The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 216 I would rather cut the flesh and take the Gu than make you happy

Chapter 216 I would rather cut the flesh and take the Gu than make you happy (2)
Seeing that Zhao Hechen didn't make a sound, Duan Yunsu looked up, only to find that this man's face was already stretched out, with a look of disgust on his face.Duan Yunsu secretly smiled in his heart, seeing his troubled appearance, he sent a sweet kiss directly.

"Sister Yunsu!" There was a shout from outside the door, and Duan Yunsu hurriedly withdrew his body, only to see Princess Qing'er running in with the rabbit in her arms, with a very happy look on her face: "Sister Yunsu, today I will I heard that those people are really not good people, but my brother-in-law is the best."

So this person came here in a hurry for this matter?
Princess Qing'er's eyes were shining brightly, she shook the rabbit towards Duan Yunsu, and said excitedly: "Today I saw that Hanxiang said to make clothes for Xiao Hei, but I saw her secretly making clothes for Xiao Hei." Talking bad things about Sister Yunsu. When Qing'er got angry, she asked her to clean the rabbit nest. She was worried that Sister Yunsu would be unhappy, but now she is fine. "

Thinking of Han Xiang's expression on holding a broom as if she had eaten a fly, Princess Qing'er felt happy in her heart.That's just a soft-headed person who flicks the whip twice, isn't he still obedient, and she thinks he is such a powerful person.

The corner of Duan Yunsu's mouth twitched, how unwelcome these people are in the palace, but now I see them.I still didn't do anything to deal with it, so someone had already dealt with it first.

"It's good that Qing'er likes it, but Xiao Hei seems a bit uncomfortable being strangled by you." Duan Yunsu looked at the struggling rabbit in her arms, and reminded kindly.

Princess Qing'er looked at it, and said indifferently: "It's okay, Xiao Hei is excited when he sees Sister Yunsu, I think it must be a lecherous one, and Qing'er is also good-looking, why did he go to Sister Yunsu's side?" Make up."

Duan Yunsu laughed out loud.

Seeing Duan Yunsu smile, Zhao Hechen gently hugged Duan Yunsu into his arms, looked at that delicate face, stretched out his hand to caress the fetus in his belly, his bright black eyes dimmed, and looked ahead without knowing what to think what.

The next day, when Duan Yunsu woke up early in the morning, he found that Zhao Hechen was no longer around him. After asking, he found out that this person had already entered the palace.

The emperor didn't summon him, but Zhao Hechen went in by himself?Duan Yunsu shook his head, got up and went to Muqing Court.

The leaves of the hibiscus tree in Muqingyuan have long since fallen, and they are no longer as verdant as before.Seeing Duan Yunsu's figure, Nanny Li hurried forward to support him, and muttered: "Didn't the princess say that I don't have to come here every day? I'm afraid it's going to get colder this day, so don't suffer." cold."

"Walking often is also good for the fetus. With Nianqiu by my side, nothing will happen." Duan Yunsu walked in, but he didn't see the figure of Princess An, so he said, "Mother, what's the matter?" Didn't you see it?"

"The maidservant is about to go over and tell the young lady that the princess accidentally caught a cold last night, and now she feels a little uncomfortable."

"Can Yunsu take a look?"

As soon as Duan Yunsu finished speaking, Li Nanny said nervously as if she was facing a big enemy: "Don't worry, the concubine made a special statement and has already hired a doctor. You can't let your illness get on the young lady. The young lady It's good to have such a heart, the princess can understand."

Seeing this, Duan Yunsu had no choice but to go inside and take a look at Princess An from a distance. Seeing that she was a little bit cold, it was not serious, so she felt relieved.Seeing that Nanny Li insisted on letting her go back to the hospital to have a good rest, she followed her.

Back in the courtyard, Duan Yunsu went to the desk, and stretched out his hand to open a picture scroll, but it was an eagle soaring in the sky, with sharp eyes and shiny black hair, it was a bit proud.Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand and slid over the sharp hook-like beak, and his heart moved, Zhao Hechen's portrait felt a little different than before.

She sat down, and when Gu Qiu, who was serving beside her, saw it, she raised the corner of her sleeve and began to rub the ink carefully.Watching Duan Yunsu draw a picture, it is not the medicinal herb in the past, but vaguely looks like a hairpin.

"Why did miss draw this today?" Gu Qiu asked curiously.

"Anyway, I'm idle, my mother doesn't let me read all day, and doesn't let me touch those medicinal materials too much, so I have to draw something to relieve my boredom."

Duan Yunsu lowered his eyes and continued to work carefully, only to see a pattern of hibiscus flowers appeared on the picture, the double petals contained stamens, very delicate.The last time I went to Ningcui Zhai, I already had this idea in my heart, but I was stumped by these one after another.Although the concubine would not be missing these two pieces of jewelry, but when she saw the hibiscus flower in the Muqing courtyard before, she couldn't help but have such a thought.

Hibiscus flowers should be the most suitable flowers for princesses.

After a few careful revisions, Duan Yunsu paused slightly.Looking at the hairpin that came out, Gu Qiu couldn't help being amazed, he had never seen such a style before, he didn't expect Miss to have such ability.Just when I thought that the young lady was about to stop, I saw the drawing of an earring drawn by the brush again.

"Miss is planning to draw a complete set? And the lady like the bracelet is also planning to draw it?" Gu Qiu was a little surprised.

Duan Yunsu smiled slightly and said: "Of course it is, I will go to the warehouse to find some suitable jade later, and you can take this pattern and send it to Ningcui Zhai, and make it out for the princess."

It turned out that it was made for the princess, but Gu Qiu thought it was worn by the young lady herself.But this hibiscus flower is really commensurate with the princess, and the appearance must be exquisite and elegant.

It took Duan Yunsu an hour to finish painting these things, and seeing that Zhao Hechen still hadn't come back, he felt a little anxious.This person actually went out without telling her, which has never happened before.

The neck stretched, Duan Yunsu finally heard the maid's report, and Zhao Hechen walked in shortly after, holding a small brocade box in his hand.

"What did Chen Chen do? He didn't even say anything to Su Su." Duan Yunsu gave him a coquettish look, but the anxiety just now subsided slowly.

Hearing Duan Yunsu's complaints in the past, Zhao Hechen must have laughed and leaned forward to please him, but today he is a little abnormal.He frowned slightly, pursed his thin lips lightly, and with determination in his eyes, he handed the brocade box in his hand to Duan Yunsu: "Here."

"What's this?" Duan Yunsu looked at the slightly white bones of his hand holding the brocade box, as if he was exerting great effort.

Zhao Hechen remained silent, Duan Yunsu took it over and gently opened it, only to see a small translucent red-skinned fruit lying inside, with yellowish flesh, so what if it's not a saha fruit.

"Chen Chen entered the palace today to take this saha fruit?" Duan Yunsu recalled that when he entered the palace last time, there seemed to be only this fruit left on the saha tree, and now that it was ripe, Zhao Hechen begged for it?

Zhao Hechen nodded, bit his lips and said: "I know Susu is unhappy, there is something bad in Chen'er's body."

(End of this chapter)

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