The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 219 Prelude to Unraveling Gu

Chapter 219 Prelude to Unraveling Gu (2)
Duan Yunsu thought about Prince An's words carefully, and responded with a heavy face.The prince must know more than she does. Although it is an honor to be called Mo Shang when he cured the emperor, this is not what she wants.

Duan Yunsu has entered the palace, and it will be two hours after she returns from the palace.

The sky was getting darker and darker, Prince An looked outside the door from time to time.Even Princess Anping was looking forward to it, seeing her back, Princess Anping breathed a sigh of relief.

In the Muqing courtyard, all the serving maids withdrew. Duan Yunsu held the hot teacup, saw that it was filled with boiling water, took a sip, watched the eyes of the two people fall on him, and said : "Yunsu has seen it for the emperor, and the imperial doctor said that it was an old disease caused by the chest injury last time. In addition, the weather was cold, and the emperor caught wind and cold. Yunsu prescribed a prescription for the emperor, and the wind and cold were not bad." It will get better every day; as for the old disease, Yunsu has also left a prescription, and it will be effective if he takes care of it carefully."

"The emperor's there no serious problem?" Prince An said.

Duan Yunsu shook his head, remembering what he saw and heard in the palace today, and said in a low voice: "Does father know the longevity pill that the emperor takes?"

"Longevity pill?" Prince An frowned: "When did the emperor start taking this, the previous emperor didn't believe in these things."

"It's been a while since I thought about it. If my father wants the emperor to get better, he will definitely persuade the emperor not to eat this thing." Duan Yunsu thought of the emperor's pulse, and his heart was still a little solemn: "Father, do you know that the longevity pill is How is it made? This kind of elixir contains gold and stones, its nature is dry and hot, and its toxicity is very high. It can be said that it is not poison, but better than poison." Duan Yunsu didn't say it directly, and the emperor might not understand it even if he explained it.The main ingredient in this pill is mercury sulfide, and the mercury content can even reach more than 60.00%. Its toxicity cannot be underestimated.

Prince An's expression was shocked, Duan Yunsu even knew the properties of the longevity pill?The longevity pill was secretly refined by an expert hired by the emperor. Except for the emperor, I am afraid that no one else has seen it much.

"Yunsu kept his father's teaching in mind, and he didn't say anything about it directly. Does my father need to tell the emperor?" It's just that this matter is not easy, and whoever wants to be an emperor doesn't want to live a long life.If you tell the emperor to cut off the longevity pill, I am afraid that the emperor will in turn suspect that you are the one with other plans.

"The emperor didn't take this thing before, presumably because he was confused by others, father will go to the palace tomorrow, this matter can't be ignored."

Recently, there has been an undercurrent in the imperial court. If something happens to the emperor, then Xiguo will definitely be in chaos.

"Then is there any solution to the poison of the elixir on the emperor?" Prince An was most worried about this.

Duan Yunsu said: "The emperor's poisoning is still shallow. Yunsu can first open the prescription to slowly eliminate the poison inside, but it will take a while. Besides, the emperor has not been taking the longevity pill for a long time, and now it is broken." It is the key, otherwise Yunsu will be powerless."

The room fell silent for a while, and the atmosphere was a bit heavy, but after a long time, Princess An said: "Yunsu will not go to the palace to see a doctor in the future, mother will find an excuse for you to block these people. The most important thing now The most important thing is to give birth to the baby safely, and don't be found by others."

Prince An also agreed after hearing the words: "At first, I thought this would send Yunsu to Jiangzhou. In this way, if there is anything wrong with the emperor, he will not blame you. It's just that it's inconvenient for you to be pregnant. Besides, , it’s better to put it outside than to watch it in your own mansion.”

"That's exactly what you said." Princess An agreed with Prince An's words very much: "Yunsu has been recuperating in the courtyard these days, and the other things are supported by her own mother."

In the twinkling of an eye, it is the twelfth lunar month, and this year's snow is surprisingly heavy. It will fall for three days after stopping for two days. Many people are worried that if it continues like this, it will be bad.

There was no other news from the palace, and Prince An did not talk to her about these things again.Duan Yunsu nestled in Zhao Hechen's arms, holding Zhao Hechen's hand on his belly.The little life inside seems to have grown up a lot, and the clothes are too much to be seen in winter. It is not difficult to find that the belly has quietly swollen, and it is getting bigger day by day.

Zhao Hechen was pleasantly surprised by this discovery, is this his and Duan Yunsu's child?There was a warm feeling in his heart, and he felt that what was hugged in this embrace was his whole.

"Susu, the baby has grown up, isn't the baby coming out to see Chenchen soon?" Zhao Hechen looked expectant.

"It's still early." Duan Yunsu played with Zhao Hechen's other fair and slender palm, and slid across the palm lines delicately, with a softer light in his eyes.

The two depended on each other like this, even if they didn't speak, they could still feel the warmth. When Gu Qiu came in, he saw his young lady smiling at Zhao Hechen. The lord called the aunt to go to the front hall."

"But who is coming to visit?" Duan Yunsu sat up lazily. When the prince meets Chenchen on weekdays, he must not have gone to the front hall, but someone must have come to the palace.

"Your servant heard that it is King Cheng." Gu Qiu replied.

Become king?Duan Yunsu met King Cheng once in the palace that day. At this time, those slightly gloomy and violent eyes appeared in his mind, and he secretly speculated in his heart that he had never heard of the relationship between the prince and King Cheng, so why did he come here today? ?

"Chenchen, let's go, don't make father wait." Duan Yunsu tidied his clothes for him, and casually took the black cloak from the screen and put it on for him.

Zhao Hechen grabbed Duan Yunsu's little hand: "Susu together."

Duan Yunsu thought for a while, then followed him through.

Walking all the way to the front hall, I saw quite a few servants were busy, some of them were holding the silk in the warehouse, and some were shouting: "Hurry up, this is the only thing missing." , get ready quickly."

Duan Yunsu frowned, casually summoned the servant who was shouting, and said, "What are you doing, where are you sending the things?"

Seeing that it was the Young Madam who was asking the question, the man hurriedly replied: "This is a betrothal gift for Liu's residence, it has already been ordered, and we can go."

bride price?Duan Yunsu finally remembered that a few days ago, the Wang's Mansion had already given the ceremony of asking for name and Najib to Liu's Mansion. After the betrothal gift was delivered, the day of marriage might not be far away.

When the two came to the front hall, Prince An was drinking tea with King Cheng, and Zhao Heqi was also in the hall.

Seeing the two people who walked in together, Prince An smiled slightly, put down the teacup in his hand, and said, "Chen'er, come and meet your uncle."

Uncle?Zhao Hechen sized his head sideways at the person seated, but he really didn't have any impressions in his mind. Looking at the slightly sharp gaze cast by that person, Zhao Hechen didn't feel much favor, and hurriedly called Uncle Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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