The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 220 Prelude to Unraveling Gu

Chapter 220 Prelude to Unraveling Gu (3)
"The eldest nephew has grown up a lot, so he must not remember me as the emperor's uncle." Cheng Wang said with his gaze back.

"Back then you went to the fief early and rarely came back. Chen'er didn't see you many times, so it's normal if you can't remember." Looking at Zhao Hechen's perfunctory attitude, Prince An didn't intend to preach carefully, but said instead: " I didn't expect King Cheng to come to Beijing this year, how long will he stay?"

A king with a fief can't enter Beijing at will. The person in front of him not only entered Beijing, but also stayed there for such a long time. Thinking of the actions of this person in private, Prince An had to pay attention.

"My king hasn't come back for a long time, but I plan to take a good look at the capital. The emperor knows about it. Let's wait a while, the weather is not good now."

Hearing what King Cheng said, Prince An smiled, looked at Zhao Heqi at the side, and saw his gloomy face, feeling unhappy, so he directly called Zhao Hechen to his side, and said, "Cheng Wang is looking for Chen'er today, but what's the matter?"

Then King Cheng took another look at Zhao Hechen, and by the way, his eyes fell on Duan Yunsu. Looking at the inconspicuous belly, his thick eyebrows frowned, and then he relaxed quickly: "When the eldest nephew got married It is a pity that the king was unable to come to congratulate me, so I thought of coming to make up the congratulatory gift. It happened that I heard that my second nephew was getting married recently, so I thought I should express something."

That Cheng Dynasty winked at the little servant beside him, and saw that after the man retreated, he quickly led a group of people in, everyone was holding things in their hands, and two of them even carried a red box .

"Is it a gift for the marriage proposal today? This king prepared it, let's carry it over together." King Cheng waved his hand, and those people put down their things, only to see a lot of pearls and jade among them, looking at the fineness All are excellent.

Seeing this, Duan Yunsu's eyes narrowed slightly, this King Cheng is quite generous, Zhao Heqi's status as a bastard, it is really puzzling that he gave such an expensive gift.

"Qi'er, why don't you come over and thank Uncle Huang for his kindness." Prince An said lightly.

Zhao Heqi stood up, walked up to King Cheng and bowed in front of him: "Thank you, Uncle Huang, for your kindness."

It's just that after saying this, Zhao Heqi arched his body still in the posture of saluting. He didn't see King Cheng's voice, so he couldn't help but look up in wonder.

Seeing that King Cheng was looking at his broken little finger, Zhao Heqi felt a little embarrassed and took his hand back.

"Who did this?" Cheng Wang's face darkened, his eyes flicked over the people on the field, his eyes were deep and slightly cold, and finally fell on Prince An: "Imperial brother, this second nephew was injured like this, Have you dealt with that person severely?"

"King Cheng doesn't know what happened, so don't talk casually." At that time, he was still sick on the bed, and he almost fainted when he heard the reason of this incident.If he hadn't been so ill back then, Zhao Heqi at that time would not have been as simple as breaking off a finger.

Thinking of Zhao Heqi and Concubine Wen, Prince An's eyes could not help but feel chilly. One day, he will definitely question Concubine Wen, and then these people will all understand why he is not sad for this son!

Seeing Prince An talking like this, the chill in King Cheng's eyes deepened.Duan Yunsu watched from the side and couldn't help but guess a few times. He didn't know if this person really cared about Zhao Heqi, or was he trying to use Zhao Heqi to talk things out?
Seeing the scene in this hall, Zhao Hechen felt that it was really boring.It's clear that there's nothing wrong with Chen'er, why should Chen'er come over?Zhao Hechen took Duan Yunsu's hand and sat down, peeled the melon seeds on the table and handed them to Duan Yunsu's mouth.

However, King Cheng stood up, stretched out his hand and patted Zhao Heqi on the shoulder twice, turned his head and said to Prince An: "Since the palace is busy with the marriage of the second nephew, then I don't want to disturb you. Today, I will go back Go, and on the day when the second nephew gets married, you must send the invitation card."

invitation?Duan Yunsu squinted his eyes and thought, the application period is only after the ceremony, and the date may not be certain, so could it be that King Cheng intends to stay in Beijing forever?
After King Cheng left, Zhao Heqi went out soon, Duan Yunsu looked at the figures of the two of them, thoughtful.

Seeing the puzzlement in Duan Yunsu's eyes, Prince An pushed the wheelchair forward and said in a deep voice, "Qi'er's wedding date won't be too far away, and I'm afraid it won't be a big event during the Chinese New Year this year. It's the first time Yunsu has married. One year, it should be lively and bustling, but it seems that this year is impossible."

Duan Yunsu was startled, and said, "But in the palace..."

Prince An nodded, his eyes dark and unpredictable.

The peaceful days passed by so quickly, and in the blink of an eye, another few days passed. In the Chaojin Courtyard, Duan Yunsu carefully opened the brocade box containing the Saha fruit.I saw the fruit inside as if it had just been picked. I don't know if it's because the winter weather is too cold, or this thing is not easy to go bad.

A white figure was swaying at the feet, jumping on Duan Yunsu's insteps from time to time, trying to attract her attention.When Duan Yunsu raised his toes, the white ball was turned over and rolled on the ground twice before stopping.Not only was he not annoyed, but he seemed to fall in love with this game, and rushed over again.

Duan Yunsu glanced at the white ball on the ground, and lightly touched its soft belly with his toes.These days, the rabbit has grown fat and fat with good food and drink, and has long since become a round one from a small ball before.Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes and looked at it twice, thinking whether he should lose weight?
This little thing likes to look for an opportunity to run into the house when it's cold, but Tinghe can't even look at it.As soon as the threshold of the rabbit's nest was raised, this thing somehow came out in the next minute.

Duan Yunsu closed his eyes, stared at the Saha Fruit for a long time, got up and found a scroll, carefully comparing the words on it.

However, the rabbit that was wandering around her feet suddenly pricked up its ears and rushed out in a swift motion. Duan Yunsu was really surprised at the speed.This rabbit is going to start smoking again?Okay, why did you suddenly look like you were running away?
"Tsk tsk, little thing, why do I want to run away when I see my young master? It's really impolite."

Duan Yunsu paused.

Sure enough, I saw the man in red go through the window directly, holding rabbit ears in his hands, and the long and narrow Danfeng smiles a bit ostentatiously, the black hair was blown up by the north wind, against the red clothes, Add a bit of wanton evil charm.

"The little lady looks at the young master like this, but she doesn't recognize the young master? It's really hurtful."

"Master Ji, why are you here? Didn't you go back to the North Country?" Duan Yunsu was a little confused when he saw this person.This person is really casual, he will leave as soon as he says, but he will come back, but there is no sign at all.

Ji Su held her heart and made a sign of injury: "Young Master Ji, my little lady and my slave have a strange relationship, so I called Brother Ji to come and listen?"

(End of this chapter)

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