The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 254 The Joy of Long Zhang

Chapter 254 The Joy of Long Zhang (1)
Princess An smiled slightly at him, and Zhao Jue felt for a moment that even the hibiscus flowers that once filled the yard were not as beautiful as the woman in front of him.

It was getting dark, Duan Yunsu moved his body for Zhao Hechen like in the past, Gu Qiu came in and took out the dirty water, then came back to tidy up, looked at the rabbit at the foot of the bed, thinking what if Miss It's not good to stumble upon it in the middle of the night, so I reached out and wanted to grab it by the ear.

How could Xiao Hei do what she wanted, and hid under the bed in no time, and Gu Qiu had nothing to do with it.

"Miss, is it time to rest?"

"I'm talking to Chenchen. Gu Qiu has been busy all day, so go to bed quickly." When she is born and healthy, she can also help the family with more work, so that the princess and Gu Qiu can relax.

"Can my uncle hear what Miss said?"

"How do I know? You have to ask him. I'm about to give birth. If I don't wake up, let's play with the baby so that the baby won't recognize him as the father. Just call mother and see if he's in a hurry " Duan Yunsu couldn't help loosening his fingers for him originally, and he muttered in his mouth.

Gu Qiu knew that his lady was talking angry words, how could she be so cruel to my uncle when she cared so much about him.But this pregnant woman is the biggest, so she has to speak according to the mood of the young lady: "Yes, the good Gu Qiu will also be with her at that time, the young lady is capable and handsome, and she will be popular there."

"That's it." Duan Yunsu glanced at the person on the bed, then put his gaze on the person's hand, and continued to massage: "The baby must be growing well, if he wants Daddy, let him go by himself Find a."

"Miss, miss!" Gu Qiu suddenly shouted, "Young master moved!"

Duan Yunsu looked at it in surprise, but didn't notice it.

"I saw it, my uncle's eyeballs moved." Gu Qiu was a little anxious, why didn't he respond now.

Duan Yunsu smiled: "It's fine if you move, Gu Qiu don't be bluffing."

"My uncle must have heard it. My uncle likes Miss the most. How can I bear the young master to find a new father for Miss? My uncle is in a hurry!"

Duan Yunsu laughed out loud.

As the day drew closer, Duan Yunsu's body became heavier and heavier. Gu Qiu helped her walk around the yard a few times, and it was said that the delivery would be smoother this way.Seeing that the sun was about to shine, he said: "Go to Miss's room, the sun will get brighter later."

Outside the house, a woman wrapped in a cloth towel walked by with a hoe on her shoulders, looked in from the fence, smiled and asked with squinted eyes: "Is Miss Su okay today?"

"Thank you for your concern, Auntie, the baby is doing well." Seeing the kind smile on her face, Gu Qiu replied directly.

"That's good. Auntie is going to work in the field first. Madam Su should pay more attention."

"Forget it, auntie, go away." Gu Qiu said goodbye to the woman with a smile, and was about to help Duan Yunsu back when she turned her head, but saw her face turned pale.

"What's wrong, miss?" Gu Qiu was shocked.

"Stomach hurts, but it's about to give birth?" Duan Yunsu only felt a sudden burst of pain, but it passed quickly.She has no experience in childbirth, but she has seen a lot of patients. Could it be the time of labor pains?
Gu Qiu felt nervous and almost panicked.She is also a girl who has not left her boudoir, how can she know this.However, considering that these two days were the days when Miss gave birth, she hurriedly called Princess An out.

Princess An was still embroidering this little dress, when she heard Gu Qiu's anxious voice, she hurriedly threw the things in her hands and came over.When Mrs. Wang heard the sound, she went straight out of the door. Looking at Duan Yunsu's face, she knew in her heart: "I'm afraid it's about to give birth. Some people will be in pain for several hours, and some people will be in pain for a day or two. Hurry up and prepare some food first, or you will lose your strength when you are born."

Gu Qiu hurriedly helped him into the house, and Princess An confessed: "Gu Qiu, go and invite Aunt Lin and Aunt Liu over, and tell her that Yunsu is about to give birth and ask her to help. Go and pack up the things that should be prepared, and get some food for Yunsu."

"Oh." Gu Qiu responded, and hurried out.

"It's still early at this time, little lady can walk a little longer, and the birth will be smoother later." Mrs. Wang directly supported Duan Yunsu, letting her walk with her little feet.

The pain went down, and I didn't feel very hard after walking two steps.After a while, the pain came up again. Duan Yunsu gritted his teeth, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead, and continued to walk a few times, only to feel that his whole body was about to tremble with pain.

"This child is really impatient." When Mrs. Wang saw Duan Yunsu, she felt pain again, and said, "The interval between your labor pains is also shorter than others, so I think you will be able to give birth today. Mrs. Su, please be patient." Come on, we women have to go through this."

Princess An had already prepared the buckets, basins and other utensils, as well as ginseng medicine, brown sugar, ginger, straw paper, etc. After tidying up the bed, she hurried to the kitchen while preparing food.Have hot water on the side.

Seeing that Duan Yunsu was really in pain, Mrs. Wang helped her into the house, and asked her to lie down when she was in pain. If the pain passed and she could come down, it would be better to walk around.Duan Yunsu nodded yes, and reached out to caress the child in his stomach.

She was also a little scared in her heart, after all, this was the first time she had ever had a baby.But thinking that the baby will come out to meet her soon, this is her closest blood in this time and space, as if she has finally given birth to roots here, recalling all the things before, I feel mixed feelings in my heart.

When she saw Duan Yunsu's labor pains wave after wave, Mrs. Wang knew that the child might be coming out, and half an hour later, she saw that the amniotic fluid had broken.Wang Pozi calmed down and went to the side to clean her hands and prepare to deliver the baby.

It was already noon, and Prince An originally wanted to rush back when Gu Qiu sent the news, but Gu Qiu said that he would have to wait for a while, so he absent-mindedly taught the child a few words. The ancestral hall in the village is back.

Aunt Lin and Aunt Liu also came over, looked at the situation in the house, said a few words to Mrs. Wang, then drove everyone out of the house, and asked Gu Qiu to bring hot water in, and then Closed the door directly.

Duan Yunsu on the bed was so painful that his clothes were already wet with sweat, and the hair on his forehead was wet with beads of sweat. He clutched the quilt tightly with his hands, bit his lip and groaned a few times. It seemed to be extremely painful.

"Little lady, don't just yell when you're in pain, but put your energy into giving birth." Mrs. Wang explained, seeing Duan Yunsu keeping her voice so silent, she couldn't help admiring in her heart.There were a lot of deliveries before, and some people kept shouting like this, their throats became hoarse, and they had no strength when they were born.

It's just that the pain of giving birth is not tolerable, and those who have experienced it all understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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