The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 210 Su fainted

Chapter 210 Su fainted (2)
As soon as the servants heard this, they ignored Liu Feixue who was clamoring.This is the second young lady from now on?This kind of behavior doesn't look like someone who came from a rich family. A shabby person who has settled down has to open his mouth to ask for money!Fortunately, there is also a young lady, if it is not for this person to take care of the palace in the future, it will really suffer.

The servants tidied up, and immediately carried the things out, but happened to run into the second young master Zhao Heqi who came over, and hurriedly put down the things to salute.

Liu Feixue, who didn't know what to look for, saw it, and immediately found a reason, turned around and asked Zhao Heqi, "Look, cousin, this is what was sent to Liu's house, you are not afraid to lose it." Your face!"

Zhao Heqi glanced around at the people present, his expression was not really good-looking.He glanced at Liu Feixue, and said in a cold tone, "Shame? Isn't it shameful for you to behave like this today?"

If it is really necessary for him to come here, if the news gets out, the woman he is going to marry Zhao Heqi will come to ask for gifts that day, that would be shameful!
"You..." Liu Feixue didn't expect that even her cousin would not help her. Sooner or later, she would belong to him, but now he actually turned around to talk about her!

"Miss." The maid next to Liu Feixue tugged at her sleeves, feeling a bit displeased. When the young lady saw these things, she forgot the purpose of coming here today: "Miss came here today, but I have other things to do." Do it, but don't forget."

When Liu Feixue heard this, she remembered why she came to Prince An's mansion today. She gave Zhao Heqi a hard look, and said unceremoniously: "Cousin, you actually let a lowly maid have your child." ? Where is that bitch, see if I don't teach her a lesson!"

Duan Yunsu finally found out that this person came to make Zhao Heqi unhappy, so he really didn't want to stop him.Duan Yunsu looked at the two of them leisurely, this Liu Feixue is really not a smart person, this kind of thing directly came to the door to yell, but it humiliated the man, no matter which man he was, he would feel displeased.

No wonder the concubine followed Concubine Wen to agree to this marriage, if another one with a scheming heart was replaced, it would be even more difficult to deal with.It's better to marry this Liu Feixue directly, this temperament is also easy to see through.

"Who told you about this?" Zhao Heqi's face suddenly darkened.

"Could it be that you still want to hide it from my Liu family!" Liu Feixue was so angry that her eyes widened. If it wasn't for the servants in the mansion who secretly mentioned it, she wouldn't know about it.This is all about kissing, the person in the room is actually pregnant!If her mother hadn't been stopping her these days, she would have come here long ago.Today she found an excuse and finally came out, she must make that bitch look good.Want to have a baby before her?no way!She didn't even look at who she was: "Where is that bitch, I'll make her look good!"

As soon as Liu Feixue finished speaking, she directly stopped a servant who was walking, and said viciously: "Tell me, where is that man, bring him out for me!"

The servant was taken aback, she was just a little girl cleaning, how could she know these things.

Seeing that this person didn't answer, Liu Feixue pushed her away with a palm, and turned to Zhao Heqi, her face was full of jealousy: "You still want to protect that bitch? When I come in, I will definitely kill her!" die!"

"It's just nonsense!" Zhao Heqi's face was frosty, he waved his sleeves and left without looking at her again.Today, he was originally thinking about countermeasures for the second prince in the courtyard, but unexpectedly, his servants said that Liu Feixue had come over and made a fuss. Thinking that this person would marry him in the future, he planned to come and help, so as not to be bullied go.I didn't expect to see such a jealous woman's gesture, it's really disgusting!

Duan Yunsu watched the two fall out without saying a word, and stood by to watch the show.Thinking of Yingying Yanyan in Zhao Heqi's courtyard, if she really married this person, Zhao Heqi's backyard might not be quiet for a day.

"Miss Liu, I haven't entered the house yet, but I don't have the right to deal with the people in the room." Duan Yunsu saw her more and more exciting expression, and kindly reminded: "Zhao Heqi likes gentle and gentle people the most." Girl, you look like this..."

"What do you mean!" Liu Feixue trembled with anger, and was about to walk over, thinking of teaching her a lesson.Unexpectedly, as she was walking two steps, a person in a hurry rushed over there, Liu Feixue didn't pay attention and was bumped into him, and both of them fell to the ground.

"Who are you, don't you have eyes? How dare you bump into Miss Ben!" Liu Feixue scolded the woman on the ground while stretching out her fingers.Seeing that the man was very good-looking, and his figure was even more graceful, the jealousy in his heart suddenly rose.

She doesn't look like a maid, but which family's lady?But Zhao Heqi who came here to snatch her? !
"You don't have eyes, your whole family doesn't have eyes!" It was Princess Qing'er who fell to the ground. She stood up, stretched out her hand to pat the dust on her clothes, and returned unceremoniously. One sentence: "You are still so arrogant after bumping into Miss Ben, believe it or not, I will whip you to death with a whip!"

Duan Yunsu laughed out loud.

"Sister Yunsu, you are still laughing, and Qing'er fell so painfully." Princess Qing'er held her mouth in dissatisfaction, looked at Liu Feixue who was still lying on the ground, and looked at Duan Yunsu, and said doubtfully: "Where is the ugly monster, but you bullied sister Yunsu? When brother-in-law comes over, just kick her to the sky."

Brother-in-law?It was the first time I heard this address, Duan Yunsu walked forward, stretched out his hand to straighten her messy hair, and said, "Where is Qing'er going, in such a hurry."

Princess Qing'er narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "I'll find a place to hide my things."

"What?" Duan Yunsu was curious. Before Princess Qing'er entered the mansion, she had nothing. Now where is the treasure, and she has to hide it.

When Princess Qing'er heard the words, she licked her body twice, and said "Hey", why did the things disappear?She looked back at the ground, only to see a medicine bottle was falling on it, presumably it was knocked out just now.

When Liu Feixue saw Qing'er, her eyes fell on the small bottle, she reached out and picked it up, and smiled provocatively at her.What is so precious?If he dared to yell in front of her, she would take this thing!
"Give it back to me!" Princess Qing'er was anxious.

Seeing her like this, Liu Feixue was even more proud, and had no intention of returning her at all.

Duan Yunsu looked at the bottle as if it looked familiar, so he asked Qing'er, "What is that, Yunsu has seen it before?"

"That's the medicine made by Qing'er. It's the one that cures cough with Sister Yunsu." Princess Qing'er replied.

It turned out to be that, didn't I say that the medicine couldn't be used, why did Princess Qing'er carry it everywhere.Remembering that she said she was going to hide it just now, it is only serious to destroy this thing, so why hide it?
The conversation between the two fell into Liu Feixue's ears. She shook the bottle and saw that it was full.Liu Feixue's eyes brightened. Hearing that Duan Yunsu's medical skills are not advanced, she must have made this thing, a cough medicine?But I haven't heard that this thing can be made into pills. This small bottle of medicine must be rare.

(End of this chapter)

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