Chapter 249 Trivia (4)
"But come to see Mr.?" Princess An opened the door halfway, and asked in doubt.

The man looked at the woman in front of him, he was taken aback for a moment, and soon came back to his senses, and said: "I'm here to seek medical treatment, but the doctor lives here?"

This person looks about 25 six, with sharp edges and corners, and piercing eyes, which is different from other peasant Chinese characters.When Princess An heard that she was here to find Duan Yunsu, she felt a little reluctant in her heart.Yunsu is her treasure now, and she just feels uncomfortable in her heart, and she doesn't want men of these ages to see her.

It's just that she wasn't that unreasonable person. Looking carefully at that person, she saw that the trousers above the right leg had been torn, and blood was flowing down. stopped.After all this has become like this, he can still stand upright, which is admirable: "Come in quickly, it is serious to heal the injury first."

The man followed Princess An into the room without looking sideways, and then sat down on the chair in the yard to finish his work, remaining silent and not speaking.

Duan Yunsu hurriedly lifted the curtain when he heard the call of the princess, and saw the injuries of the people in the courtyard at a glance, and understood why the princess called her and why.

She walked up and looked at the wound carefully, only to see a hole in it, bubbling blood, she was very horrified, and asked, "How did you get hurt?"

"While hunting, I was kicked by a wild boar." The man looked up at Duan Yunsu, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he lowered his head, not taking another look.

Wild boars are very ferocious, but I didn't expect this person to be quite courageous.Duan Yunsu went into the room and took out the scissors, and cut off the fabric around the wound: "Did you take this medicine?"

"Hmm." The man responded.

There is nothing wrong with the medicine, but such a large wound cannot be stopped with such a single herb. The easiest way is to clean the wound first, and then directly sew the wound closed if no other abnormalities are found.It's just that she doesn't have those tools, now except for a set of silver needles, these medicinal herbs are left.

"Mother, can I borrow some wine from Chuntao's house? The stronger the better."

Chuntao is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. Her father is a wine lover, so there should be some in the family.Princess An saw that the wound was really bad, so she borrowed it without saying much.

Fortunately, Chuntao cleaned up at home today and did not follow her to work in the field.Princess An took the things back after a while, and Duan Yunsu took them over, cleaned the things on the man's legs first, and poured the wine directly on them.

I saw the man's body froze, and he could still see the flesh on the wound tremble, but he gritted his teeth and remained silent.Princess An trembled as she watched.The wine poured on the wound, it hurt so much, Yunsu didn't even blink, and he did it directly. Those who didn't know thought that the two had enmity, and they were out of revenge!

Duan Yunsu took the silver needle again, and acted resolutely, piercing it directly on several acupoints on his body, the blood seemed to have really decreased a lot.

It is said that acupuncture and moxibustion have the function of promoting blood circulation, but everything has a bidirectionality, and if you can think about it thoroughly, you will be able to discover the key.

There are more than 400 acupoints in the human body, which can be roughly classified into three categories: Fourteen Meridian Points, Ashi Points, and Extraordinary Points. The Extraordinary Points refer to the acupoints that cannot be attributed to the Fourteen Meridians, also known as "outside the Meridian Extraordinary Points". Acupoints" have special therapeutic effects on certain diseases.

The man had never seen this kind of technique before, and he looked at the silver needle on his body in surprise. He didn't expect that the thin and long needle could be used to cure diseases, which is really strange.

As for medicinal materials.Duan Yunsu was a little embarrassed. Gu Qiu just brought his things to the town this morning. I wonder if there is enough left at home?
Princess An seemed to understand Yunsu's worries, and said: "Mother has already saved a portion of the medicinal materials, just in case something happens on weekdays, so she doesn't have to rush into the mountains to go. With Yunsu treating people, I always have a copy ready to use, but now they are all kept in that room."

Duan Yunsu let out a sigh of relief, and went back to the room to look carefully at the species. He took nepeta, eclipta, ground millet, etc., and because time was short, they were coarsely ground into powder, and soon came out. .She came to the man and spread it on the wound.

The blood really stopped. Duan Yunsu thought for a while, and found a clean cloth to bandage it, and said: "Brother, don't touch the water these days, and you need to change the medicine later, but your leg I’m injured but I can’t move around. I don’t know where your family lives? Can someone help you get medicine?”

The man's voice was two minutes lower: "Young lady, you can call me Fu Ming. I live alone in a thatched hut on the edge of the back mountain."

The hut in the back mountain?Duan Yunsu remembered, it turned out that this person lived there.This Fu Ming is also a foreigner, but he is alone, he is silent on weekdays, but he is a good hunter.

"It's just right. Gu Qiu goes to the mountains to collect medicine every day, so let her give it to you by the way." Duan Yunsu put together the silver needles that had been pulled out earlier, thinking of going to boil them in water to sterilize them, He said so casually.

That Fu Ming raised his head, his eyes lit up slightly, he stood up and wanted to thank him and go out.

Duan Yunsu hurriedly pressed the person down when he saw it: "Are you trying to toss my achievements? Sit down and go back after a while."

Originally, with such a big injury, it is not suitable to walk around casually, but it is impossible for Fu Ming to stay here all the time, and he can only walk back slowly after the bleeding stops. This wound will bleed again if you are not careful.

Fu Ming took Duan Yunsu's attitude firmly, so he had no choice but to sit down. Sitting in a daze is really dry. Fu Ming saw the two chickens with bound feet, and there was no cage for them to go back at night.He happened to see some bamboo strips next to him, so he wove the chicken coop directly.Don't look at the thick palm, but the fingers are very nimble, and they touched the bottom of the chicken coop in a short while.

The bamboo strips were found by Gu Qiu. He originally planned to learn from Aunt Lin in a few days, but he didn't expect that Fu Ming had already done it before she had time.

When Duan Yunsu saw it, he followed him. The people in the village were used to being busy, but they were not used to sitting down.Duan Yunsu went directly to the place where the medicine was put just now, and carefully checked the type and quantity.

Father's legs and feet still need to be healed. Princess An has been massaging according to the method she gave her, and it has been such a long time. She should also go to see the situation and change some medicine for the prince.

After Fu Ming finished weaving two chicken coops, he finally couldn't sit still and left. Duan Yunsu didn't pay much attention to his figure.

At the end of Shen Shi, Gu Qiu came back from the town with a lot of things in his hand.When Duan Yunsu saw it, he hurried up to meet it, and stretched out his hand to take it, but Gu Qiu hid it and put it directly on the small table.

Duan Yunsu shook her head amusedly, she was not allowed to do this, she was too careful, the women in the village didn't work with their stomachs upright, and they wouldn't suffer so much when they gave birth.

(End of this chapter)

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