The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 233 The Royal Palace Disaster

Chapter 233 The Royal Palace Disaster (3)
Listen to what He Wen said.

On the day of Zhao Heqi's marriage, the weather was surprisingly good, but the scene was far less lively than that of Zhao Hechen's wedding.Firstly, it is not appropriate to be too public at this time, and secondly, the publicity of this bastard is always poor, and moreover, with the princess controlling the marriage, it is impossible for this person to be too flamboyant.

Originally, the bride’s dowry had to be brought into the palace the day before, but at this time everyone wanted to hurry up, and this was just a formality, so it was carried over with the bride’s team on the second day .

There were not many people attending the banquet in the palace, and the guests looked at Princess An's calm expression, they all pretended to be polite, and they all went back to waiting for the bride and groom to pay their respects.

Today, the manpower is so busy, Princess An was afraid that Duan Yunsu would bump into something, so she asked her to stay in the courtyard and ignore the matter in the front yard.It's just that Zhao Hechen was dragged away by the prince, presumably he wanted to bring him to meet more people.

In the front hall, Prince An and Concubine An were sitting at the top, but Concubine Wen was not qualified to receive the newcomer's worship. Zhao Hechen stood below, looking at the red everywhere, which was festive The scene, slightly dazed, I don't know what I thought of.

The sound of playing and playing rites and music came in, Duan Yunsu's eyes fixed, and he remembered the scene of getting married with Zhao Hechen back then.I heard that the wedding that day was very grand, but it was a pity that she was the one who married, and the wedding was also hers, but she was blocked by a red hijab, her eyes were red, and she couldn't see any excitement.

When the sound of the drums stopped, Duan Yunsu thought about the steps of getting married. Now it's time for the newcomers to pay their respects. I don't know if Mr. Wen has come. Is this what they want?

Seeing that the wedding has been smooth so far, and there seems to be nothing special about it, Duan Yunsu frowned slightly. Could it be that they were thinking wrong?

But at this time, Mingyue hurried in, panting slightly, her face was a little anxious, and her hair was a little messy from the wind.She opened the curtain and came in. When Duan Yunsu saw it, he asked, "But what did you find?"

Mingyue shook her head, then nodded again, seeing that Duan Yunsu was a little confused, Fang said: "Your servant and younger sister have looked around, and no one over there sees anything wrong, but your servant has discovered something."

Duan Yunsu's face was fixed when he heard this.

"After the second young lady brought the dowry into the mansion, she carried it directly to the second young master's Xicheng Courtyard. The servants looked at the dowry as if it was heavy, but those servants had wasted a lot of energy. The Liu family valued the second young master so much. Young Madam, is every dowry so full?"

Duan Yunsu's eyes flashed when he heard the words, she had the dowry herself, so she had seen what it looked like before.It is understandable that some of them are heavier, but these 32 lifts are full of weight, so it is not appropriate.

Duan Yunsu stood up, and Nian Qiu gave her a hand when he saw her.I just heard Duan Yunsu say: "Mingyue, you tell the news to the prince. Let's go to the Xicheng Courtyard to have a look at the Autumn Valley."

When the three of them came to Xicheng Courtyard, they saw that the courtyard was full of joy. When the servant guarding the courtyard saw Duan Yunsu, he stopped the three of them and said, "Mrs. I'm in the worship hall, I don't know what the young lady is talking about here?"

"Madam can't come if I have nothing to do? I'll come over to have a look at the new house. Are things ready?" Duan Yunsu winked at Nian Qiu, and Nian Qiu stepped forward to block the man back.Seeing the figure of Duan Yunsu going in, the servant seemed a little anxious, he raised his foot and wanted to chase after him, Nian Qiu looked back at him, and when he was unprepared, he dropped a knife in his hand, and the man fell to the ground.

As soon as he entered the Xicheng Courtyard, he saw quite a few servants and maids busy at work. Seeing Duan Yunsu's figure, he was stunned for a long time before realizing that he wanted to salute.What is the eldest young lady doing today, she has never set foot in this yard before.

"Where is the second young lady's dowry?" Duan Yunsu looked at the unfamiliar road ahead, and asked the servants who were passing by.

The servant was taken aback, the young lady's dark complexion was as wonderful as catching a rape.Nonsence!What about catching rape, the eldest young lady has no contact with the second young master at all.

The servant casually pointed to the path on the left, then bowed his waist and said, "Young Madam, do you want to see the dowry? The little one just glanced at it from a distance. They are all gold, silver and jewels, and they are very expensive." .”

"Oh? But you're starting to pack up the dowry and put it in the warehouse?" Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows.

The servant was about to reply, but the boy who came from behind pulled his clothes, and suddenly realized what the second young master had said before, and hurriedly stopped talking.

Seeing this, Duan Yunsu snorted softly, ignored the little movements of the two, and walked inside.

I saw that some of the dowry had been opened, and another servant sent the things on the ground directly to the warehouse.Duan Yunsu stepped forward to have a look, they were really gold and silver jewellery, what the man just said was true.She stretched out her hand and planned to go in and rummage through it, but unexpectedly, the nurse next to her stopped her.

"Young Madam, the time to look at the dowry has long passed, and now it is waiting to be stored in the warehouse. It is really unfortunate that the Young Madam came here." said the nanny.

"Is the nanny new here? It seems that my wife has never seen you before." Duan Yunsu's eyes fell on the slightly round nanny.

The nanny replied: "My maidservant's surname is Qin, she is a person next to the Second Young Madam, and it is the first time she has entered the General's Mansion today."

Duan Yunsu nodded, and saw two people carrying a dowry ready to go in.The wooden stick used to lift it was slightly bent, and the things inside were extremely heavy.

"Stop." Duan Yunsu called to stop the two of them, and walked forward: "Open this thing and show it to Mrs. Ben."

Those two people must not be from the palace. Seeing Duan Yunsu talking like this, although they stopped, they didn't hear her say to put the things down, but said: "This is the young lady? The little ones are waiting I'm busy, here are just some jewelry, even porcelain and glass, it's really inconvenient to open."

Duan Yunsu snorted coldly, and directly signaled Nianqiu to do as she said.When the two saw Nian Qiu reaching out to lift the lid of the box, they panicked and stepped forward to stop it.Nian Qiu mercilessly patted the two of them aside, and with both hands, directly opened it.

I saw that it was exactly as the two young men said, those South Sea pearls and emerald jade bracelets, each piece of jade treasures is extremely eye-catching.Gu Qiu flipped through it, but couldn't find anything, so he looked at Duan Yunsu.

Duan Yunsu winked at her, and when Nianqiu saw it, he immediately put the things in the dowry out, as if he wanted to turn things upside down.

The thing was messed up, and Nanny Qin and the servants were a little panicked, they didn't expect that the young lady was a bad person! "Young Madam, these things cannot be moved."

(End of this chapter)

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