The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 244: Leisurely Mountain Village

Chapter 244: Leisurely Mountain Village (3)
In the small courtyard, the little woman with a big belly was holding a dustpan in her hand. She stretched her head out to look outside, but she didn't see anyone coming back, so she put down the things in her hands and went to the edge of the water tank to scoop up the dustpan. water into a tub.

Seeing the woman in her thirties inside wearing coarse linen, she hurriedly put down her needle and thread and ran out: "Don't be so busy, these days are not too short, don't always tire yourself."

"Mom, you won't let me cook dinner, so I'll just fetch some water to wipe my husband off."

When the woman heard this, she paused unconsciously, with helplessness in her eyes, she sighed for a while and said: "Then be careful, mother will cook."

I have been here for more than a month, and I have gradually learned to do these rough jobs.Today is not the same as in the past, but it is no longer the day when the clothes are stretched out and the food is opened.

"Mother, rest first. You have been doing needlework all day, so be careful not to hurt your eyes."

"Miss, I'm back." There was a shout from outside the wooden door, and the two people in the courtyard felt relieved when they saw it.The sky was about to get dark, and it was not safe for her to walk alone in the village.

"Miss, look, but what do you want?"

"Gu Qiu, how many times have I told you, just call me my sister here, where is the young lady from this small village?"

"That's right, Gu Qiu, if you hadn't been helping me these days, how could the few of us have been able to get through."

Gu Qiu put down the basket with a smile, and said: "I'm just used to calling like that, and I feel uncomfortable calling my sister." Letting her call her master as a sister, I really dare not in my heart, how can a slave be like this casual.But what the princess said is also reasonable, and it is not suitable to be called Miss now.

"Then I call Miss my younger sister in front of outsiders, but in our house, Gu Qiu can't help it." Gu Qiu rarely showed a shy smile. Bright.

Gu Qiu looked at the stove, then went to the edge of the yard to fetch a handful of cabbages.This was sent by the aunt of the Liu family. In addition, she had the cheek to ask for some vegetable seeds. When she was free, she would plant them on both sides of the yard, so that she could eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

"Although there are no such delicacies, you still need to eat more, so that the young master can grow strong. Gu Qiu will cook another egg custard for the young lady. Although this thing is simple, it is still good for nourishing the body."

Gu Qiu's nagging made Princess An's eyes suddenly warm. In the past, how could she think of relying on such an egg to make up her body.She turned her back to prevent others from seeing the tears in her eyes, and said in a steady voice: "Mother is here to choose vegetables, Yunsu will go and see Chen'er first."

Duan Yunsu responded, and was about to bend down to hold the wooden basin, but it was not easy to bend down because of his belly.Gu Qiu in front put down the green vegetables in his hand, and brought the wooden basin in at once: "Look at me, I almost forgot. If you have something to do, please call Gu Qiu. These rough jobs are the smoothest for Gu Qiu to do."

Duan Yunsu looked at Gu Qiu, she used to be calm and didn't talk too much, but since she came to Xiahe Village, Gu Qiu has become more and more chatty.But fortunately, there is her, otherwise, I would have to study for half a day even to make a fire.He once asked her who came to take care of the old mother in the family, but Gu Qiu was silent for a long time, saying that he had asked the sister next door to worry more and gave a lot of money.I have already signed the contract of selling myself, and the young lady's biological mother has saved her life, so she must repay her.Duan Yunsu knew that this was the shackles of feudal ideology, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Gu Qiu put down his things and went out. Duan Yunsu moved the small wooden stool that lacked a side in the room and put it beside the bed. On the tub, he stretched out his hand to untie the clothes of the person on the bed.

"Isn't Chenchen up yet? The baby is eight months old, and he kicks and punches in Yunsu's stomach all day long. If the baby knows that his father is so sleepy, he will laugh at you." Duan Yunsu picked up the Handkerchief, wiped his body over and over for him, looked at the scar on his shoulder, and sighed silently.

After wiping her body, she carefully massaged his body and moved her limbs, and finally put her hands on the side of the head, carefully looking at the scars on it.

Scabs had already formed on the wound that day, and now the scabs have fallen off, and a scar can be vaguely seen.Duan Yunsu straightened his hair, sat beside him and watched quietly.

After finding him that day, Zhao Hechen was in a daze and never woke up again. Now his pulse is stable and the wound has healed, but he has never opened his eyes.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Duan Yunsu still had lingering fears in his heart.That day Zhao Hechen rolled down the slope and wanted to look for it, but there were so many bandits behind him, it was difficult to escape.Looking at the people who surrounded her one after another, she even thought about whether she should explain where she was, but she just happened to meet Mr. Yang who had been resigned and returned home.

Yang Yuqi recognized Duan Yunsu at a glance in the carriage, and hurried to his father to help.Fortunately, all the guards around the Yang family were capable, so they protected Prince An and the others by their side.The "bandit" who appeared first saw that his plot had been seen through, and seeing that Zhao Hechen rolled down and his life and death were unknown, he thought that he had completed the task assigned by his master, so he withdrew after thinking about it.

The rest of the bandits didn't even think about taking their lives when they had money, they just took their valuables and went back to the mountains with a wave of their hands.

Master Yang heard what happened to Zhao Hechen, so he sent people to search down, and after a long time, he was found in the grass that was half the height of a person.

At that time, Zhao Hechen's head was covered with blood, and his brain must have been seriously injured. Fortunately, Duan Yunsu carried a silver needle with him, and he stuck the needle decisively. He found medicinal materials to stop the bleeding in the mountains, and he managed to stop the bleeding. live.

Later, Master Yang accompanied them to live in the town for a few days, seeing that Zhao Hechen's condition had stabilized, he left.

The scene of that day was not easy. After discussing with the prince and concubine, Duan Yunsu temporarily changed his mind not to go to the Yin Mansion, and made a detour on the halfway. In this simple and low-key Xiahe Village.

The folk customs here are simple and honest, but they don't feel disgusted by their arrival.Several people saw the situation and terrain around the village, so they decided to stay here.

It's just that when he was purged and left the mansion, he had to eat and live along the way, and also bought medicine for Zhao Hechen to treat his injuries, which cost a lot.They pawned the valuables on their bodies and made it all the way.

In this village, it is inappropriate to use the surname "Zhao" again, "Zhao" is the surname of the country.When the prince spent the last bit of money to buy the farmyard, he heard that the original owner of the yard was named Jiang, so he changed his surname to "Jiang", and the village chief called it fate.

(End of this chapter)

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