The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 243: Leisurely Mountain Village

Chapter 243: Leisurely Mountain Village (2)
"Brother Hu, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to be so handsome." Duan Yunsu smiled at the big man.

That Hu San was stunned for a while, looked at the man's face, and said in surprise: "Little lady, I didn't expect to see you again. What a coincidence, it seems that God wants me to rob you, Hu San. Hahaha."

Duan Yunsu felt that Zhao Hechen who was beside him wanted to go forward, so he stretched out his hand and tugged him, and said with a smile: "So what if I gave you the money, but there are so many people in front of me, what should I do? Brother Hu is being arrested Did someone grab the site?"

Seeing Duan Yunsu's "you're so weak" look in his eyes, Hu San was agitated, and he raised his knife and shouted loudly: "Brothers, attack me! If you dare to grab food, I will beat you all!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the person on the opposite side stretched out his hand and drew his knife to meet him directly!The leader among them was even more frightened. He didn't expect that the master's plan would be disrupted by a group of bandits. How could this be possible!

His eyes became ruthless, and his eyes fell directly on Duan Yunsu. It was this person who provoked the bandits, so he took her first!

The knife greeted her like a ghost, and Duan Yunsu, who was already standing far away, felt a chill. Zhao Hechen, who was beside her, directly took her away with his arms, but was stabbed in the shoulder.

With a soft grunt, Duan Yunsu looked at the oozing blood, his face turned pale, and saw Zhao Hechen grabbing the blade, pulling out the dagger and sending it directly into the man's belly.

The man didn't expect such a reaction from a fool, and stared straight at the person in front of him.As soon as the dagger was pulled out from the belly, the whole person fell down.

The fight between the two parties in front was chaotic, and Prince An's mind tightened when he saw it. The people who came first seemed to be targeting them.

When those people saw that their leader had been let go, they were furious, many of them rushed towards them, one of them rushed to the carriage, and several of them surrounded Princess An and Duan Yunsu.Duan Yunsu was forced to the side, and his footsteps almost missed. When he looked back, he found that there was a broken slope behind him. The almost vertical slope made people's heart skip a beat.

Those people also saw this place, looked at Duan Yunsu's swollen stomach, and sneered in their hearts, as soon as the palm wind came out, they would hit the person!

Duan Yunsu's current body is clumsy and inconvenient, Zhao Hechen has quick eyesight and quick hands, like lightning, he stretched out his hand and pushed her into Princess An's arms, but he received a slap in the right direction, and his body was hit towards Duanpo, directly towards Duanpo. fall!
"Chenchen!" Duan Yunsu, who fell to the side, roared, his eyes enlarged in horror, and he opened his eyes to prevent Zhao Hechen from disappearing in front of his eyes.

"Chen'er!" Prince An suddenly stood up on both legs, and then fell to the ground again, his eyes were flushed with anger, and his face was pale!
On March [-]th of the first year of Yuansheng, the situation in the capital was reshuffled.

This year, the General's Mansion, which had been lacklustre, prospered because he had a daughter who entered the palace and became a concubine, who was deeply loved by the new emperor.

The once bustling Song Mansion is empty, but it used to be favored in the past, but today it is hidden from the market, and Dali Temple Minister Yang Dali was dismissed for harboring the prince and rebelling against the party.

Mr. Gao, the Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple, Mr. Zhou, the Minister of Taichang, and others won the favor of the new emperor and won praises everywhere.

There is also Yuan Chushang, who has to be said, who has a vague style of rising, and suddenly became a celebrity in front of the new emperor.Then there is Zhao Heqi, who has cold eyes and disdain in the court, and some deliberately flatters him, because the new emperor seems to deliberately promote this person, and if he wants to show his face in front of the emperor, he must try his best to please him.

The prince's party is being suppressed everywhere, and the wealth of the past is no longer there, so we must manage everything carefully.

There is a small mountain village, I don't know how far it is from the capital city.At dusk, people in the village smoked from cooking, and saw children playing and playing, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and chickens and dogs crowing.

Different from the hustle and bustle of the city, the sense of tranquility is refreshing.

"Qiu Niang came back from picking medicine?" The woman in her thirties looked at the young woman who was coming, wiped her hands on her body, and smiled honestly.

"Aunt Lin, can you eat? I just came back from collecting herbs, and the flowers in the back mountain are in full bloom. Niuniu must like it. I'll take her around tomorrow?"

"How dare you bother Mrs. Qiu, the child's skin is very strong." The woman looked into her back basket, but there were some green grass, and she couldn't tell what it was: "Hurry up, my family I'm afraid they're all waiting."

The woman looked at the sky, saw that it was getting late, and remembered that dinner hadn't been cooked yet at home, so she said goodbye to Aunt Lin with a smile, and then walked towards the end of the village.

"Hey, I said Aunt Lin, but I fell in love with her girl, but your tree looks like I'm afraid it doesn't suit her." A woman in Tsing Yi came out from the tiled house next to her. She was a bit fat, with a round basin With a flat face, the eyes look very small, and the clothes on her body are not patched one after another like other people.

"I said Mrs. Shuanzi, you can't talk nonsense. The people at the end of the village can tell that they are different from us at a glance. Look at their exquisite appearances. Those of us who plan for food can only look at them like this. " Aunt Lin picked up the rag and shook it, but didn't take what the person in front of her said to heart.

Shuan Ziniang looked at the figure of the woman just now, and said, "Those who have been exiled to our Xiahe Village don't have any wealth, don't they also worry about three meals a day."

Aunt Lin didn't answer her words, and called the hens outside to go back to the cage with a "cuckoo".

Speaking of the family at the end of the village, they have been here for more than a month, and they are also pitiful.One of the men in the family was disabled, and the other was in a coma. I don't know if he will wake up, and he has never even seen him.I heard that there is also a little lady who is pregnant in her arms, and the work in the house depends on the two women.

I heard that the herb picker was the little lady's elder sister, and I don't know why she still wears a girl's hair bun at such an age. She bought some herbs for money, and the women in the family embroidered some patterns and sent them to the town to sell. The day is barely going on.

Although they are foreigners, they are still respected in Xiahe Village.That little lady is a formidable person, she even knows medicine.If anyone in the village has a headache and fever, he doesn't have to wait until he is too sick to go to the town to seek medical treatment.The little lady understands that they are poor people, and they use simple and cheap medicinal materials, or even a folk prescription, they can afford it.

A sunset glow was reflected on the side of the mountain, and the family at the end of the village lived in a yard with three tile-roofed houses.This house is considered good in the village, but it is a bit old, the walls are mottled, and moss grows on the corners of the walls, but the inside is clean.

According to the village chief, when the family came, they asked where there was an unoccupied house and wanted to buy it.It stands to reason that in such a small village, each household is living on a tight budget, so there will be no extra houses.But by coincidence, a man with a foreign surname came here alone. He was old and had no descendants, so he kept the house and handed over the title deed to the village chief. Only newcomers have a place.

(End of this chapter)

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