The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 227 Yun Rong Was Expelled

Chapter 227 Yun Rong Was Expelled (2)
Zhao Hechen found out when he came in, he kindly put down Duan Yunsu, his eyes smiled like the clearest moonlight: "Brother Prince is here, did Brother Prince bring a gift for Chen'er?"

Zhao Huanzhen looked at Zhao Hechen carefully for a long while, then Fang smiled and said: "Brother Chen is very interested, are you teaching your younger siblings how to paint?"

"That's right, Su Su is so stupid. Seeing that the medicinal herbs drawn by Su Su look good, Chenchen thought that everything Su Su drew was good."

Duan Yunsu gave him a coquettish look: "I have never learned these landscape paintings, and I can draw those herbs if I keep them in my heart."

Seeing the warmth flowing between the two of them, Zhao Huanzhen glanced at the simple lines on the desk, and said with a smile, "Brother Chen remembered this, remembering that one day I was in the house of a minister. , I saw a painting on the study room that looked familiar to me, and I realized it was Brother Chen's work after looking carefully. The paintings that Brother Chen passed on are just those few paintings, and I heard that thousand taels of silver are hard to come by now."

Zhao Huanzhen said with a bit of pride on his face, his younger brother Chen is not inferior to others at all.

Duan Yunsu was very surprised when he heard it, he didn't expect Chenchen's paintings to be so appreciated?

But when the prince came here today, what he wanted to talk about was probably not the painting.Duan Yunsu supported his waist and stood up slowly: "Why is the prince here today, but how can I help you?"

Looking at Duan Yunsu's swollen belly, Zhao Huanzhen couldn't help but look forward to it, but remembering that he was going far away, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful: "Today I came to say goodbye to you, and I will set off early tomorrow morning I don't know how long this trip will take, and when I come back, my little nephew may have already been born."

Duan Yunsu had heard the prince talk about this before. She thought about it, then turned around and went to the house to fetch a lot of medicine bottles, and handed them to the prince one by one: "This is what Yunsu did when he had nothing to do. , some wound medicines for swords and sticks, and some are heart-protecting and detoxifying things. The bottles are all written in small characters. The prince wants to go on an expedition, and Yunsu can't do anything, so he can only give these gadgets. The prince should take it with him .”

"Chen'er has it too." Seeing Duan Yunsu sending off so many things to the man, Zhao Hechen surprisingly didn't lose his temper. Instead, he took out a dagger and said, "Brother Prince must also take it with him."

Isn't that dagger the one Ji Susong and Zhao Hechen had?Seeing that Chenchen seemed to like it very much, he actually took it out today.

Zhao Huanzhen took it and drew out the dagger.I saw a faint chill emanating from the blade, and the extremely thin blade showed that the blade was extremely sharp.There are many treasures in the palace, but the dagger that caught the eye all at once is rare.

Zhao Huanzhen handed the things back, stretched out his hand and patted Zhao Hechen's chest a few times, and said with a hearty smile: "Brother Chen also needs something for protection, so let's keep it, Brother Chen's heart is appreciated by the prince."

It was getting late, and it was too late to hold a banquet to bid farewell. The three of them made some tea and fruit at will, which was considered a good intention.Although it is not lively, it is more heart-warming than those banquets outside.Zhao Huanzhen looked at Zhao Hechen who was concentrating on handling the teacup, and said in a low voice: "Sister and sister, I heard that you solved the poison for brother Chen a few days ago, but you solved it all?"

But why did he see Zhao Hechen today as the same as in the past?

Duan Yunsu smiled slightly: "It's all untied, Chen'er is fine now."

"Then Brother Chen..."

Zhao Hechen suddenly put the teacup in his hand on the table, and with a crisp sound of "dang", he picked up a piece of pastry casually, and looked at Zhao Huanzhen with some dissatisfaction in his pure and quiet eyes: "Brother Prince, don't keep talking to Susu. "

The words were interrupted when they reached the tip of his mouth, and Zhao Huanzhen didn't ask any more questions.He carefully looked into the translucent eyes, and then raised his hand to pour him a cup of tea: "Brother Prince is leaving, Brother Chen won't even let me say anything?"

"Brother Prince will come back, remember to find Chen'er when you come back."

"Brother Chengchen said auspicious words." Zhao Huanzhen laughed loudly when he heard the words, toasted a glass of tea instead of wine, and drank it clean in one gulp.

He raised his eyes to see that the sky had darkened again, reached out and untied the sachet at his waist, and handed it to Duan Yunsu, his eyes flickering slightly: "Sister and sister, return this to your third sister for me." stop……"

Duan Yun looked at the thing but didn't reach out to take it. Isn't this sachet the one he saw earlier?What does the sachet mean? This person should be clear, but now he returned it like this?Although I don't want Duan Yunrong to enter the rich and powerful's house, but things are already like this, how can I put things on my side, I should ask Yunrong to explain.

Duan Yunsu said: "This sachet is made by the third sister? Does the third sister know what the prince means?"

Zhao Huanzhen sighed and put the things on the table: "The general's mansion is not in harmony with my prince's party, if you don't do this, I'm afraid it will make your third sister feel awkward."

"You have asked the third sister for her opinion. I don't care what happened between the two of you, but there are some things that must be made clear. If you still insist on doing so, my silly sister will die. Participate." Duan Yunsu's tone was cold, with a bit of persistence that cannot be ignored.

Duan Yunsu didn't know what this person was thinking. He originally thought that he would take the things back, but unexpectedly he bent his lips and smiled: "Yun Rong is the only lucky girl in the General's Mansion to have a sister like you. This thing She will understand after reading it, it's getting late, so I'll go back."

Looking at the back that gradually merged into the night, Duan Yunsu withdrew his gaze, and was about to take the sachet and put it away, but found that Zhao Hechen was one step ahead of her, and opened it directly Come.

Duan Yunsu was startled, how could this token be easily peeped by others: "Chenchen should give it to Susu, it's someone else's, so don't look at it casually."

Zhao Hechen looked sideways at Duan Yunsu, and the black light in his eyes was beating: "But Chen'er has already opened it. It turns out that there are these things in the sachet, which are different from what Susu gave to Chen'er."

The man directly reached into the sachet, took out a piece of letter paper, and opened it without thinking about it.

Duan Yunsu helped his forehead helplessly, this thing of peeping into other people's private affairs is really immoral: "Chenchen, be good, put it back soon."

This time, Zhao Hechen listened to Duan Yunsu's words, and folded the letter paper with a smile on his face, and stuffed it back: "Brother Prince is lying."

Duan Yunsu suddenly became curious, why did the prince panic?She looked at the sachet, and suddenly felt a little ready to move, but then she restrained herself.She reached out and poked Zhao Hechen's head. This guy actually dared to hang her addiction.

She put away her things, looked at Zhao Hechen and said seductively: "What did Chenchen see, tell Susu?"

(End of this chapter)

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