The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 253 Production Matters

Chapter 253 Production Matters (4)
Gu Qiu laughed happily, and didn't know how to answer the conversation. The young lady's thoughts sometimes jumped out of the way, and she couldn't keep up at all.

Duan Yunsu looked at the three chicks behind the hen, and unconsciously put his palms on his belly.She checked her pulse for herself, and in a blink of an eye, the baby was more than nine months old. According to her estimation, the due date was about ten or eight days.Although the food is simple every day, the child is growing very well and is not noisy, which makes her feel warm and distressed at the same time.

This child will definitely be a well-behaved child in the future.

Two days later, Princess An really invited people over, and the people in the village couldn't help talking privately when they saw it.

"Please ask this Mrs. Wang to ask for a lot of money. When did the Jiang family have so much money?"

"How can I let you know if I have money or not? Haven't you seen that people go up to the mountain to collect medicine all day long? They are so diligent. I'm afraid they have some savings after all this time?"

"Who knows, maybe it's all spent this time. This baby in her family is no different than others. If it doesn't work out, then his family's incense will have to..."

"Bah, bah, bah! You crow's mouth, Mrs. Su has cured many diseases for you, why are you cursing him like this?"

The woman carrying the basket spat on the ground: "It's my mouth that's broken, the little lady is lucky, and the mother and child will surely go well."

In the yard, Duan Yunsu looked at the old woman in her 50s and 60s who was following Princess An, and couldn't react for a while, until the old woman said: "This is your little lady? It's really about to give birth, no wonder Jiang Auntie invited me here in such a hurry."

"Mother-in-law, are you okay looking at my daughter-in-law's pregnancy?" Princess An invited people in and asked.

The old lady Wang took a closer look, and smiled until the wrinkles on her face folded: "You don't have to worry, I will take a closer look later. Although the old woman is not as good as a doctor, this mother has some experience after seeing too much. The first child It will be harder, but there should be no accidents."

Princess An was relieved to hear that.

Gu Qiu already knew Princess An's idea of ​​inviting Po Wen over, and she gave up the house she lived in early in the morning.There was no new bed at home, so I removed the quilt cover, washed it carefully and dried it all day before putting it on again.I was planning to find a place to make do for a few days, thinking that the weather is just right now, and I am not afraid of catching cold at night, and I don't care too much.

These days, Aunt Lin's house in front of the village is the one that has had the most contact with Duan Yunsu's family. Today when she came back from the field, she heard people in the village talking about it, so she put some vegetables in a basket and carried them to the end of the village. go away.

Seeing Aunt Lin coming, Gu Qiu happily opened the door: "Aunt Lin is here."

"Miss Su is about to give birth? I'll come and have a look." Aunt Li was not polite, and came in directly, put the things in her hands on the small table in the courtyard, and watched Princess An come out, Then he said: "I see that this is the first time your family has a baby. I thought of what I can do to help, so I came here."

Princess An brought her a glass of water with a smile, and said: "This is the first time, I haven't prepared it before, and I feel uneasy in my heart. Aunt Lin just came over, help me see what else I need to prepare? "

Aunt Lin was not polite, and said: "This lady Wen has invited one, but the manpower is still not enough. Why don't you ask two more experienced women to help, so that you can get busy sometimes."

Let's not talk about how much money the Jiang family spent to invite Mrs. Wang. Yin Guang is a somewhat famous stable woman like Mrs. Wang. She is not willing to let other stable women get involved.How can there be so much attention in this village, as long as the child can be born safely.

Aunt Lin looked at Princess An and was also thinking about this, and said: "Aunt Liu's family in front is a good person, with a cautious and generous temper, and has been invited by others many times. How about when that day comes, Aunt Liu's family and I come together?"

When Princess An heard this, she agreed with joy.

Both Duan Yunsu and Mrs. Wang said that the delivery was only a few days away, and Princess An became even more busy. She looked at the half-old courtyard and sighed.There are three rooms in this courtyard, one for her and the prince, when Yunsu and Chen'er saw each other, the remaining one was given to Gu Qiu, and now the lady Wang lives there.On the day of Yunsu's delivery, it became a problem which room he could go to.

Gu Qiu, who brought water back from the river, happened to see Princess An's sad face, and only after careful questioning did she understand her worry.She shook the corners of her clothes that were wet from carrying water, and said with a smile: "Madam, don't worry, let the young lady come to my room. Making the bed is only a quick thing, there should be time."

"Then where are you going?" After giving birth, she will be confined to confinement, so she can't let Gu Qiu fall asleep outside all the time.

"I'm not very good, it's okay, anyway, it's just been a few days." Gu Qiu poured water into the tank nonchalantly, and went out again after seeing that it was still half a tank away.

Princess An looked at her thinner body and let out a barely audible sigh.

At ten o'clock in the afternoon, Prince An had already returned from teaching, and was preparing for tomorrow's lecture. Princess An came in to see her, snatched the brush from his hand, and complained: "The things in your stomach can be memorized backwards." It's done, what else are you going to do?"

She put the pen directly on the simple wooden table, turned around and took out a cloth bag, which was exactly the one she took with her to the town.She rummaged through it for a while, and finally took out two wrapped slices of ginseng, and sighed again: "In the past, ginseng was always available, and I didn't think it was precious, but today, it's just for this little thing, and I have been haggling for a long time."

Prince An put away the rice paper on the table: "That's how we know how rich we were in the past. We are in the midst of blessings and don't know the blessings. Today we have worked hard for the daily necessities, and the gap is really big."

"The money I saved in the past few months has almost been spent. It cost me a lot to hire Mrs. Wang, and with these two pieces of ginseng, those copper coins will be gone in no time." Princess An took out the jar of saving money, I poured it out, but found that there were only forty or fifty left: "In the past, this kind of thing was considered cheap as a reward, but now it's a flower that can't be broken in half. Gu Qiu doesn't even have a decent house now, so I still think about it." Build another room for her in the yard."

Prince An held her hand that was counting copper coins, the original smooth palm now had fine calluses, and he felt very uncomfortable.His voice was low, his eyes were looking ahead, and he was slightly absent-minded: "Has Fu'er ever regretted it? If you had chosen that person back then..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'll follow you wherever you are. It's nothing to be bitter. It's not bad if it's quiet today."

Seeing Princess An's smile without any grievance, Prince An felt sour in his heart: "I will definitely let you live a good life, give me some more time."

(End of this chapter)

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