Chapter 234 Word Game (1)
All the things were turned upside down, but nothing was found. Duan Yunsu wondered how it was possible, turned around and looked at another dowry.

Nian Qiuguqiu knew that the young lady had calculations in her heart, so how could she be fooled.When she and Gu Qiu saw it, they went forward, squatted together, and stretched out their hands to lift the thing on the ground. They fell to the ground, and the scrolls rolled out, but they still found nothing.

"Eldest Young Madam, even if you don't like Second Young Madam, you can't humiliate the bride like this! Today you messed up the dowry, but it was a naked provocation!" Nanny Qin took a step forward without fear Looking at Duan Yunsu carefully: "I think the eldest young lady should stop, otherwise don't blame the servant for being rude."

As soon as Nanny Qin finished speaking, the servants who had been busy put down their hands and looked over, as if they were a little puzzled.

Qin Nanny must not be the only one from the Liu family entering the mansion today. Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly and felt that things were weird: "Qin Nanny, if there is no problem with the dowry, why are you so nervous? My wife has seen her I will clean it up for you. The bride has gone to church now, so what are you worried about?"

"Nianqiu, keep looking for me!" A cold light flashed in Duan Yunsu's eyes, and his voice became a little colder.

Nanny Qin's face was slightly gloomy, and she looked at Duan Yunsu with a somewhat ambiguous look.No wonder the master specially explained when he came, that Yunsu should not be underestimated during this period, and he came here so quickly.It's just that if you can't find this thing, that's not necessarily the case!

Gu Qiu and Nianqiu continued to rummage, some of the dowry was just the clothes of the four seasons, and when they opened it carefully, there were a lot of gold bars and silver ingots mixed in. Duan Yunsu squinted at Mother Qin, but saw the latter Smiling triumphantly: "Master takes pity on Miss, so he has prepared a lot of gold and silver things. Does the young lady have other things when she sees it?"

Could it be that Mingyue said that this box is heavier than others because of the gold and silver?Duan Yunsu frowned and thought, it wasn't long before the dowry was brought in, and these people moved so fast, could they still hide the things?
She walked over to the satin cloth that was placed on top of it, and when she saw Mother Qin's body tightening, she pretended not to care.Duan Yunsu reached out and picked up a piece of cloth, feeling that it was more than one or two cents heavier than the usual cloth, and was about to take it apart, but heard Mother Qin say: "Young Madam, this cloth is Mrs. Even Mr. Wen can't open it at will after asking for a reward from the emperor, how can you touch this imperial gift?"

Duan Yunsu snorted coldly, trying to threaten her?This reason is too clumsy.Seeing her pulling the cloth in her hand, Nanny Qin finally became nervous, she jumped up and was about to come up, when Nian Qiu saw a stride forward to block the person, she could only hear a "clang" sound coming from behind, Looking back, I saw that what fell on the ground was the sword shining with cold light!
So these things are hidden in the dowry? !
Duan Yunsu leaned on his waist and wanted to pick one up to have a look, but Gu Qiu hurriedly snatched it up and gave Duan Yunsu a long knife.I saw Duan Yunsu looking up, down, left, and right with a knife, suddenly his eyes were fixed, his face was solemn, and his voice was colder than before: "Gu Qiu, hurry up and invite the prince over here! You guys, give me Go to the warehouse to search! And you, give me all these things to the end!"

What is hidden in the dowry is actually a knife made for the army, I don't know how many are hidden here!When she came out, she sent a message to the prince, why hasn't she come yet? !
Seeing that the matter was revealed, Nanny Qin winked at the young servants beside her.The people from the Liu family directly pulled out their swords from the bottom of the dowry with a "clang" sound, and rushed towards Duan Yunsu and the others. Nian Qiu picked up a sword and went to meet them!
Duan Yunsu's face was cold: "These people can't stay, Nianqiu, you don't need to show mercy."

Nian Qiu was shocked when she heard the words, the young lady meant to let her kill her, it seems that this matter is really serious.

It was just a matter of finishing the last few boxes, but unexpectedly, this piece of Yunsu disturbed him.Qin Nanny's old face also pulled down, remembering the master's order, she rushed towards Duan Yunsu without saying a word.

Duan Yunsu had already seen her movement, and turned to the side to avoid Nanny Qin's attack.Nianqiu glanced at Duan Yunsu's position, turned around deftly, reached out and picked up a silver ingot from the dowry beside her, and hit the acupuncture point on Nanny Qin's back with a "swish".Nanny Qin tilted her body and stood still but felt a shadow over her head. When she looked up, she saw Duan Yunsu holding a blue-glazed colorful cloud bottle in her hand. With murderous intent in her eyes, she smashed it down on her head!
Nanny Qin dodged and didn't hesitate to be hit, blood was left behind, she looked at the delicate woman in front of her in disbelief, her body swayed slightly, and she fell down as soon as her eyes were dark, gurgling blood flowed out from the wound on her head , After a while, there was no movement.

Duan Yunsu withdrew his trembling hands, took a step back inadvertently, looked at the people on the ground with slightly pale faces, and yelled at the servants who had already been dumbfounded: "Who dares to spread the news today, be careful! You have heads on your necks! You guys, go and guard the gate of the courtyard, don’t let others in, let me find all the rest, and don’t keep a single thing!”

At this time, Nian Qiu also took back the sword, his face was like a millennium-year ice, the sword was dripping with blood, it matched strangely with the red lantern in the courtyard.Those servants were shocked back to their senses, looking at the blood and several corpses on the ground, they were terrified, and hurriedly searched with pale faces.

Smelling the strong smell of blood in the air, Duan Yunsu only felt his stomach churning, retched twice, resisted and turned his head away, no longer looking at the lying person.

Nian Qiu stood silently behind her, looked at Duan Yunsu who seemed to be trembling slightly, and asked, "Is the eldest young lady all right?"

Duan Yunsu shook his head, settled down, and looked down at the red dowry beside him.She touched the surface of the box, gently tore off the piece of red silk on the top, and scratched lightly, but found that the top was just covered with a layer of vermilion dye, and under the red was some mottled gray-black wood, which was hard.When do you need to use this kind of wood for the wooden box for carrying the dowry?

"Look, young lady." Nian Qiu pointed to a young servant in front of him and said.

Duan Yunsu looked sideways, and saw that the boy was squatting, picked up a sharp knife on the ground, and opened the bottom layer. There was actually a well-hidden secret compartment inside. Once opened, a row of swords and swords were neatly arranged. packed inside.

These are the few boxes that were not found to be inappropriate just now, and they were all hidden here!

When Nian Qiu saw it, he opened the box next to him as usual, looked at the things in front of him, his expression was as frosty as frost.How can the army's weapons appear in a prince's mansion? It seems that there are quite a lot of them.Are these people planning to frame Prince An's mansion?

(End of this chapter)

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