Chapter 248 Trivia (3)
Prince An also pushed the wheelchair out, staring at the sky for a long time without moving, Duan Yunsu looked up at the sky curiously.I saw a white cloud drifting across the blue sky from time to time, but didn't find anything else, so I asked, "What is Daddy looking at?"

Prince An was called back to his senses, and he said in embarrassment, "I'm trying to teach those students something."

Duan Yunsu smiled when he heard the words, he never thought that his father would dare to make bold plans in the court, but today he would be entangled in such a small matter: "Surely teach them their own name and their father's name first, and then teach those A single commonly used word."

Most of the families of the children in the village can hardly support them to study to the stage of the imperial examination, and these practical characters should be recognized first.

"Father thinks the same way, but now that he doesn't even have a book in his hands, it's a bit ridiculous to be a teacher with nothing in his hands."

Duan Yunsu also imagined how Prince An would be teaching, and laughed with a "puchi": "Daddy is full of money, at worst, ask Gu Qiu to buy a pen and ink tomorrow, and write everything down."

Prince An smiled meaninglessly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.These are the days when I was shy in my pocket, and I spent most of my life nourishingly, but I finally fell down.There is no news in Xiahe Village, and there has been no news from Jingzhong for a long time.But thinking of what he told Zhao Fang when he left, he felt relieved.It is impossible for this matter to have a movement so quickly, so let's wait patiently.

Now he is most worried about Chen'er.

"Yunsu has thought of a name for the child?" Prince An's eyes softened, no matter where he went, life always had to have expectations.

Duan Yunsu paused, and thought of Zhao Hechen who was lying down again, feeling a little helpless in his heart: "We'll have to wait for my father to make up his mind."

Here, the elders in the family have always given their names, and their women can only give them nicknames.If Chenchen wakes up, he can have more ideas...

The second day came quickly, before dawn, the lights in Gu Qiu's room were turned on.When Duan Yunsu heard the sound and sat up, he remembered that today was going to the market.The road from Xiahe Village to the town is not that close. In order to catch up with the morning market, people in the village get up very early.

"Miss, why don't you sleep a little longer, Gu Qiu can clean up here." Gu Qiu carefully folded up the needlework that he usually embroidered, wrapped it neatly with a cloth and put it aside.He walked to the place where the medicinal materials were placed, tied up everything and prepared to take it away.

The sound of crickets and insects can be heard outside the courtyard, accompanied by the barking of vigilant dogs from time to time.Duan Yunsu looked up at a star outside the window, the yard seemed to be still drenched in fog: "I really want to go out and see what this town looks like."

Gu Qiu said disapprovingly: "That will have to wait until the young lady gives birth to the young master. The town outside is not considered prosperous, but it has more people than the village."

Having seen the bustle of the capital, but looking at the small town, it is really nothing.

The lights in the room on the other side were also turned on, and Princess An came out in her clothes, and she was not surprised to see Duan Yunsu. Pregnant women are already light sleepers, and they will call people back to rest later: "Today But it's also the bullock cart with Mr. Lin?"

There are not many families with cattle in the village. Mr. Lin's family has a lot of fields, and his two sons work in the town, so the annual harvest is quite a lot.

"Yes, I have to go first, but I can't let Grandpa Lin wait for me." After Gu Qiu finished speaking, he immediately brought his things, holding the medicinal materials in both hands, and the small bag full of embroidery work on his back was about to leave. door to go.

Princess An followed with some concern, but Gu Qiu turned her head and smiled: "Miss Madam, hurry back and rest, I'll be back when I'm done selling."

I have already been to the town twice, and every time I see the master's caring eyes, my heart is always warm.A friend in adversity sees the truth, how dare she talk to the young lady so casually in the past.

The yard is at the end of the village, and Mr. Lin's carriage is waiting at the head of the village, so I can't be late.

Gu Qiu left early, and Duan Yunsu went to the kitchen to start making some breakfast.Princess An grabbed her out: "You can't even light a fire with your body upright, how to make breakfast, let mother come."

A character who used to have his ten fingers not touched by Yang Chunshui still seems a bit clumsy when he wants to wash rice and put it in the pot.Duan Yunsu found the corn flour sent by the villagers yesterday, and planned to make a simple corn cake.She directly took an appropriate amount of powder, weighed it, added some water, and began to push. Seeing her agile appearance, Princess An couldn't help being curious: "Why does Yunsu do such trivial things?"

"When Yunsu was young, he had to serve his sick mother. If he did too much, he would get used to it." Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to brush the broken hair that was hanging down, and continued with the work in hand.

It was still in the general's mansion back then, so it's so hard that you don't even have a maid, and you still need a master to do these things?Prince An's Mansion remembered what happened to her, looked at the flour sticking to her face, and wiped it for her distressedly: "Yunsu is a good person, and it is his blessing that Chen'er can marry you, but it is a pity that Chen'er ..."

"Mother, don't think about it too much, Chen'er will definitely wake up. Master Huihe said that Chen'er's life is precious and his blessings are profound..." Duan Yunsu couldn't help but stop the movements of his hands as he spoke.

In the original words of Master Huihe that day, there is still a sentence, saying that Chen'er's life and disasters are intertwined, and when he unlocks the way of life, he will surely enjoy all the glory and splendor.

Disasters intertwined?Isn't it true? Chenchen has been in trouble since he was a child, and he still hasn't been able to get rid of it until now.She only hopes that this is the last time, and she doesn't expect too much prosperity in the future. She only hopes that the family will be healthy and healthy, so what if they stay in this small village forever.

Princess An had never heard Master Huihe talk about Zhao Hechen, and she couldn't help but feel happy when she heard it today. Since Master Huihe said it, her Chen'er will definitely get better.

My heart felt relaxed, and everything in my hands felt light: "I went to see it this morning, and one of the hens that were delivered yesterday had laid eggs. I picked it up and cooked it for Yunsu."

Duan Yunsu said with a smile: "Mother, don't keep talking about Yunsu, Daddy's body also needs to be repaired, be careful, Daddy thinks that Mother only cares about me and neglects him."

"Okay, you dare to laugh at my mother." Princess An stretched out her hand to poke her on the forehead, and cursed with a smile.

At ten o'clock at noon, Princess An was holding a dick and was about to water the vegetable field, the water was poured halfway before she remembered, but Gu Qiu said that the weather was hot at noon, and the vegetables could not be watered.She laughed at herself, but she didn't know anything, she was really ashamed.

There was a knocking sound outside the door, Princess An looked over from the edge of the fence, and saw a man standing in front of the old door with a blank expression on his face.

Princess An was puzzled, which family is this person from, and why did she come here?
(End of this chapter)

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