The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 250 Production Matters

Chapter 250 Production Matters (1)
"Miss, look, this is the soft cloth I bought back. It's just for the young master to make clothes. This is for a lady to make shoe uppers. Miss's feet are swollen. Make it bigger and comfortable to wear." Gu Qiu recited Things come out.

Duan Yunsu saw that the ink, paper and inkstone had also been bought, picked it up and looked at it, and saw that they were all the simplest.These things have always been expensive, and I don't know how much money they cost.

Princess An also came over, looked at the needles and threads she bought, and asked, "How much did the medicinal materials sell for?"

Duan Yunsu poured a bowl of water for her, and Gu Qiu drank it straight away, and replied: "The shopkeeper of the medicine hall gave me two hundred Wen directly, saying that the medicinal materials are not in short supply, so the price will be lower .But the young lady’s drying is very good, all the medicinal properties are good, and the herbal medicines are also carefully selected, so I gave the money. I went to other places to inquire, but they don’t have this price.”

Duan Yunsu nodded, she didn't know how much this thing was originally worth, and she didn't expect it to be as much as two hundred Wen.

"The embroidered handkerchief, made by Gu Qiu, is only ten coins, and the lady's needlework is also new. I talked to the shopkeeper for a long time before I got fifteen coins. The copper coins after buying things are here, madam, you Keep it." Gu Qiu took out the copper plates from his waist and handed them all over.

Princess An sighed: "It's just a little bit of money after being busy, not even half a tael."

Duan Yunsu smiled lightly: "It's too much, ordinary people can live for a long time with one tael of silver, and we also know how to gather some medicines, so the silver will accumulate more and more."

Recalling that the previous reward was more than this amount, Princess An sighed silently.How could such a small amount be enough? She still wanted to find a better stable wife for Yunsu. She couldn't be negligent during the confinement period. She must eat some good food, and the inside and outside of the house also cost money.She originally thought about going to the back mountain to collect medicine together, but it was inconvenient for the prince at home, not to mention Yunsu and Chen'er, and she couldn't leave easily.

She put the copper coins on the table, divided them into two halves, and said, "Yunsu also has some, as they will be needed sometime. Besides, it's not safe to put them in one place, so you keep them."

Duan Yunsu didn't refuse when he heard the words, and stretched out his hand to collect the money.I saw a small gray figure suddenly flashing in front of my eyes, a little thing jumped out from nowhere, jumped directly onto the table, and covered the copper plate tightly with a squat!
Duan Yunsu was taken aback by the thing that came out, he patted his heart, and after a closer look, he saw that it was nothing but a dingy rabbit.

The rabbit stretched out its claws and pulled the exposed copper plate twice and pressed it under its body. It looked at Duan Yunsu with its little red eyes, as if it was aggrieved.

"When did this village see a rabbit running around? It's really strange." Seeing that, Gu Qiu stretched out his hand and wanted to catch the rabbit.

Duan Yunsu looked at the unusual black hair on the rabbit's head, and tentatively called out: "Xiao Hei?"

The rabbit's ears twitched, and he twisted his body, still unwilling to get up from the copper coin.

Xiao Hei appeared so suddenly, Duan Yunsu lifted it whole, the little guy stretched his legs and kicked a few times, his little red eyes looked at those copper plates reluctantly.

Gu Qiu looked at Xiao Hei's face with a bit of confusion. She always knew that this little guy was not normal, but unexpectedly he was greedy for money: "Miss, how did you find Xiao Hei here?"

Let's not talk about how far Xiahe Village is from the capital. They walked all the way without any marks. It's really strange that the rabbit can find the place so directly.

Duan Yunsu smiled without saying a word, remembering that this little guy's mother is a sacred object of the Northern Kingdom, this little black must have its own outstanding features, and it cannot be judged by the standard of a rabbit at all.

"Gu Qiu, go boil some water, and give Xiao Hei a bath. If it gets dirty again, it will really turn into a black rabbit." Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to stroke its fur, and saw that there were only some weeds and thorns on it. , there is no half-way scar on the body, and the fur is as smooth as before, but it looks dingy and dusty.

Traveling and dusty?Duan Yunsu was amused by his own idea. It was not easy for this little guy to come all the way, but his courage was commendable.

Gu Qiu quickly brought out the water, and stretched out his hand to grab the rabbit and put it into the warm water. He was preventing it from escaping, but he just squatted obediently like this: "No wonder Tinghe is willing to look at this little rabbit." Things are really interesting."

It was even rarer for Princess An to see it. Originally, she also knew that there was a rabbit in Chen'er's courtyard, but she didn't pay much attention to it.What's so strange about a rabbit.Just looking at it today, it's really unexpected.

The rabbit was wet and its fur was sticking to its body.Looking at the remaining skeleton, Gu Qiu couldn't help laughing: "It's really ugly looking at it like this."

The rabbit was not happy, and jumped out of it directly.The yard is flat dirt, but not paved with bluestone slabs.The little rabbit seemed to raise its paw in disgust, and raised its small head to look at Duan Yunsu.

"Look at it, and you'll know Miss." Gu Qiu picked it up, and picked up a dry cloth to wipe his body for it.

When dinner was about to be prepared, someone suddenly knocked on the door in the yard. When he opened it, it was Lin Shusheng, the eldest son of Aunt Lin's family. He was standing in front of the door carrying half of the pork.

Duan Yunsu was startled by this appearance, what is this, coming here with pork on his back?
Seeing Gu Qiu opened the door, Lin Dalang walked in, smiled innocently, and put the things in the courtyard.

"Brother Lin, what is this for?" Duan Yunsu was puzzled.

"This is the wild boar that Fu Yang hunted today. I asked me to bring it here. It is said to be a consultation fee for the little lady." Lin Dalang looked at the two women in front of him, one of which was prettier than the other. rubbed his hands embarrassingly.

"That's too much." Duan Yunsu said with some embarrassment, this wild boar is much smaller than domestic pigs, but the wild boar is much more expensive than domestic pigs when sent to restaurants in the town , this piece of pork is used as a consultation fee, but it is more expensive.

Lin Dalang raised his head, looked at the two of them and lowered his eyes hurriedly, and said, "I just sent it here, the young lady should tell Fu Yang."

After Lin Dalang finished speaking, he would go, and the remaining two looked at the pork fan and smiled helplessly.

"Gu Qiu, cut up some of this pork and send it to Aunt Li's house, and everyone in the neighborhood will send some pork to try." Normally, people in the village would only cut up a little pork during the Chinese New Year, Duan Yunsu tilted his head thinking I thought about it: "I want to marinate the rest."

Gu Qiu responded, looking at the pig's eyes with joy, the pig came just in time.The master, wife, and miss haven't had a serious meal of meat for a long time, and this pig can still extract oil, so it can be eaten for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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