Chapter 224
The man's eyelashes trembled slightly, as if he wanted to struggle to get up, but he couldn't open his eyes no matter what.Seeing that he seemed to be somewhat conscious, Duan Yunsu hurriedly poured something into his mouth, and the man swallowed automatically. After pouring too much, he suddenly vomited out again.

Duan Yunsu was overjoyed, only Princess An over there saw tears in her eyes, no one told her what was going on, but Chen'er was poisoned, and she had to make such a fuss.

When the last medicine came, Duan Yunsu sniffed it lightly, and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he fed it directly, watching Zhao Hechen's reaction without leaving his eyes.She should be relieved, she remembered this prescription most clearly, and there should be no accidents.

Duan Yunsu pulled out several slender silver needles on his body, and inserted them in different places without any hesitation.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, a thin layer of sweat broke out on Duan Yunsu's forehead. She stood up after applying the last needle, but her body swayed. is complicated.

Duan Yunsu didn't know whether it was the effect of the medicine, or the blood that Ji Su forced out just now made Zhao Hechen calm down. Although his face was pale and tense, the ashen aura slowly disappeared.

Duan Yunsu's nerves relaxed and he sat on the chair, stretched out his hand and rested it lightly on his stomach, and said in a weak tone, "Gu Qiu, bring the anti-abortion pill I made."

Princess An saw two lines of tears streaming down her face.

Two days later, Zhao Hechen still didn't wake up, his handsome face seemed to be in a deep sleep, after Duan Yunsu saw it, he was dragged away by Princess An to rest.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly remembered the Gu, and asked Ji Su: "Master Ji, since the poison of the Gu has been cured, is the Gu in Chenchen's body now?"

Ji Su also returned to her former willfulness, and she seemed to have misunderstood the serious and dignified expression that day.I saw him leaning on the back of the carved chair, still holding a handful of melon seeds, knocking very uncomfortable: "That thing is gone, don't worry, little lady."

not there?Duan Yunsu took a deep look at the person in front of him: "But that palm..."

Unexpectedly, the servant curled his lips into a smile, so charming: "Little lady, don't look at me like this, I will misunderstand you."

After Ji Suzai finished speaking leisurely, he threw the melon shell in his hand to the corner of the door, and a white group ran over in a frightened manner, and hid directly behind Duan Yunsu's skirt, revealing the short piece that could no longer be seen. Short rabbit tail.

"You just hide behind you all day, you little bastard." Ji Su shot a bullet at the short tail.

I saw that the rabbit suddenly went crazy, and even cooed twice, and jumped on Ji Su's body. Ji Su raised his hand to block it, and the rabbit directly bit the corner of the red sleeve.

Ji Su's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Little bastard, I dare to move even my master!"

I saw the white rabbit was hanging on a corner of Ji Su's clothes, and was lifted up in the air, like a fish that was caught.

When Duan Yunsu saw this man and a rabbit, he thought it was a bit funny.It's just that Ji Su didn't want to answer Cai Cai's question, and Duan Yunsu couldn't do it either, but he probably didn't have any reason to lie to her, and he believed it: "Yunsu still doesn't understand one thing, why does Mr. Ji meet again and again?" Willing to help Chenchen?"

"Master, I have my eyes on Xiao Chen'er." Ji Su shook the rabbit.


"Otherwise, the little lady thinks why the young master would help him, and Xiao Chen'er and I are not the brothers who have been separated for many years. If you don't believe me, just treat it as my idle panic." Ji Su looked at Duan Yunsu's obviously questioning expression. With a flick of his sleeve robe casually, the rabbit rolled away and said with a smile: "Little lady, why don't you think about how to repay the young master?"

The man cast his eyes on Duan Yunsu's stomach, Duan Yunsu glared at him, reached out to caress the baby in his stomach, and said softly: "Since you have fallen in love with Chenchen, you should ask Zhao Hechen for reward. Maybe he As soon as my heart softened, I agreed to make a promise to you with my body, so that you are consummated?"

Ji Su was half-eaten the melon seeds, and almost choked to death.Zhao Hechen promised with his body?After separating the two, it would be fine if the guy chopped himself off without a knife.

"Seeing that the young lady's spirit is very good, the young master also put it down. Zhao Hechen will wake up soon, and the young lady is ready?" Ji Su threw back the melon seeds in her hand and grabbed one Apple played with it: "If Zhao Hechen wakes up and still looks stupid, what should you do?"

He never said that people can become normal after this Gu is dispelled, maybe Zhao Hechen has already hurt his head before, and he will never wake up again in this life.

Duan Yunsu's eyes were obviously dimmed a little, he put his palm on his stomach unconsciously, and said softly, "Then I will be a fool for the rest of my life, no matter what, I married him back then, and I never disliked this."

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with Zhao Hechen getting better. He will always rely on you. He will not be seduced by the secular world, and he will not be fooled by other women. Isn't it what you women want to treat someone wholeheartedly? What?" Ji Su raised an eyebrow at Duan Yunsu.

"Young Master Ji, don't you know what's going on in the country of Xi? I'm worried that he won't be able to stop this change."

Duan Yunsu's words made Ji Su's hands pause. Thinking of what he had seen and heard outside during this period, he understood Duan Yunsu's meaning somewhat: "That's true, not only in Yu and Xi, but also in the north. There are also actions in the country, and the palace is fighting to the death. As for Tianxian Kingdom, it has been in close contact with Yu Kingdom in the past few months, so there may not be any good things."

Domestic turmoil, other countries are afraid that they will find opportunities to attack the door, the situation of the four countries has been maintained for hundreds of years, who has no ambition to unify the world?
"If Zhao Hechen still can't wake up, little lady, I think you have only two ways to go."

Duan Yunsu looked over.

"One is to follow me to find a quiet place..." Seeing Duan Yunsu give him a direct glance, Ji Su raised her eyebrows and smiled: "The second is to directly smash Zhao Hechen's brain again, maybe it will fall immediately All right."

If it was that simple, Princess An wouldn't have to worry about it for so many years. Duan Yunsu was indifferent to these two methods.

Today, Chaojin Courtyard was very quiet, and the servants walked carefully, for fear of disturbing the people in the house.

When Zhao Hechen woke up, it was snowing heavily outside. He lifted the quilt, looked around blankly, and then opened his eyes to look at the scenery outside the window, as if he was a little absent-minded.

"Young madam, the plum blossoms in the mansion are really beautiful. It's a pity that you have to rush back. Why don't you wait for the uncle to wake up and ask him to accompany the young lady to go there again."

The sound of talking from outside the house was getting closer, Zhao Hechen slowly turned his gaze back from the window, and saw Gu Qiu was walking in with Duan Yunsu on his arm, Duan Yunsu was wearing a mink fur cloak, holding only a plum blossom in his hand , the exposed slender jade fingers have been slightly reddish from the cold.

(End of this chapter)

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