The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 217 I would rather cut the flesh and take the Gu than make you happy

Chapter 217 I would rather cut the flesh and take the Gu than make you happy (3)
"How do you know?" Duan Yunsu was startled.

"Chen'er heard it all, and Chen'er also saw that Susu was looking for something all day long. Chen'er didn't want Susu and mother to worry. You said that this fruit can attract strange things from Chen'er..."

It turned out that Zhao Hechen knew all about it, and Duan Yunsu sighed softly: "It's just that Yunsu hasn't found a way yet. Eating this fruit will only make Chenchen suffer for nothing. How can Susu be willing?"

Zhao Hechen was a little depressed when he heard that: "Chen'er doesn't mind, Chen'er just wants to be with the lady forever, if Chen'er is gone, what will you do, Susu..."

Duan Yunsu's eyes turned hot: "The Gu is on Chen'er, and I didn't say it would harm Chen'er. If Chen'er leaves, Susu will think of a way..."

"But I didn't say that I won't kill Chen'er. Every day Chen'er is like this, my wife and mother will be worried all day. Chen'er clearly promised to make Su Su happy." Zhao Hechen's eyes were full of determination, he just Stubbornly, he thought that if all of this was not what Susu wanted, then he would use up everything in exchange for Susu's smile.

What is Chen'er afraid of?

"Since eating the Saha fruit can see the Gu, then Chen'er will do it after eating Susu, even if he directly cuts off the flesh, so what. Chenchen is not afraid, as long as Susu is happy."

Duan Yunsu felt sad in his heart, he never thought that Zhao Hechen would say such a thing.Seeing a dagger slipping out of his sleeve, Duan Yunsu was shocked, how could this idiot behave like this!
"Chenchen..." Duan Yunsu choked, this person's love is so simple and direct, just for himself to be happy.How could her husband be so distressing.

Duan Yunsu stepped forward and hugged him tightly, couldn't help the tears overflowing from his eyes, buried his head in his arms to block the tears in his eyes.

what a dork...

However, how could Duan Yunsu follow his instructions so recklessly.

His words hit Duan Yunsu's heart fiercely. Zhao Hechen's thoughts were very straightforward, but how could this matter be so simple.Since I love him, how can I bear to watch him sad.

The saha fruit was put away, Duan Yunsu didn't listen to Zhao Hechen's words in the end, the dagger was given to him by Ji Su before, so it's better to keep it for protection.Duan Yunsu looked up at the gray sky, feeling somewhat depressed in his heart.She suddenly resented her own powerlessness. How can she become stronger, and how can she solve her family's concerns?
"Gu Qiu, let's go to Xiangguo Temple." Duan Yunsu stood by the window with determination in his eyes.

Gu Qiu put down the work in hand and asked doubtfully: "What are you going to Xiangguo Temple for, Miss? Is it not convenient for Miss to be in this body now?"

"I want to meet Master Huihe." Duan Yunsu lowered his voice, as if whispering.Master Huihe traveled all over the world, and he must have seen more than others.When we met last time, Master Huihe seemed to know where she came from, and what he said was somewhat detached. Maybe he should know something?If not, it should be regarded as going to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense, and you should also calm your heart.

"It's just Miss, Master Huihe doesn't mean to meet you just by saying that you can see him. It doesn't matter if Master is in the temple or not this time." Gu Qiu became a little worried. The lady seems to be in a low mood these days, and she originally went out for a walk. It's also good.But this Xiangguo Temple is far away. Miss's body can bear it?

"You can't just sit like this, you just stay and look at the yard, or Nian Qiu will follow me, I'll go talk to the princess right now."

Duan Yunsu turned around and went to Muqing Courtyard, Gu Qiu looked at her receding body, and could only sigh softly in the end.If this trip can reassure Miss, that would be great.

I don't know how Duan Yunsu persuaded Princess An, maybe Princess An also had the same idea as Duan Yunsu, and then prepared a carriage for her.Originally wanted to go there together, but was politely refused by Duan Yunsu.Seeing this, Princess An had no choice but to send a few more guards to follow her.

The carriage drove smoothly, and it was smooth along the way, and it didn't stop until it reached the Xiangguo Temple.

Morning bells and evening drums, Buddhist temples Chonghong, although the trees are withered and yellow, the Xiangguo Temple in the mountains is still an image of elegance and elegance.Duan Yunsu got out of the car and walked on the stone steps in the mountain, gradually letting go of his mood which was rare.

A small novice came towards him, saw Duan Yunsu, and walked over from above, saluting: "Amitabha, almsgiver, please go to the pavilion in the middle of the mountain, Master Huihe has been waiting for a long time."

Duan Yunsu was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled back and said, "Thank you little master."

The last time she met Master Huihe, it was in the forest halfway up the mountain. She also saw the pavilion in the mountain, so she walked there according to the memory in her mind.

Duan Yunsu was anxious in his heart, but he walked in a hurry, for fear that he would hurt the child in his belly if he was tired.Seeing this, Nian Qiu was very worried. In her opinion, walking up a mountain to show her sincerity is all nonsense, and the most important thing is that the young lady can be well.It's just that this time is different from the previous time, the bearer who carried the soft sedan chair up the mountain was not seen in this mountain, she stomped her feet and followed impatiently.

There were not many people on the road. Duan Yunsu was walking on the mountain path, and he could already see the pavilion when he looked up. He vaguely saw Master Huihe standing in the pavilion, and he was relieved. It seemed that his luck was still the same. not bad.

Duan Yunsu's eyes darkened when he remembered what the little novice said just now, or did Master Huihe already know that she would come?Then Master Huihe knew what she was talking about when she came here?
"Amitabha." Master Huihe bowed to Duan Yunsu who walked into the pavilion, looked at her unconcealed belly, and said, "The benefactor's belly is very cute."

Duan Yunsu smiled slightly, and replied: "Today, Yunsu just happened to ask for something to see the master, and he was really flattered to know that the master is waiting here."

"The benefactor may wish to look at the scenery in the mountains, and his heart will be brighter. Everything follows the cause and effect, so the benefactor does not need to be too distressed."

"The person I love is in pain, how can Yunsu pretend that he didn't see you, can you give me some pointers?"

There was a set of tea sets on the stone table in the pavilion, and Master Huihe sat down, lifted the sleeves of his monk’s robe and boiled some tea, and said kindly, “You may as well sit down and taste the clear tea brewed from the spring water in this mountain. "

The stone chair in the mountain was cold, but Nian Qiu who was beside him reacted very quickly. He was afraid that the weather would turn cold, so he brought a robe for the young lady, and put it directly on the stone chair to serve Duan Yun Su sat down.

Looking at the mist curling up from the teapot, Master Huihe in front of him looked clear and calm like still water, with the rustling sound of falling leaves next to his ears, Duan Yunsu's heart also became quiet inexplicably.Master Huihe poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Duan Yunsu.

Seeing that the tea color was clear, Duan Yunsu took a sip, and could not help admiring the sweet and mellow taste in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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