The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 212 This Gu is not a Gu, there is no solution

Chapter 212 This Gu is not a Gu, there is no solution (1)
"Xiao Hei, you can't eat this, my sister will take you out to pick mushrooms." Princess Qing'er lifted it up with her hand, picked up the book and threw it on the table.The little white rabbit struggled on all fours and swayed around, seemingly dissatisfied with this arrangement.

Picking mushrooms?Now it's Dongyue, where are the mushrooms?Duan Yunsu shook his head amusedly, his eyes fell on the book that had just been thrown up.At this time, the page of the book was wide open, and the word "Saha" on it directly came into his eyes. Duan Yunsu froze, and reached out to pick up the book.

Princess Qing'er walked out, and the room fell silent for a moment.Gu Qiu was originally wondering why the lady was silent, but when he looked up, he found that Duan Yunsu's face was turning pale little by little, his lips were bloodless, and his eyes were blank, Gu Qiu was shocked.

I saw the book in her hand slipped to the ground suddenly and feebly, and she fell down with a sway!Gu Qiu hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, and shouted outside in panic: "What's the matter, miss? Somebody, hurry up and call the doctor!"

The Chaojin Courtyard suddenly became chaotic, the eldest young lady was in excellent health, she fainted as soon as she could say it!After hearing the news, Princess An hurriedly dropped what she was doing and rushed over.I saw Duan Yunsu lying on the bed, his eyelashes trembling slightly, his little face pale, and Princess An stretched out her hand to caress gently.

The doctor was brought in by Zhao Hechen. In this slightly cold weather, there was a thin layer of sweat on Zhao Hechen's forehead.The old doctor trembled and said: "Sir, please slow down, this old bone of the old man can't stand the toss."

How could Zhao Hechen hear him? He looked at the person on the bed, unable to vent his worries and frustrations, he frowned and dropped the doctor in his hand.

"Doctor, show the lady quickly." Gu Qiu looked at the old doctor's sluggish movements, feeling a little anxious.

The old doctor put down the medicine box, walked to the bedside and gave Duan Yunsu a pulse, stroked the goatee for a long time before saying: "This lady is in a hurry, she must have been stimulated by something, and her fetus moved. Some anti-fetal medicine, take care of it for a few days."

"Is the child in serious trouble?" Princess An asked.

"Madam's pregnancy is very good, and there is no serious problem. It's just that in the future, don't be stimulated again, otherwise no matter how good your body is, you won't be able to bear it." Mo, went directly to prescribe the prescription.

It's just that Princess An didn't feel relieved. Yunsu had been in the room all the time, so why did she get pregnant?She turned to Juyue beside her and said, "Go to the accountant to pay some money to the doctor, and then go grab this medicine and fry it carefully, don't pass it through other people's hands."

Juyue agreed, and went out with the old doctor without saying anything.

Princess An looked at the people in the room, frowned and said, "Why did the young lady faint so well, but what did you do wrong to annoy her?"

"My lord, the young lady was doing needlework with the servants, but she just read the book that Princess Qing'er brought in, and suddenly fainted." Gu Qiu reported.

Book?Princess An's gaze fell on the table, only to see that the books on it were tilted upside down, and a lot of them fell on the ground.Looking up again, Princess Qing'er stood beside her at some point, clutching her handkerchief, her eyes were very nervous.

"What is Qing'er doing standing there? Come here." Princess An watched her approach cautiously, knowing that she must be afraid.Although Princess Qing'er is a bit headstrong, she still has a good temper.

"Princess, Qing'er doesn't know what's going on. Qing'er saw that Sister Yunsu has been looking for books these days, so she moved here..." Qing'er looked at Duan Yunsu on the bed worriedly, but she didn't expect It suddenly became like this. Originally, she went out with the rabbit, and then she heard Gu Qiu in the room calling for a doctor, but it frightened her.

Princess An looked at a book that fell on the ground not far away. The pages of the book were already messy. She picked it up and saw that there was no word on the cover page, no bibliography, and the handwriting inside seemed to be Not alone.

What book is this?What did Yunsu see to react like this?
"Clean up all of this first." Princess An glanced at the book in her hand, hesitated for a while, and then put it on the table.She intuitively felt that there should be something important in it, and if Yunsu woke up and couldn't find it, wouldn't it be troublesome.

"Susu, you're awake." Zhao Hechen shouted joyfully beside the bed.

Duan Yunsu quietly opened his eyes, looked at Zhao Hechen who was sitting by the bed, stretched out his hand to caress that handsome face, his eyes were slightly lost.Zhao Hechen took her hand off and kissed it: "Susu scared Chen'er, Chen'er left her husband and ran out, as long as Susu is fine."

Duan Yunsu propped himself up and wanted to sit up, but Princess An hurriedly pushed him back: "The doctor said that you have gas in your fetus, you should rest well."

Tired?Duan Yunsu put his hands on his stomach, feeling a little guilty in his heart, because he didn't take care of his emotions and caused the children to be implicated.Duan Yunsu lay back down again, and Princess An breathed a sigh of relief. She wanted to ask why Yunsu fainted, but she was afraid of reminding her of something unpleasant again, so she took back what she had said. .

Duan Yunsu saw that Princess An was hesitant to speak, and knew that she probably wanted to know the reason.She glanced at Zhao Hechen beside her, and said, "Mr. Chenchen is probably still waiting for Chenchen to come out like this. How about Chenchen go there first? Susu is fine already."

Zhao Hechen was unwilling, held hands and refused to let go, Duan Yunsu sighed lightly, there was no need to say some words at this time, since he hasn't found a way yet, don't let him, who was originally innocent and simple, also worry.With a sullen face, she pretended to be unhappy, and said: "Susu is going to be angry, Chenchen doesn't study hard, how can he study with the baby tonight?"

Seeing this, Zhao Hechen reluctantly got up and left.

When Princess An saw it, she also knew that Duan Yunsu must have something to say to her, but she just dismissed Zhao Hechen. Could it be that this matter has something to do with him?
Duan Yunsu's face was serious, his cherry lips were tightly pressed, and he said, "Mother, Yunsu finally knows what is wrong with Chenchen."

Princess An's expression froze when she heard the words.

"Mother, you might as well pass that book to me." Duan Yunsu looked at the open pages on the table and sighed softly.

Princess An handed the book to Duan Yunsu, only to see Duan Yunsu flip through several pages before handing it back to her.Looking at the words on the page, Princess An only felt the blood surge in her chest, her body swayed slightly but she forcibly stabilized her mind, her eyes were full of disbelief, and her face turned pale.

It is recorded in the book that a Gu named Qinhun is placed in the body to control the xinxing. When it occurs, the host's temperament changes drastically, and he wakes up and forgets things.

It is also said that when you live in your body, you can't see it on weekdays, and you can't draw its traces unless you are whirling.

Seeing the reaction from Princess An's residence, Gu Qiu hurriedly stepped forward to support her on the chair, she glanced at the writing on the book, but couldn't see clearly.I don't know what is written on it, the princess also reacted the same way when she saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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