The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 204 This Is Just a Small Beginning

Chapter 204 This Is Just a Small Beginning (5)
In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed, and the weather gradually cooled down.Duan Yunsu stayed in the Chaojin Courtyard, while paying attention to the movement here and there, while accompanying Zhao Hechen to study and paint, his life was quite comfortable.

One morning, Zhao Hechen woke up and saw his wife sitting on the bed with a brocade quilt, her body trembling.Zhao Hechen felt strange, and hurriedly got up and turned around with his back on his back, only to see that Duan Yunsu's face was full of tears, and his eyes were red from crying.

Zhao Hechen was stunned, and stretched out his hand clumsily to wipe her tears, coaxing anxiously, eyes full of bewilderment.What's wrong with Susu? Why did she cry like this all of a sudden?Could it be that Chen'er didn't sleep well and Susu felt unwell?
"Susu doesn't cry, it's Chen'er's fault." Zhao Hechen didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, and put the responsibility on himself first.This is what Fang Fang said, no matter what it is, as long as you tell the lady like this, there will be no mistakes.

It's just that when Duan Yunsu heard the coaxing sound, he cried even more vigorously with a "Wow", which directly scared Zhao Hechen's heart.Nanny Qian, Gu Qiu and others who were serving outside hurried in when they heard the bold and unrestrained cries of the eldest young lady.Eldest Young Madam, something must have happened, right? !

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Duan Yunsu sitting on the bed, his eyes were red and crying so pitifully, but no matter how he looked, he didn't see anything wrong.Qian Momo was in a hurry, so she sent her maid to exchange for Princess An.

"Yunsu, what's wrong with you, but Chen'er bullied you?" Princess An who rushed over gave Zhao Hechen a look, poor Zhao Hechen scratched his head, but he didn't do anything.

"Mother..." Duan Yunsu called out in a hoarse voice.

Seeing that she was willing to speak, Princess An was overjoyed: "Mother is here, why is Yunsu crying like this, tell mother, mother will seek justice for you."

"Woo...Mingxiangzhai's sauce-flavored elbow..."

Princess An was inexplicable: "What's wrong with this elbow?"

"Fly away..." Duan Yunsu cried so sadly.

Princess An didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After arguing for a long time, it turned out that she was greedy for Mingxiangzhai's soy-flavored elbows. It was such a simple thing, how could she still cry like this.She turned her head to Juyue who was following, and said with a smile, "Hurry up to Mingxiangzhai and bring back the things to the Young Madam."

"Princess, it's so early, I'm afraid Mingxiangzhai hasn't opened yet?" Juyue said.

"Go to the accounting room to pay more money, haven't you seen the pitiful appearance of the eldest young lady, hurry up."

When the thing came back, Duan Yunsu grabbed it and gnawed it in small bites.When I came back to my senses, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed when I thought about what happened just now.I didn't expect that I would play with my temper like this, and I couldn't control the tears just now, it was really embarrassing.

Princess An didn't think much about it. Seeing Duan Yunsu's joy in eating, she felt at ease in her heart: "It's good to be able to eat, this baby is only strong."

Qian Momo who was beside her also said with a smile: "At first, I saw that the eldest young lady seldom vomited, and thought she was a quiet one, but I didn't expect to start tormenting at this time."

"It's been three months. If the child is making a fuss, it will be hard for Yunsu." Princess An looked at Zhao Hechen who wiped Duan Yunsu's mouth, and felt a little distressed in her heart.

If Chen'er is not good, then Yunsu will have to bear a lot of burdens all the time.

This side coaxed the pregnant woman's little temper, originally thought that she could be quiet for a few days, but unexpectedly the next morning, this Zhao Hechen had a fever.

When Duan Yunsu woke up, he saw Zhao Hechen's face was flushed, so he stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, and then he realized that this guy's condition was not very good.

When Princess An came over, Duan Yunsu was taking Zhao Hechen's pulse, seeing her frowning tightly, he didn't dare to disturb her.After seeing Duan Yunsu let go of his hand, he asked, "Did Chen'er catch a cold?"

There is still more than a month to enter the twelfth lunar month, and it suddenly became much colder last night. Could it be that he caught a cold at night?It's just that Yunsu's pregnant body should be more susceptible to wind and cold than Zhao Hechen's. His body was very healthy in the past, but why did he catch a fire.

Duan Yunsu pursed his lips lightly, and smiled consolingly at Princess An: "Chenchen is fine, he will recover after drinking the medicine, mother, don't worry."

"That's good. It's just that Chen'er is sick now. You should sleep separately from him. Don't get sick." Princess An said with some worry.

Duan Yunsu nodded naturally, sent Princess An out, and returned to sitting by the bed, frowning unconsciously, there was no smile at the corners of his mouth.

People with a fever can count their pulses frequently, but Zhao Hechen's pulse suddenly pulsated a few times amidst his strength.The pulse is not obvious, but the body is a symptom of fever.

Zhao Hechen's body was not weak in the past, but in the past few months, he had developed several fevers, and he cured himself the next day, which was really worrying.

Zhao Hechen was in a daze all the time, the maid brought in the decoction, Duan Yunsu took it, sent everyone in the room out, thought for a while, and poured it directly into the flowerpot by the window sill.

Sure enough, Zhao Hechen woke up the next day, and Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, but Zhao Hechen grabbed her hand, put it to his mouth and pecked lightly, his black jade-like pupils still had the feeling of just waking up. When he came here, the mist was hazy, looking at Duan Yunsu's delicate face, he grinned: "Su Su Zao."

Duan Yunsu pursed his lips and smiled.

There was news from the palace that the emperor was a little weak, probably because he hadn't fully recovered from the injury.The emperor misses Zhao Hechen very much, and announced that Zhao Hechen and Duan Yunsu will go to the palace to have an audience tomorrow.Ling bestowed two saha fruits. I heard that this was a saha tree sent by Yu Kingdom at the beginning. It only bears five fruits every year, but this year it bears fruit for the first time.

Duan Yunsu sighed that the emperor was really generous to Zhao Hechen, since these things are so rare, he even gave two of them.

The fruit is only the size of an apricot, with a crystal-clear rosy skin, and the yellowish flesh inside can be vaguely seen through the translucent skin.

"Give it to Susu." Zhao Hechen sent the food to Duan Yunsu.

Duan Yunsu looked at the two fruits, she had never heard of this Saha fruit, since the emperor said it could, there should be nothing wrong with it, but I don't know if it will have any effect on the fetus.Duan Yunsu thought for a while but refused, put the fruit to Zhao Hechen's mouth, and said: "Yunsu has a baby and can't eat randomly. The emperor said it was sent by Chenchen, and it's all from Chenchen."

Zhao Hechen thought for a while when he heard the words, and took a bite of the Sapo fruit with Yunsu's little hand, only to see the thick and sweet juice overflowing his mouth, Zhao Hechen squinted his eyes and seemed to enjoy it, Duan Yunsu saw it, He said, "How about sending this to my father? My father has been ill for many years, and I haven't eaten many good things for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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