The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 228 Yun Rong Was Expelled

Chapter 228 Yun Rong Was Expelled (3)
"Susu wants to see for herself, so Chen'er won't say anything." Zhao Hechen looked at Duan Yunsu's tangled expression, and suddenly felt that it was very funny.I asked him if it was the same as reading the letter myself, so why bother.

"Chenchen likes Susu the most, right?"


"Then Chenchen talk to Susu?"

"Do not."

"..." This guy, since when did he learn to reject himself!

The next day, the crown prince led the soldiers and horses ready to go. Although it was snowing heavily, the East Street in the capital was already crowded with people.Just to see the majestic majesty of the army.

Duan Yunsu is inconvenient to go out because of his current body. Prince An and Zhao Hechen went out early in the morning to see him off, and they haven't come back yet.Duan Yunsu nestled in the soft cave with some regrets, and he didn't know if the prince's departure would be smooth.

I don't know if the little black rabbit felt Duan Yunsu's boredom, it sneaked out of the rabbit's nest again in the snow, Ting He followed closely, and chased Duan Yunsu all the way.

The little white rabbit was wearing a small red robe, taking advantage of the snowy white fur, it was very cute.When He heard it wandering around Duan Yunsu again, he was very worried and said: "Miss, this little black is too disobedient, but Nanny Qian said that this little thing can't get close to the young lady casually, because I'm afraid It caught the lady."

Duan Yunsu looked at its protruding little nose, and reached out to pick it up: "It's okay to come in once in a while, Mammy is just too careful."

She wanted to stroke its white body, but found that the little red robe left her with nowhere to go, so she could only pinch its ears and fiddle with it, seeing that the black hair on the white rabbit's forehead seemed to be getting lighter, a little Wondering.She looked around carefully again, and found a wound on her hind leg, so she asked, "Where has Xiao Hei been recently, why did he hurt his leg?"

"Xiao Hei has always been obedient. If it's cold today, it's good to go to other places besides this house." Ting He replied.

"Poor little Hei, you can't tell when you're injured. Look at your black hair. If it gets lighter in the future, this little black's name won't be suitable. Let me see what name I can change." Duan Yun Su stretched out his hand and fiddled with the white rabbit's chin.

However, the white rabbit suddenly jumped to the ground, jumped up and down a few times, and turned around as if expressing its dissatisfaction.Duan Yunsu was amazed, but he hadn't done anything, why did he do this all of a sudden?
"Miss, I think Xiao Hei is probably not happy to hear you say that you want to change your name." Ting He looked at the rabbit on the ground.

"..." Why is a rabbit still so persistent, Duan Yunsu was speechless while holding his forehead.

"Miss, recently Han Xiang touched Xiao Hei to measure her size. Could it be that she hurt Xiao Hei?" Ting He suddenly thought as he looked at the clothes on the rabbit.That Hanxiang has always been unhappy, and these days she is doing needlework obediently for some reason, which is really puzzling.

"Go and send her in to talk." Duan Yunsu looked at the little thing on the rabbit, and it was exquisite, but it's a pity that this person's heart is full of crooked thoughts.Thinking of coming to her husband-in-law?Really tired of living.

Han Xiang soon came in, her eyes rolled around the room, she looked away in disappointment, and bent down to give Duan Yunsu a blessing.

"You injured Xiao Hei?" Duan Yunsu said lightly.

"Ma'am, this servant will never do such a thing. This is the young master's pet, and this servant should be careful."

"The eldest young master is not in this room, so you don't need to look at it. I thought you had changed your mind when I saw you sewing peacefully, but I didn't expect to disappoint my wife." Duan Yunsu put the white rabbit on the On the ground, I habitually wanted to flick the rabbit fur on my body, but found that none of it was stuck, which was a bit surprising.

When Han Xiang heard this, she knelt down with a "plop", thinking of the empress's promise when she came here, and seeing that there were only Duan Yunsu and some little maids in this room, she couldn't help but make some calculations in her heart.Only when her delicate voice changed, it became a bit arrogant: "Madam thinks that you are the only young master, and this servant knows it very well, but since this servant has been sent to Prince An's Mansion, she no longer follows her." Possibility of others. The young master is well now, and he will always accept others, so why didn't Madam arrange for a few people around him first. "

Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows lightly: "Who told you that the young master is ready?"

Han Xiang's voice paused, and she continued without saying anything about the person: "Although I call myself a servant girl, my father is also the magistrate of Jing County. How can I tolerate such humiliation from my wife."

"Oh? My wife humiliated you. Why don't you think about Siyu who was sent away? The eldest young master doesn't like it, so my wife can't do anything about it." Duan Yunsu looked at the people on the ground with a light smile, and finally held back I can't help but think about how I should deal with her.

"If it wasn't for you to dominate, how could the young master not see us!" Han Xiang stood up, and she didn't know where she got the confidence to dare to speak like this to this section of Yunsu.

Duan Yunsu's face darkened, but seeing the figure approaching this way again, his heart moved, and he said, "Don't come out to make trouble if you are shabby, you are not capable enough to blame others."

As expected, Han Xiang was enraged, and was about to take a step forward, but unexpectedly, someone hit her behind her knee, and there was a burst of severe pain, and she knelt down hard again with a "bang".She turned her head and saw that she was hit by a dagger on her leg, and the blood was oozing out little by little!She fell to the ground and looked at the person who entered in disbelief.

Zhao Hechen glanced coldly at the person on the ground, then turned around and hugged Duan Yunsu nervously in his arms: "Is Susu angry, is Susu uncomfortable?"

Duan Yunsu smiled at the man on the ground, only to see that Han Xiang's face turned pale, trembling with anger and unable to speak.

No wonder those women in the marquis of the deep house are so aggressive, the feeling of despising each other is really wonderful.

"Come here, drive all these things out of the house, what are they!" Zhao Hechen's black face made Duan Yunsu's heart itch, and he reached out and pulled his face a few times, Zhao Hechen looked at it with some resentment To Duan Yunsu: "Lady, Chen'er helped you drive away the people you hate, how can you pinch Chen'er..."

When Zhao Fang who followed behind heard this, he called someone regardless of 21, and pulled out the dagger with his bare hands. He didn't care whether the man's leg was healed or not, and dragged her down directly, watching The young master who was ravaged snickered from the bottom of his heart: "Young master, what about the remaining two?"

"There are two more?" Zhao Hechen pouted and waved his hands: "Shut up, Su Su doesn't like it."

Zhao Fang responded after hearing the words, and suddenly asked again: "Is it a bit of a loss to drive away like this, these people have eaten a lot of rice money from the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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