The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 229 Yun Rong Was Expelled

Chapter 229 Yun Rong Was Expelled (4)
"Sell it all to Liu Hutong, and give all the money to Susu." Zhao Hechen didn't even think about it.

Zhao Fang smiled in satisfaction, that's right, it's better to give it to someone else if you drive it away for nothing, who would think this money is too much, alas... Poor his monthly money, why hasn't it increased yet?
Listening to He's face is stern, but he is happy in his heart. These people should enjoy the place of fireworks in Liu Hutong.The remaining two ladies didn't even ask for their names, and they were kicked out after showing their faces when they first entered the mansion, which was really unlucky.

Zhao Fang originally planned to retreat, but suddenly felt a line of sight behind him sticking tightly to him.He turned around and saw Duan Yunsu looking at him with even more interest, he couldn't help scratching his head, and said in a loud voice: "Is there something else, young lady?" If nothing else, go and exchange people for money.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that I haven't paid so much attention to Zhao Fang for a long time, and I think you are a good person."

As soon as Duan Yunsu finished speaking, Zhao Fang received the murderous gaze from his young master, and was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Young lady, you are not praising Zhao Fang, you obviously don't want the little one to live.Eldest young master, please calm down, that's not what Madam said!

Zhao Fang wiped the sweat from his brow, stammered and said, "Ma'am, that's absurd."

"I heard that you told the prince that you wanted to ask for Ting He. I've been waiting for a long time, why don't you come and talk to me?" Duan Yunsu played with Zhao Hechen's big hand when he had nothing to do, but saw Seeing that his face had sunk like a black pot at some point, he was also taken aback.

Originally Zhao Fang was overjoyed when he heard these words, but after seeing the young master's expression, he replied in a very low-key manner: "The young one is afraid that the young lady will not bear it."

Zhao Fang was roaring in his heart, young master, at this critical moment, you must not think of a random one, whether Zhao Fang will marry a daughter-in-law or not depends entirely on you!
Hearing that He had already blushed a long time ago, it was really embarrassing to mention this suddenly.

"It will be Chinese New Year in a few days. I'm afraid it won't be possible with the busy work in the house. You two will just get married in the next year. My wife will add some gifts to you, and it will be very lively. Yes." Duan Yunsu looked at the reactions of Zhao Fang and Ting He, and came to a conclusion directly.If Zhao Fang could ask the prince to go there, he must be valued by the prince, otherwise he would not have been sent to Zhao Hechen's side.

She smiled sweetly at Zhao Hechen, her eyes sparkling: "Chenchen, do you think this is okay?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Hechen directly "hummed", and looked sideways at Zhao Fang up and down, with a look of displeasure at seeing this person.

Duan Yunsu shook his head amusedly, Zhao Hechen was very nice to Zhao Fang before, what happened today?
This is leisure and contentment, but the atmosphere in the prince's study is a bit dignified.Prince An had just revised a book and sent it to the Song Mansion, when he saw his cronies come to answer.

I saw that person presented the letter in his hand and said: "My lord, this is something that was found in the palace. There is no other movement in Xinlanyuan, but he is very concerned about the second young master's marriage. Second young master Now I often stay in the garden, and I have less contact with the second prince. The letter was found there."

Prince An casually flipped through it a few times, and saw that the envelopes were all sent to the Wen Mansion, and inside were just simple greetings from home, and there was nothing special about them.Wen's father got a daughter in old age, and he cared about Wen Yuanyuan very much. He also knew about the frequent correspondence, so he didn't take it to heart. He put those things on the desk and asked, "Where did you find it?" This thing?"

"Concubine Wen told the maid to dispose of all these things. At that time, I met the second young master. He seemed to care about these things, so my subordinate took them back while no one was paying attention."

Prince An nodded: "Are there any other discoveries?"

"There are no other discoveries for the time being, but..." The man hesitated whether to say this or not.

Seeing his hesitant look, Prince An frowned: "Just to be honest, you have been with me for many years, even if you say something wrong, you won't be blamed."

Hearing this, the man no longer hesitated, and said: "This subordinate sees the eldest young master, and these days he usually goes to the forest behind the mansion, and he doesn't know what he is doing."

Chen'er?Prince An thought of Ji Su, whom Zhao Hechen liked to play in the woods the most in the past, and it was because of this that he met Ji Su, but he didn't take this time to heart, and said: "You go down, it's the Chinese New Year. The palace is busy Very soon, you and your guards should make several inspections on weekdays to ensure the safety of the palace."

The man took the order to retreat without saying a word.

From the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, it is time to start busy with the year, and the year will not be over until Yuanxiao is over.Today is the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, and it is the day for the folks to worship the Kitchen God.Duan Yunsu recalled the year spent in the General's Mansion last year, and couldn't help but compare it with this year's.Originally, it should be more lively in the palace, but this year, as Prince An said earlier, there is no major event.

The servants in the mansion have already started to work. Although it is not a big deal, there is still a lot of etiquette, but the preparations are much simpler.

Prince An's guess was not wrong, but he didn't want to see such a result.In this cold and twelfth lunar month, the emperor's body was not comfortable at first, but now it is even weaker.

When Prince An heard the news that day, what he was most worried about was getting Duan Yunsu involved.But because of the words the emperor left in the court, many people have a concern.Prince An couldn't figure out what the emperor meant, but not letting Duan Yunsu get involved was what he wanted to see the most.

When Duan Yunsu heard the news, he couldn't help being suspicious.Which emperor didn't want to live long and live in harmony with the heavens? Emperor Jing's approach is really confusing.Could it be that this matter is not so simple?
"Young Madam's hands are really skillful. I have not learned this paper-cutting for a long time, but I can cut it so beautifully." Qian Momo picked up the red paper that was cut with more flowers every year, exclaimed, and said: "However, Young Madam is pregnant, so don't take these scissors too much. You can cut them however you want in the coming year... No, maybe Eldest Young Madam will be pregnant again by this time next year, so it's better not to cut it."

Duan Yunsu is so embarrassing, is this going to let her hug the two for three years?

"Young Madam, don't be embarrassed. The heirs of the royal family are at a time when they are weak. The princess must be delighted from ear to ear." Qian Momo cleaned up everything on the table and said, "This year, the princess Having said that, let's celebrate the festival like an ordinary family, neither too ostentatious nor too bland, just to make the palace quiet and quiet."

Duan Yunsu looked forward to it a little more after hearing this: "However, I also imitate the people's family, offering sacrifices to the kitchen god and writing pairs, slaughtering a rooster twenty-seven times, making noodles and steaming steamed buns twenty-nine times? Are you learning how others do it themselves?"

Qian Momo paused, she didn't expect that the young lady from the General's Mansion would know quite a lot.Looking at her bright eyes, Qian Momo was also happy in her heart: "Why is the eldest young lady so clear about these trivial matters? The princess has to take care of the palace's trivial matters all day long. Your current situation is not suitable for you. I am afraid of these things." It’s still up to the next person to handle it.”

(End of this chapter)

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