duan Yunsu looked at the person in front of him indifferently: "This small punishment is not enough for Yunsu to look at, and what you have done in the past, how could it be so simple? Finished?"

Those deep eyes made people feel a bit inexplicably cold, Concubine Wen restrained her mind, it seemed that she really underestimated the people in the palace.

Duan Yunsu looked at the scarf on her face, and suddenly smiled faintly: "Concubine Wen, your face is the interest I ask for. As for your good son, Yunsu will definitely make him live better than you The face is even more wonderful."

Concubine Wen was startled, and reached out to caress her face with a fierce look in her eyes.No wonder the doctor said there was nothing to do, it turned out that Yunsu played tricks secretly!When did this happen, why didn't I know it at all!
Seeing her changing face, Duan Yunsu could guess that the face under Concubine Wen's light veil must be brilliant.She ignored this person, raised her foot and walked back.

The two were silent for a long time, only to hear Nian Qiu say: "Young Madam, why bother to explain everything clearly, aren't you afraid that that person will directly hate you, so be prepared..."

"If I don't tell her, she won't hold grudges?" Duan Yunsu smiled slightly: "Concubine Wen has been arrogant for so many years, the foundation in the mansion is not shallow, and there are people outside to help, so there is no way to get rid of this person all at once. Eradicate. In the current situation, if you don't be cruel, they will be rampant, and the palace may not be peaceful for a while."

Duan Yunsu pondered for a moment, and remembered what his father said just now to cut off Concubine Wen's water and food, which is a good idea.

The two walked to Chaojin Courtyard, Gu Qiu saw that his young lady had finally returned, so she hurriedly welcomed them in.She had heard a little about the matter of the Muqing Court just now, she wondered if Miss was tired now, did she need to rest?
Seeing Gu Qiu's worried eyes, Duan Yunsu's heart warmed up.Thinking of Zhao Heqi again, Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly, the result was too cheap for him. : "Gu Qiu, you are looking for an opportunity to spread this news to Liu's residence. After all, you want to be in-laws, so you can't hide it?"

Nian Qiu's heart was shocked, it seemed that the eldest young lady really planned to make things worse.That's okay, it's better to let the people over there fight in the nest, why not do things that will cause trouble for them?
Princess An was also dissatisfied with such a result, but she was a calm person, and it would be good for Duan Yunsu to raise her baby if it was quiet over there.

It just so happened that Concubine Wen's father had left Beijing for a few days for some reason, but Concubine Wen hadn't had any water or rice for several days, and when she came out again, she was very weak.Father Wen made a big fuss, Prince An directly broke his face with him and didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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