The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 211 Su fainted

Chapter 211 Su fainted (4)
Silent all night.

The next day, after the two had breakfast with Princess An, Zhao Hechen was summoned away by the prince. The gentleman invited by the mansion was already waiting, so Zhao Hechen was going to attend the lecture.Duan Yunsu returned to the courtyard, and looked at Gu Qiu Tinghe who was arranging the needle and thread, with a lot of clothing materials and half-sewn clothes beside him.

Duan Yunsu picked it up and looked around, this little thing softened her heart.She picked up the needle and thread and continued to sew the clothes, her eyes were full of tranquility and gentleness.

"Miss, would you like to embroider a few more bellybands for the young master and miss? It will be May and June when he comes out, and it won't be long before that time, and he will need it." Gu Qiu thought for a while. Said.

"Naturally, Gu Qiu's needlework is really good." Duan Yunsu said, looking at the half of the clothes that Gu Qiu made.

"It's all because you have done too little, miss. The unique skills you were good at before are all unfamiliar, but Gu Qiu can't compare." Gu Qiu looked at Duan Yunsu's slow embroidery, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "But miss Now that she is pregnant, she should do less embroidery, so as not to hurt her eyes."

"Gu Qiu only loves your little master and miss. In the past, I wished I could twist the needle and thread every day, and I didn't see you hurt my eyes." Duan Yunsu pretended to sigh.

Hearing what these two people said, He smiled and said: "Miss, you usually make a few more clothes for my uncle, so that sister Gu Qiu won't talk about it."

"Really, what did Tinghe do for Zhao Fang recently?" Duan Yunsu leisurely picked up the little clothes and gestured left and right, frowning annoyedly.There is really a gap between what Gu Qiu did and what he did, and he needs to work harder.

"Miss, what nonsense are you talking about!" Ting He blushed and said in a shy voice, stomping her feet.

"Ting He is not young, and Zhao Fang is also a nice person. If you are suitable for Miss, I will directly make the two of you a pair." Duan Yunsu said, the needle and thread in his hand paused, and asked: "It is rare these days. Look at Zhao Fang, what did this person do?"

"Zhao Fang attends the young master to listen to lectures during the day, but I don't know why the prince has told him a lot of things recently, and he is busy outside." After hearing He finished speaking, he saw Duan Yunsu's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. After realizing it, she blushed: "Miss, you are here to make fun of Ting He again."

Even Gu Qiu, who was on the side, also smiled: "Even he knows what he does all day long, and he still thinks about not admitting it."

Seeing her so ashamed that she wanted to get into the hole, Duan Yunsu stopped teasing her and said, "Go to the small kitchen and prepare some pastries, the young master will need some when he comes back."

When Ting He heard it, he put down the cloth in his hand, gave a salute, turned around and walked out, only to see that when he opened the curtain, he almost bumped into a person head-on.

"Hey, let it be, let me, I don't have the strength." I saw that Princess Qing'er found the book from nowhere, folded her hands in front of her body, and pressed her chin against the top book. A book came in unsteadily.

"Qing'er, what is this for?" Duan Yunsu looked at her small arms, unexpectedly having the strength to hold so many books.

"This is what Qing'er found for Sister Yunsu." Princess Qing'er slammed the stack of books in her hand on the table with a "bang", and the book fell unsteadily on the table. Ben fell directly to the ground with a muffled sound.Princess Qing'er straightened the slightly messy clothes in front of her, and said, "Sister Yunsu has been looking for books to read. When Qing'er saw these, she brought them here for you."

"Where did you find Qing'er?" Duan Yunsu was a little curious. She had never heard of Princess Qing'er leaving the palace in the past two days. Could this be a scroll in the palace?
"Qing'er saw a small building in the woods behind, and all these things were taken out of it."

Isn't the small building in Linzi behind the mansion where Ji Su lives?
Then I heard Princess Qing'er continue to say: "It turns out that there is still such a place in the palace, but which girl lives in it? I saw no one and went in directly. Sister Yunsu has been to that place? You said that girl's eyes Is there some problem, the whole small building is glowing red."

The corner of Duan Yunsu's mouth twitched, what would Ji Su's reaction be if he heard this?Ji Su is not there now, and although it is said to be a forbidden area, no one stops her, but the servants in the mansion consciously never go in, only the new princess doesn't know.

"All these scrolls were found inside?" Duan Yunsu recalled carefully, the last time she was pissed off by the situation, but she didn't take a good look at the furnishings in the house, she didn't expect that Ji Su would hide books ?
When Princess Qing'er heard Duan Yunsu's question, she pointed directly at the scroll on the table: "This is on the table, and the blue one is hidden in an empty vase. By the way, there is another one but It was in the bed, and it was hard in the way of Qing'er when she was sleeping, so Qing'er took it out."

"Wait, wait, Qing'er, where did you sleep all night?" Duan Yunsu stared.

"Yeah, why is Sister Yunsu reacting so badly?" Princess Qing'er waved her hand nonchalantly: "They're all from girls' families, so what's the point of sleeping all night."

"..." Duan Yunsu endured it for a long time, and then said, "Qing'er, that's Ji Su's bed..."


Silence again.

Princess Qing'er suddenly jumped up as if she had seen a ghost, and said "Hey—" in disgust, her body trembled, and goosebumps appeared all over her body, her big eyes were wide open: "What did you say, that place where the devil is dead?" I can't do it anymore, Qing'er is going to take a bath, Qing'er feels uncomfortable all over!"


"How to make it look like a girl's boudoir!" Princess Qing'er patted her clothes in distaste, as if something dirty was glued on her, looking at the books on the table, her face suddenly froze.Ji Su's place... If Ji Su sees the house being made like that...Princess Qing'er put on a pitiful appearance and said, "Sister Yunsu, please send some people over to clean it up? Otherwise, that person will come back and see you." I will definitely not let Qing'er go."

Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows: "What did you do?"

"Qing'er messed up everything in that room." Princess Qing'er looked at Duan Yunsu's piercing gaze, and said, "And broke a lot of antique vases."

Duan Yunsu remained silent, and saw Qing'er confessing with a bitter face: "I just accidentally turned that side upside down, sister Yunsu, don't be angry with Qing'er..."

Why is she angry, wouldn't it be good to keep it back to stimulate Ji Su?
"I don't care." Princess Qing'er planned to slip away: "The book is with sister Yunsu, and sister will return it later."

She turned around directly and planned to slip out, but when she raised her steps, she saw a white shadow jumping out from her feet, which made her staggered and almost fell down.She patted her chest and looked at the thing, but she didn't expect it to be a little white rabbit.

I saw that little thing walked around twice, lay down on a book, sniffed it twice, and actually planned to bite it down.

(End of this chapter)

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