The genius doctor lady is crazy

261 Chapter 1 Going Out the Door

261 Chapter 1 Going Out the Door ([-])
"Chen'er's baby must be the smartest." Zhao Hechen lifted his chin with pride.

Duan Yunsu said with a smile: "No matter how smart you are, you can't call someone so quickly. Daddy has been thinking about Xiaobao's name recently. Why don't Chen'er help Daddy?"

I thought about it several times at first, but in the end I suddenly felt bad.Later, I saw that the child also had a baby name, and it was convenient to call it. I thought that the first name had not been used so quickly, so I slowed down and thought about it carefully.

Zhao Hechen was about to speak, when the baby in his arms suddenly frowned, and his mouth was about to cry.Zhao Hechen froze completely, looking at Duan Yunsu as if asking for help.

Duan Yunsu looked at it and said, "Xiaobao is going to pee? Chenchen should change Xiaobao's diaper."

When Zhao Hechen heard it, he stretched out his hand and touched it as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Seeing that it was dry, he was about to say no, but the next moment, a wave of wetness came, and Zhao Hechen's face froze.

Looking at the giggling and cheerful Duan Yunsu, and then looking at Xiaobao's innocent eyes, Zhao Hechen suddenly had a bad feeling. Why did he feel that the big and small in front of him were planning to jointly bully him? coming?

As for taking care of the child, Zhao Hechen was really in a hurry. Back then, he didn't even know where to put his hands while holding the child, let alone changing a diaper for the first time.

The cry of the child came from the room, and Princess An outside heard it and hurried in, only to see the baby was showing a small buttock, and Zhao Hechen was sweating profusely holding clean little clothes and didn't know what to do.Even Duan Yunsu couldn't help but sat up, it seemed that he was ready to do it himself.

Princess An came in, took the things in his hands angrily, and said, "You men are all clumsy hands, if you don't change them, be careful that the child catches a cold."

Zhao Hechen stared at Princess An's movements, scratched his head and said, "The baby is soft, Chen'er is afraid it will be damaged."

"You guys have thick hands and feet, so go do the heavy work. Xiaobao has me and Yunsu enough." Princess An tidied things up in a few moments, reached out to pick up the child and patted it gently, and said to the baby with a smile: "Isn't that right, Xiaobao? It's better to be with grandma and mother."

When Zhao Hechen heard this, he became anxious, how could he not want him?He put his head up pitifully: "Mother is tired from working all day, let Chen'er come."

Princess An glared at him, and sat down with the child in her arms, as if she didn't see him.

Zhao Hechen pursed his lips, turned around and looked at Duan Yunsu: "My lady, why don't you have two."

"..." Duan Yunsu was ashamed, she had no final say on the number of children.Princess An has been looking forward to her grandson for so many years, of course it is rare, what is there to argue about as a father.

"Chen'er must be tired from busy work every day, let's take a rest." After all, Princess An has not forgotten her son, looking at his tanned skin, she felt a little distressed.

Zhao Hechen glanced at Xiaobao, saw that he was already asleep, and didn't dare to wake it up, so he had to go out first, walked a few steps, then turned around and said, "Mother, Chen'er is going to the town in a few days' time. Let's go, exchange money for the lady and make delicious food."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Duan Yunsu, only to see that his own wife was looking at him with open eyes, her eyes burning with thought.Zhao Hechen's heart skipped a beat, his wife is not stupid, and she must know him best when she gets along day and night.Zhao Hechen's black jade-like eyes blinked twice, and his voice became a little clear: "Why are you looking at Chen'er like this, lady? Is Chen'er's face dirty?"

Duan Yunsu saw him foolishly reaching out to rub his face a few times, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just that Chenchen looks good when it's dark."

Zhao Hechen grinned, turned around and went out the door with two hecks, leaving Duan Yunsu looking at her back thoughtfully.

Early the next morning, when the sky was still light, Zhao Hechen got up.He walked to the small yard and saw Gu Qiu spreading the chicken food, and the three chicks were screaming "chee-chee", vying for food happily.Xiao Hei, who was squatting on the chicken coop lid, suddenly jumped down, rushed to the little chicken, lifted the rabbit's paw, and gave the little yellow chicken a paw in front of it.The chicken cub staggered for a while, and continued to peck at things on the ground in two or three steps.

Zhao Hechen looked at Xiao Hei carefully for a while, and suddenly smiled.Xiao Hei shook his ears, looked at Zhao Hechen alertly, and took a step back quietly.

Zhao Hechen reached out to grab it, but Xiao Hei suddenly jumped and hid behind Gu Qiu.Gu Qiu looked at Zhao Hechen in confusion, and said, "Why do you want to catch Xiao Hei?"

I don't know why, my uncle doesn't like playing with rabbits as much as before, why did he suddenly start teasing again today?
"Xiao Hei can't eat, so I have to take Xiao Hei to help me find food for Susu."

The sparkle in Zhao Hechen's eyes startled Gu Qiu.If you don't know, you may think that my uncle's eyes are trying to kill Xiao Hei.Thinking of Zhao Hechen's love to go hunting with Fu Yang from the back mountain these days, he was even more startled. Could it be that my uncle wants to use Xiao Hei as bait to lure the wild beasts in the mountain? !Oh my god, the weak little black can still come back alive!
"Uncle, this little black lady likes it very much..." Gu Qiu tried to stop it.

"Chen'er knows." Zhao Hechen suddenly got behind her in a flash, and the little black was about to jump away, but it was too late, and fell into Zhao Hechen's hands in a blink of an eye.

"Grandpa, this..."

Zhao Hechen thought of Fu Yang, he looked up at Gu Qiu's embarrassed look, and smiled, holding the white rabbit and shaking it in front of her eyes: "Gu Qiu, Big Brother Fu said he hasn't seen you for a few days."

"Why do you see me?" Gu Qiu looked at Zhao Hechen inexplicably, not knowing why he mentioned this.

Seeing that Gu Qiu heard this, Zhao Hechen smiled even more happily except for doubts, and looked at Gu Qiu, a little confused: "What are you laughing at?"

Zhao Hechen walked out of the courtyard with a smile, thinking that Fu Yang was wishful thinking, he suddenly felt happy in his heart.In the yard, Gu Qiu stood alone in a daze. It took him a while to remember something, and he hurriedly shouted at the figure: "Hey, where are you going? You haven't had breakfast yet!"

Under the hazy sky, the man walked further and further away, and it was unknown if he heard her voice.Gu Qiu sighed softly, and continued with the work in hand.

Duan Yunsu was going to confinement, Prince An was going to teach, Zhao Hechen went out again early in the morning, the small courtyard was much quieter.Princess An wants to come and help Gu Qiu with more work, but Gu Qiu's hands and feet are so fast, there is not much left to do.Princess An glanced at the water tank, and then at the neatly stacked firewood. She didn't know when Zhao Hechen had finished this thing.Seeing this, Princess An had no choice but to go into the room again and concentrate on embroidering a screen.

This is the job that Gu Qiu took over from the town last time. I heard that a rich family is going to marry their daughter. This screen was originally intended to hire an embroiderer with exquisite craftsmanship.It's just that I don't know why, but in the end it was placed in the shop where Gu Qiu used to sell embroidery work in Shangzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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