Chapter 225
"You and Tinghe will go over later, pick some plum blossoms, and I'll make some plum cakes to try." Duan Yunsu saw that Gu Qiu took off the cloak for her, and walked into the room, but saw the The man was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at her blankly.

"Chenchen is awake?" Duan Yunsu was overwhelmed with surprise, and hurried forward, seeing his bewildered eyes, he paused.

Zhao Hechen looked at it for a while, then called out in a low voice: "Susu..."

Duan Yunsu felt relieved: "Chenchen let Susu see, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

She stretched out her hand to feel her pulse, and hearing the pulse was steady and strong, all the worries in her heart were put down.

But Zhao Hechen held her cool hand, put it to his mouth and breathed it lightly a few times, then covered his little hand with his big palm, the smile in his eyes was as touching as bright streamers: "Chen'er wants Eat plum cake."

"Okay, if Chenchen wants it, Susu will do it for you." Duan Yunsu lowered his head and kissed him lightly on the face, looking at his clear and pure eyes as before, but his heart was yearning little by little. sink.

Zhao Hechen stood up, and with one arm, he hugged the whole person into his arms, and the plum blossom fell a few petals on the ground.He buried his head in Duan Yunsu's neck with nostalgia, rubbed it lightly a few times, and murmured: "Chen'er slept for a long time, Chen'er wanted to open his eyes, but Chen'er was so tired. Chen'er saw you There were so many strange things, and I saw Susu. Chen'er couldn't see Susu's appearance clearly, but Chen'er recognized it at a glance. Susu was holding a small knife for a while, and herbs for a while. Flying in the sky, suddenly got into an iron box and ran away. Chen'er chased and chased, but couldn't catch up..."

Duan Yunsu's heart clicked.

"Susu is a fairy in the sky, so there are those rare things?" Zhao Hechen looked down at the woman in his arms, but his hands were clenched.

"That's just a dream. Chenchen must be too tired, so he dreamed of something strange. Susu is the daughter of the general's mansion. How can she be a fairy in the sky, even an ordinary person?" Duan Yun Su Hui hugged him and leaned against his chest, but his heart couldn't help but churn.

Zhao Hechen, why dreamed of these things?
"Chen'er knew that Susu was able to rescue Chen'er, Chen'er is really happy." Zhao Hechen kissed the man in his arms without warning, wrapped one arm around Duan Yunsu's waist, and lightly kissed Duan Yunsu with the other. Caressing her back.

That light kiss made Duan Yunsu's heart tremble. The plum blossom branch in his hand fell to the ground at some point, and he stretched out his hand to the man's broad shoulders. Zhao Hechen's eyes were misty, his eyes were reddish, and he didn't know why.

Looking at each other, the man pursed his lips into a smile, pressed Duan Yunsu's forehead, and then kissed Duan Yunsu's cheek again.

Zhao Hechen woke up, and the news spread to Muqingyuan in a short while, and the heavy stone in Princess An's heart finally fell.When she came to Chaojin Courtyard, what she saw were the two walking hand in hand in the snow. Princess An coughed and walked over.

"Yun Sumo wants to be playful, but the snow is easy to slip," Princess An said.

"Mother, Chen'er is here."

Princess An looked at Zhao Hechen's innocent smile, paused her steps, turned her head to look at Duan Yunsu suspiciously, and then scolded: "Chen'er is also just right, so I can't catch a cold. Both of you are like this I'm an adult, why do I let my mother worry about it?"

Duan Yunsu smiled embarrassedly: "Chenchen, let's go back, Chenchen hasn't taken his medicine for today."

Zhao Hechen frowned when he heard this, and said dissatisfiedly: "Chen'er is already cured, so I don't need to take medicine."

"Susu is a doctor. Susu has the final say, but Chenchen is afraid of taking medicine. Be careful, the baby will know the joke of Chenchen." Sure enough, as soon as Duan Yunsu finished speaking, Zhao Hechen frowned even more, very dissatisfied Nod willingly.

As Princess An watched, her eyes were a little heavy, and the relaxation she had just now had long since disappeared.She patted Zhao Hechen's body, and smiled a bit: "Chen'er has always been in excellent health, your father wanted to see you, but mother didn't let him out under the snow. Chen'er might as well go first, mother Send Yunsu back to the house."

Zhao Hechen was not satisfied when he heard that he didn't need to drink medicine, he nodded excitedly when he heard the words, turned back to look at Zhao Fang who was serving beside him, pulled him over and went to Muqingyuan together.

Seeing the disappearing figure, Princess An put down the smile on her face, and sighed slightly: "Yunsu, tell the truth, what Chen'er looks like now..."

"Yunsu doesn't know either. I guess it's all right?" Duan Yunsu's eyes were also slightly sad, and Ji Su mentioned more than once that Zhao Hechen would definitely get better after the Soul Refreshing Gu was released.It's only now that I really see her, and I realize how big the gap in my heart is.

Maybe Zhao Hechen really wanted to live like this, stupidly, for the rest of his life?

"I didn't expect to go through this life-and-death gate, but still have such a result. Mother shouldn't have too much hope. Now that I see it, I feel empty and uncomfortable." Princess An sighed: " But it’s good to get rid of the Gu, at least Chen’er can live a healthy life in the future.”

Duan Yunsu looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky, and the hazy sky filled his heart with a bit of melancholy.

No matter what the result is, I have already made a decision.Even with a lifetime of foolishness, she can still bring the child to accompany him.She even comforted herself like this, at least this person is crazy, and it is a good thing to ignore the disputes in the world and live a clean life.

On the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, a spy report came from the middle of the capital. Xiguo and Tianxian wanted to join forces to fight against Xiguo's southwestern border guards and seize the way of doing business. The Northern Kingdom was holding a wait-and-see attitude.

Inside the Golden Luan Hall, all the officials stood in order on their pilgrimage.Jingdi Longyan was furious, and they could only bear it with their heads bowed.

"Master Chen, you just said the day before yesterday that the Southwest War was all right, but today I heard a completely different military report! What do you have to say?"

Emperor Jing scolded in a deep voice, his face was very haggard, he seemed to be ten years older than before, his face was sickly, and his body had lost a lot of weight, and he coughed violently under excitement.

The named Master Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead, and came out and said: "Go back to the emperor, General Liu who has been stationed on the border has led troops for many years, how could he lose to that little Yu country, the emperor must not be impatient."

"Your Majesty Chen's words are wrong. Yu Kingdom is not the only one that is invading now. If Tian Xian also joins in, the troops in Southwest China will not be strong enough to resist." A minister on the left side criticized him, and said: " According to Chen's opinion, it is still necessary to send a general to lead the troops and horses to support."

"How can the soldiers and horses be randomly adjusted? The territory adjacent to the Northern Kingdom must also be carefully guarded. When soldiers are needed everywhere, the original arrangements and plans cannot be messed up."

(End of this chapter)

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